CVLN Command Line Tool


Use the CVLN Command Line tool to determine whether an error that occurred during a backup or restore operation is caused by an issue with the Domino server or with the Commvault software. For each operation that you run on the Commvault software, you can run a command on the CVLN tool. The output indicates if the issue is with the Domino server or with the Commvault software. If the command fails, then the issue is with the Domino server. If the command runs successfully, then the issue is with the Commvault software.

Running a Command Using the CVLN Tool

Before You Begin

To run the CVLN tool on a UNIX client, export the following variables before running each command.

export LOTUS=<domino lotus path> export Notes_ExecDirectory=<domino exe path> export NOTES_DATA_DIR=<domino data path> export PATH=$PATH:<domino exe path>:<domino data path> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<domino exe path>

For example:

export LOTUS=/domino/lotus85/lotus/
 export Notes_ExecDirectory=/domino/lotus85/lotus/notes/latest/linux/
 export NOTES_DATA_DIR=/domino/lotus85/data/
 export PATH=$PATH:/domino/lotus85/lotus/notes/latest/linux/:/domino/lotus85/data/
 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/domino/lotus85/lotus/notes/latest/linux

The executable file of the CVLN tool is present in the Base folder of the Commvault software. Run the required commands from the Windows command prompt.

The high-level steps to run commands on the CVLN are as follows:

  1. Log on to a client computer that has a Domino server installed.

  2. On the command line, go to software_installation_directory/Base, and then type the required command shown in the table below.

    By looking at the output, you can determine if the issue is with the Domino server or with the Commvault software. If the command fails then the issue is with the Domino server, if the command runs successfully then the issue is with the Commvault software.

CVLN Commands and Their Syntaxes

You can run commands on a client computer that has a Domino server installed. There are a few commands that you can run even without the Domino server. However, to run these commands, you need an admin client installed on the client computer. For more information about the commands, see the Comments sections.

The following sections list all the commands that you can run from the command line. For information about the instance XML parameters that the CVLN tool supports, see XML Parameters for CVLN Command Line Tool.

Discover Mailboxes

  • To discover all the mailboxes on a Domino server

  • To determine the number of user accounts on a Domino server


CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e <domino_program_files_path> -i <=notes.ini_path> -op discovermailboxes -s <domino_server_name> -t <output_file_path>

CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e "C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino" -i "=C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino\notes.ini" -op discovermailboxes -s "" -t "E:\output.txt"

Running this operation is same as running a mailbox discovery operation for a Domino Mailbox agent on the Commvault software.

Discover Databases


To discover all the databases in a Domino server


CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e <domino_program_files_path> -i <=notes.ini_path> -dp <notes_data_path> -op discoverdatabases -s <domino_server_name> -t <output_file_path>

CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e "C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino" -i "=C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino\notes.ini" –dp C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino\data -op discoverdatabases -s "" -t "E:\output.txt"

Running this operation is same as running a database discovery operation for Notes on the Commvault software.

Export Note

You can export a single document or all documents in a database.

  • To export one document as an XML file to a staging directory

  • To export a database with all documents as XML files to a staging directory

  • To export a single document:

    CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e <domino_program_files_path> -i <=notes.ini_path> -op exportnote -s <domino_server_name> -d <database_path> -n <noteid> -discarddata –openflag <flag> -views <viewNames> -excludeviews <viewNames> -doctypefilter <docTypeName> -t <staging_directory_path>

  • To export all documents in a database:

    CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e <domino_program_files_path> -i <=notes.ini_path> -op exportnote -s <domino_server_name> -d <database_path> -discarddata -notetype {all|data} -t <staging_directory>

  • To export a single document:

    CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e "C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino" -i "=C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino\notes.ini" -op exportnote -s "" -d "mail_pt.nsf" –n 2458 -t "E:\output"
  • To export all documents in a database:

    CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e "C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino" -i "=C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino\notes.ini" -op exportnote -s "" -d "mail_pt.nsf" -notetype data -t "E:\output"
  • Running this operation is same as running a backup operation for Notes on the Commvault software.

  • A collect file is created in the staging directory. The collect file lists all the documents that are in the staging directory.

  • You can also run this command on a computer that has only the admin client installed. In this case, do not include -s <domino_server_name> in the command.

Import Note

You can import a single document or all documents in a database.

  • To restore a note.xml file to the Domino database

  • Use this command when one or more documents in a database are deleted but the database is present on the Domino server

  • To import a single document:

    CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e <domino_program_files_path> -i <=notes.ini_path> -op importnote -s <domino_server_name> -d <database_path> -t <note.xml_path>

  • To import all documents in a database:

    CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e <domino_program_files path> -i <=notes.ini_path> -op importnote -s <domino_server_name> -d <database_path> -t <staging_directory_path>

  • To import a single document:

    CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e "C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino" -i "=C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino\notes.ini" -op importnote -s "" -d "mail_pt.nsf" -t "E:\output\Note_3DA.xml"
  • To import all documents in a database:

    CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e "C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino" -i "=C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino\notes.ini" -op importnote -s "" -d "mail_pt.nsf" -t "E:\output"
  • Running this operation is same as running a restore operation for Notes on the Commvault software.

  • You cannot restore a note file if the database in which the deleted note file was present is deleted from Domino database.

  • The import note command restores the documents in that database, if you ran the export note command previously and if a directory that contains the output of the export note command exists.

