Managing IBM i File System Subclients

Subclients contain information about what data is backed up. You can create a user-defined subclient to manage and back up specific data files.

Subclients can contain a combination of files and directories.

You can use wildcards to define the subclient content, exclusions, and exceptions.

For more information on the supported IBM i wildcards, see Supported Wildcards for IBM i File Systems.

You can create subclients for specific folders and files that frequently change or have a different backup schedule.

About This Task

The following subclient content options are available:

  • Commvault pre-defined content that consists of one or more of the following data:

    • Security objects

    • Configuration objects

    • IBM system libraries

    • User libraries

    • Documents, folders, and distribution objects

    • IBM directories and the user objects that are contained in the directories

  • User-defined content is a set of folders and directories that you define.

Before You Begin

  1. If you do not want to use the default backup set, create a backup set.

  2. Make sure that you have the following information:

    • The plan to assign to the subclient


      You can only assign a plan to a subclient when it is the only subclient in the backup set.

      Plans contain information about how often the software backs up the data and the storage library.

      For more information, see Plans.

Start the Configuration Wizard

  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > File Servers.

    The Overview page appears.

  2. Go to the File servers tab, and then click the file server.

    The file server page appears.

  3. On the Subclients tab, in the upper-right area of the page, click Add subclient.

    The Add subclient dialog box appears.

  4. In the Subclient name box, type the subclient name.

  5. From the Backup sets list, select a backup set.

  6. Click Next.

    The Plan page of the configuration wizard appears.


  1. From the Plan list, select the backup plan to use for the server.

  2. Click Next.

    The Content page of the configuration wizard appears.

Backup Content

  1. From the Type list, select the bacup content type.

    • For Pre-defined content, select the checkbox against the type of content to back up.

    • For Custom content, click Add to define the content to backup.

  2. Move the Exclusions toggle key to the right to define exclusions.

  3. Click Next.

    The Save while active page of the configuration wizard appears.

Save While Active

  1. Complete the following steps:

    1. To determine whether a user can update an object while the object is being saved, from the Save while active list, select one of the following options:

      If you selected



      Select this option when you do not want to save the objects that are in use.


      Select this option when you need to save the objects in a library while they are used by another job. All of the objects reach a checkpoint at the same time and are saved in a consistent state in relationship to each other.


      This option is only available when you have custom subclient content that contains libraries.

      Select this option when you want to have all the objects and libraries that are part of the save operation reach a checkpoint together and be saved in a consistent state in relationship to each other.

      When you select this option, the software makes the Backup library content(s) as objects check box unavailable.

      Note: You cannot specify more than 32 libraries.

      When you synchronize a backup, the software:

      Starts the synchronization by using the "STRSAVSYNC" command

      Sends messages that are related to synchronization to the message queue (when this is selected)

      Runs a command after the synchronization completes (when this option is specified)

      Saves the objects and libraries that are part of the save operation when they reach a checkpoint together in a consistent state


      Select this option when you need to save the objects in a library while they are in use by another job. Objects in a library may reach checkpoints at different times and may not be in a consistent state in relationship to each other.

    2. To set the time that the backup operation waits for an object that is in use, or for transactions that have a pending change to reach a commit boundary before it continues the save operation, in the Save active wait time (seconds) box, type the number of seconds.

      If you selected


      *LIB or *SYSDFN

      Valid values: 0-99999


      Valid values: 0-99999

      The default is 600 seconds.

    3. Pending record changes: For the group of objects that are checkpointed together, specifies the wait time for transactions with pending record changes to reach a commit boundary. The Save active (SAVACT) parameter determines which objects are checkpointed together. If you specify 0, all objects currently being saved must be at commit boundaries. If you specify any other value, all objects that are journaled to the same journals as the objects being saved must reach commit boundaries. If a commit boundary is not reached in the specified time, the save operation ends, unless the value *NOCMTBDY is specified.

      • *LOCKWAIT

        The system waits until the value specified for Element 1 for transactions with pending record changes to reach a commit boundary.

      • *NOCMTBDY

        The system saves objects without requiring transactions with pending record changes to reach a commit boundary, so objects might be saved with partial transactions.


      If you restore an object that was saved with partial transactions, you cannot use the object until you apply or remove journal changes (APYJRNCHG or RMVJRNCHG command) to reach commit boundaries. All journal receivers that contain information about the partial transactions must apply or remove the changes. Until you apply or remove the changes, any future save of that object will include the partial transactions, even if you do not specify *NOCMTBDY.

      • *NOMAX

        No maximum wait time specified.

    4. Other Pending changes: (Optional) For each library, this option specifies the wait time for transactions with any other pending changes to reach a commit boundary. Other pending changes include the following:

      • Changes to the library at the Data Definition Language (DDL) object level.

      • Any API commitment resources that were added without the option to allow normal save processing. For more information, see the Add Commitment Resource (QTNADDCR) API in the IBM i Information Center.

      • The library is not saved if a commit boundary is not reached for a library in the specified time.

      • *LOCKWAIT

        The system waits for the value specified for Element 1, for transactions that are listed above to reach a commit boundary.

      • *NOMAX

        No maximum wait time specified.

  2. Click Next.

    The Advacned Options page of the configuration wizard appears.

Advanced Options

  1. To backup spooled file data from the server, move the Backup Spooled File Data toggle to the right.

  2. Click Next.

    The Pre-Process And Post-Process Commands page of the configuration wizard appears.

Backup Process Settings

  1. In the Backup process settings section, enter the following information:

    • Pre-backup process: Enter the path to the batch file.


    • Post-backup process: Enter the path to the batch file.


  2. Click Submit.


The software adds the subclient and you can perform backup and restore operations on the subclient. If you assigned a plan to the subclient, the following operations happen:

  • The software automatically backs up the subclient according to the schedule plans

  • The software assigns the plan to the subclient's backup set
