Changes in Service Pack 16


If you upgrade from a previous version, you will find that some features and options have been updated and enhanced. To read more about the features in this version, click the link listed in the Learn more column.

Archiving Agents

Introduced in



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Archiving for Windows, UNIX and Macintosh, NetApp, Hitachi NAS (BlueArc), Celerra, and Network Share

Archive Set Creation

You can create a new archive set at the agent level.

Previously, you created a backup set to archive your data.

Creating a New Archive Set for Archiving for Windows File System


Archiving for Windows, UNIX and Macintosh, NetApp, Hitachi NAS (BlueArc), Celerra, and Network Share

Subclient Creation for Archiving

You can create a new archiving subclient at the archive set level.

Previously, you created an archiving subclient at the backup set level.

Creating a New Subclient for Archiving for Windows File System


Archiving for Windows, UNIX and Macintosh, NetApp, Hitachi NAS (BlueArc), Celerra, and Network Share

Disk Cleanup Tab Renamed to Archiving Rules

To provide granular support, the Disk Cleanup tab in subclient properties has been renamed to Archiving Rules, and divided into General and Advanced subtabs.

Previously, you configured archiving rules for data in the Disk Cleanup tab.

Archiving Rules


Archiving for Windows, UNIX and Macintosh, NetApp, Hitachi NAS (BlueArc), Celerra, and Network Share

Data Retention Options

To simplify data retention configurations, Object-Based Retention options are removed for new archiving subclients. Only Job-Based Retention options are available.

Previously, you configured Job-Based Retention and Object-Based Retention options for the archiving subclients.

Configuring Retention Criteria

Backup Agents

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Oracle and Oracle RAC

Oracle Restore Simplification in CommCell Console

Oracle and Oracle RAC restore procedures using the CommCell Console have been simplified. A new "Oracle Restore Options" dialog box asks the user to specify the type of restore to be run.

The procedures for the following restore operations have changed, with the GUI items for each operation being consolidated to simplify the steps needed:

  • Duplicating a database (includes creating a standby database)

  • Cloning an Oracle 12c Pluggable Database (PDB)

Running an RMAN duplicate restore or creating a standby database without the destination (auxiliary) instance configured in Commvault is no longer supported.

Oracle Restores

Oracle RAC CommCell Console Restore Operations


Windows File System

Backup job progresses even after the VSS snapshot creation fails

When the VSS snapshot creation fails for a system state backup, the backup operation completes with errors. The backup operation protects the regular data and skips the backup of system state data.

Previously, when a VSS snapshot creation failed during a system state backup, the backup operation failed.

Enabling Volume Shadow Service (VSS) for Windows File System Backups


Windows File System

Excluding Application Files

To exclude application files such as Exchange Database files, SQL Server files, Oracle Database files, you must add the following subclient filters:

  • <BIF,+MSExchange>

  • <BIF,+SQLServer>

  • <BIF,+OracleDatabase>

  • <BIF,+HyperV>

    To exclude Virtual Server data files from your backup, you must have the Virtual Server Agent installed on your client computer.

Previously, you created the FilterWriterFilesForIDA additional setting on the client computer to filter application files.

Excluding Application Files from Windows File System Backups


Windows File System

Outlook PST File Backups

PST (Personal Storage Table) files are now backed up only if there is any email activity in the mailbox.

Previously, PST files were backed up only when there is a change in the timestamp of files.


Windows File System, OnePass for Windows, and OnePass for NAS

Snapshot directories are now excluded from archive and backup operations

Snapshot directories are now automatically excluded from backup and archive operations.

Previously, snapshot directories were included in the backup and archive operations.

Backup Agents - Windows File System and UNIX File System

Introduced in


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Default number of data readers for new subclients is now 4

For Service Pack 16 and more recent service packs, the default number of data readers for new subclients is 4.

For Service Pack 15 and earlier service packs, the default number of data readers was 2. For subclients that were created in Service Pack 15 or earlier service packs, the previous default value is retained when you upgrade to a later service pack.


CommCell Management

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In the CommCell Console GUI, the term "proxy" is replaced with the term "network gateway".

Data Management

Introduced in



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MMPruneprocessIntervalMin additional setting is not honored

Auto tuning will happen for the prune interval and the batch count for deduplicated data and non deduplicated data pruning based on the backlog in pruning.

Previously MMPruneprocessIntervalMin additional setting was configured to determine the minimum time period between processing the physical pruning logic in MediaManager service.



DDB Move

You cannot move the deduplication database from a source MediaAgent with version higher than or equal to SP14 or SP16 to a destination MediaAgent with version lower than the source MediaAgent version.


Synthetic Full Backups

Run Incremental Backup > Before Synthetic Full/After Synthetic Full option has been removed

Synthetic full backups no longer depend on incremental backups, and the Run Incremental Backup > Before Synthetic Full/After Synthetic Full option no longer appears in the Backup Options window for new schedules and schedule policies. The option will appear for existing schedules and schedule policies (that is, created in SP15 or earlier) that use the option.

Synthetic Full Backups

Edge Backup and Access

Introduced in



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Web Console

Hide CommCell Console link for SAML Users

The CommCell Console link on the Web Console is hidden by default for users who log on to the Web Console using a SAML- based solution. To view the link, the administrator must enable an additional setting.

Previously, SAML users were able to view the CommCell Consolelink on the Web Console by default.


Laptop Backup on Windows

New Improved Edge Monitor App

Edge Monitor (Laptop2TaksbarIcon.exe) is now replaced with a new Edge monitor app (CVEdgeMonitor.exe)

The new Edge monitor app for Windows uses the native Windows app design to provide an improved user interface.

Accessing Edge Monitor


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Reports on Command Center and Web Console

In the License Summary report, backup capacity for the following is now calculated based on the largest subclient for each backup set or instance:






Backups in the Capacity Calculation


Reports in the Commvault Store

The APSS Missed SLA Report and APSS Exclude SLA Workflow are removed from the Commvault Store. The APSS Missed SLA Report information was merged into the SLA Report on the Command Center.

Excluding Subclients from the SLA Report on the Command Center

Storage Management

Introduced in



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Indexing Version 2

By default, index backups now run every 24 hours.

Modifying an Index Backup Schedule (Indexing Version 2)


Storage Policy Copy

The following configurations are moved from the General tab to the Copy Configuration area in the Copy Policy tab of the storage policy copy properties:

  • Enable Parallel Copy

  • Enable Inline Copy

  • Pick data from running backup jobs

  • Space optimized Auxiliary Copy

  • Defer Auxiliary Copy for n day(s)

Copy Properties - Copy Policy


Disk Library

If the amount of free space falls below the Warning Watermark (%), then a Level 3 defragmentation job is automatically started after 7 days of the library meeting the Warning Watermark (%).

Defragmentation Of Disks


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Virtual Server Agent (all hypervisors)

For Service Pack 16 and more recent service packs, the default number of data readers for new Virtual Server Agent subclients is 5 for all hypervisors.

For Service Pack 15 and earlier service packs, the default number of data readers was 2 for all hypervisors. For subclients that were created in Service Pack 15 or earlier service packs, the previous default value is retained when you upgrade to a later service pack.

Default Number of Data Readers for Subclients