  • You can also run this command on a computer that has only the admin client installed. In this case, do not include -s <domino_server_name> in the command.

Restore Database

  • To restore the complete database with all its documents back to the Domino server

  • Use this command when the entire database is deleted from the server


CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e <domino_program_files_path> -i <=notes.ini_path>-op restoredb -s <domino_server_name> -d <database_path > -t <staging_directory_path>

CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e "C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino" -i "=C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino\notes.ini" -op restoredb -s "" -d "mail_pt.nsf" -t "E:\output"
  • Running this operation is same as running a restore operation for a Notes Database agent on the Commvault software.

  • The restore database command restores the entire deleted database with all documents.

  • The database is restored to the Domino server, if you ran the export note command previously and if a directory that contains the output of the export note command exists.

  • You can also run this command on a computer that has only the admin client installed.

Backup All Mailboxes

  • To discover all mailboxes in a Domino server

  • To export the discovered mailboxes as .xml files to a staging directory


CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e <domino_program_files_path> -i <=notes.ini_path> -op backupallmailboxes -s <domino_server_name> -t <staging_directory_path>

CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e "C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino" -i "=C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino\notes.ini" -op backupallmailboxes -s "" -d "mail_pt.nsf" -t "E:\output"

Running this operation is same as running a backup operation for a Domino Mailbox agent on the Commvault software.

Discover Unread Notes


To discover unread documents in a Notes database file


CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe –e <domino_program_files_path> -i <=notes.ini_path> -op discoverunreadnotes -s <domino_server_name> -d <database_path> -t <output_file_path>

CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e "C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino" -i "=C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino\notes.ini" -op discoverunreadnotes -s "" -d "mail_pt.nsf" -t "E:\output.txt”
  • After you run this command, an output file is created in the specified location. The output file contains the database title, the canonical name of the database, and the list of unread documents.

  • You can also run this command on a computer that has only the admin client installed.

You can print details of a single document or all documents in a database.

  • To print the details of a single document that is in the database of a Domino server

  • To print the details of all the documents that are in the database of a Domino server

  • To print details of a single document:

    CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e <domino_program_files_path> -i <=notes.ini_path> -op printnotesdetails -s <domino_server_name> -d <database_path> -n <noteid> -t <staging_directory_path>

  • To print details of all documents in a database:

    CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e <domino_program_files_path> -i <=notes.ini_path> -op printnotesdetails -s <domino_server_name> -d <database_path> -notetype {all|data} -t <staging_directory_path>

  • To print details of a single document:

    CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e "C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino" -i "=C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino\notes.ini" -op printnotesdeatils -s “" -d "mail_pt.nsf" –n "2458" -t "E:\output”
  • To print details of all documents in a database:

    CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e "C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino" -i "=C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino\notes.ini" -op printnotesdeatils -s "" -d "mail_pt.nsf" -notetype all -t "E:\output”
  • After you run this command, an output file is created in the staging directory. The output file contains details such as document creation time, modified time, last accessed time, and so on.

  • You can also run this command on a computer that has only the admin client installed.

Find View or Shared Folder


To get the details of documents that are in a specific database folder or view


CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e <domino_program_files_path> -i <=notes.ini_path> -op findvieworfolders –s <domino_server_name> -d <database_path> -foldernames <folder_name1>;<folder_name2> -t <output_file_path>

CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e "C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino" -i "=C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino\notes.ini" -op findvieworfolders -s "" -d "mail_pt.nsf" -foldernames $Inbox;$Drafts -t "E:\output.txt”
  • Displays the note ID of documents on the console.

  • You can also run this command on a computer that has only the admin client installed.

Get Transaction Log Style


To get the transaction logging style from the Domino server


CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e <domino_program_files_path> -i <=notes.ini path> -op gettlstyle –s <domino_server_name> -d <database_path> -t <output_file_path>

CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e "C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino" -i "=C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino\notes.ini" -op gettlstyle -s "" -d "mail_pt.nsf" -t "E:\output.txt"

Get Transaction Extent


To get the active log extent from the Domino server


CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e <domino_program_files_path> -i <=notes.ini_path> -op gettransactionextent –s <domino_server_name> -d <database_path> - t <output_file_path>

CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e "C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino" -i "=C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino\notes.ini" -op gettransactionextent -s "" -d "mail_pt.nsf" -t "E:\output.txt"

The output shows details such as the active log file path, the log ID, and the unique log sequence number.

Get Database Instance ID


To get the database instance ID of a document that is in a database

CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e <domino_program_files_path> -i <=notes.ini_path> -op getdbiid –s <domino_server_name> -d <database_path> -t <output_file_path>
CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e "C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino" -i "=C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino\notes.ini" -op getdbiid -s "" -d "mail_pt.nsf" -t "E:\output.txt"

Get Database Quota


To get database size information

CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e <domino_program_files_path> -i <=notes.ini_path> -op getDbQuota –s <domino_server_name> -d <database_path> -t <output_file_path>
CVLNTool_CmdUtility.exe -e "C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino" -i "=C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino\notes.ini" -op getDbQuota -s "" -d "mail_pt.nsf" -t "E:\output.txt"
  • On the console, the output shows database size details such as database quota and mailbox usage in bytes.

  • You can also run this command on a computer that has only the admin client installed.