Creating and Managing Workflows


You can use workflows to automate business processes – both CommCell and external – using predefined activities defined in a specific order. You must have administrative permissions on the CommServe server to create and deploy workflows.


  • Only CommCell administrators can create and edit workflows on the Developer tools > Workflows page.

  • Tenant administrators and end users cannot create and edit workflows. They can execute only the workflows they can access and complete the actions the CommCell administrator assigned on the Manage > Workflows page. For more information, see Running Workflows and Completing Actions.

The Command Center includes predefined workflows, such as the Check Readiness workflow, which checks the connectivity of all the client computers within a client group. You can also create new workflows. Other workflows, such as business logic workflows, are available in the Commvault Store. The workflows in the Commvault Store include a readme that explains the workflow.


  • Quickly define business processes using predefined activities, instead of spending hours writing scripts, integrating programs with "glue-code," and building state machines.

  • Use the debug mode to see runtime information and activity inputs and outputs.

  • Design a workflow using a library that contains basic tasks.

  • Create workflows for common tasks and let end users run self-service workflows from the Web Console.

  • Automatically send emails or action items when something needs to be approved or reviewed.

  • Set workflow permissions to control the user actions, such as the ability to run a specific workflow but not modify it.

  • View workflow job history.

  • Manage and troubleshoot workflow jobs from the Job history page.

  • Run workflows as APIs. API Workflows run completely in memory (no job ID is assigned).