The following table lists the supported Parameters for CVLN Command Line Tool.
Element |
Description of attribute values |
Example |
Manadatory/Optional |
-e |
Domino program files path. |
-e "C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino" |
Mandatory |
-i |
Notes.ini path. |
-i "=C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino\notes.ini" |
Mandatory |
-op |
Name of the operation to be performed. |
-op exportnote |
Mandatory |
-s |
Name of the Domino server on which the operations are performed. |
-s "domino-win64.idcprodcert.loc" |
Mandatory |
-d |
Path of the database relative to the data directory. |
-d "mail_pt.nsf" |
Mandatory |
-t |
Path of an existing staging directory where the output is saved after running an operation. |
-t "E:\output" |
Mandatory |
-n |
Note ID of a specific document. The Note ID should be decimal equivalent of its hexadecimal ID. |
-n 2458 |
Optional |
-notetype |
Type of all Note documents present in a database of a Domino server. data Exports or prints only data documents present in the database. all Exports or prints all documents present in the database. If this parameter is not used, by default, all documents (data and design) are exported or printed. |
-notetype data -notetype all |
Optional |
-discarddata |
Use this parameter when you do not want to save the output in the staging directory. |
NA |
Optional |
-openflag |
Use this parameter when you want to open a document with a specific flag. |
-openflag 0x0001 |
Optional |
-views |
Use this parameter when you want to export details of documents from a specific view (and not the entire database). You can provide multiple view names as arguments separated by a ; delimiter. For UNIX, enclose the view names in quotes. |
Windows: -views $Inbox;$Drafts UNIX: -views "\$Inbox;\$Drafts" |
Optional |
-excludeviews |
Use this parameter when you want to exclude exporting details of documents from a specific view (and not the entire database). You can provide multiple view names as arguments separated by a ; delimiter. For UNIX, enclose the view names in quotes. |
Windows: -excludeviews $Inbox;$Drafts UNIX: -excludeviews "\$Inbox;\$Drafts" |
Optional |
-foldernames |
Use this parameter when you want to get details of documents from these database folders. You can provide multiple folder names as arguments separated by a ; delimiter. For UNIX, enclose the folder names in quotes. |
Windows: -foldernames $Inbox;$Drafts UNIX: -foldernames "\$Inbox;\$Drafts" |
Optional |
-doctypefilter |
Use this parameter when you do not want to export certain type of documents. You can provide multiple filters as arguments separated by a ; delimiter. |
-doctypefilter Memo;Task |
Optional |