Media Operations - Configuration


Load Media to a Drive

  1. In the CommCell Browser, expand to Storage Resources | Libraries | <Library> | Media By Location | Media in Library.

    All of the media that is available in the library appears in the right pane.

  2. Right-click the media that you want to load into a drive, and then click Load Media.


    The Load Media option is available only for those media that is available in the library.

  3. In the Load Media dialog box that appears, specify the resources that must be used to load media into a drive.

  4. Click OK.

    The media is loaded into the specified drive. A event message appears in the Event Viewer when the media is loaded into the drive.

Exporting Specific Media

You can export one or more media when you know its location in a library.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Storage Resources | Libraries.

  2. Right-click the appropriate tape library and select your media from one of the following pools:

    • Media by location | Media in Library (discovered and undiscovered media) pool

    • Media by Groups | Scratch pools

    • Media by Groups | Cleaning Media pool

    • Media by Groups | Retired Media pool

    • Media by Groups | Assigned Media pool

    • Media List dialog box (From Policies | Storage Policies. Right-click the appropriate storage policy copy, point to View and click Media.)

    • Media Used By Job ID dialog box( From the Data Protections Job History, Backup Job History, or Data Migration History. Right-click the job and click View Media)

  3. Right-click a specific media, or hold down Shift while clicking the right mouse button to select multiple media, point to All Task and then click Export.

  4. In the Export Media dialog box, select the New Export Location check box, select a location from the list and click OK.


    The MediaAgent cannot manage the media after it leaves the library configuration. You can view location details to track your exported media.

  5. At the Export Media prompt, choose how you want to move the media:

    • If you are exporting through a mail slot, click OK, wait for the media to be moved to the mail slot, and then remove them from the library.

    • If you are removing media directly, click OK, open the library door, remove the media that you want to export, and then close the door.

View Contents of Media

  1. Do one of the following:

    • From the CommCell Browser, expand to Storage Resources | Libraries | <library> | Media In Library, right-click the appropriate media, and then click View | View Contents.

    • From the CommCell Browser, expand to Storage Resources | Libraries | <library> | Media By Groups | Assigned Media, right-click the appropriate media, and then click View | View Contents.

    • In the Media Used By Job ID dialog box, right-click the appropriate media, and then click View Contents.

    The Contents of Media dialog box lists the details of the jobs available in the media.

Move Media from One Scratch Pool to Another

  1. From the CommCell Browser, select the appropriate scratch pool.

    The contents of the scratch pool appear in the right pane.

  2. Right-click the media that you want to move, and then click Move.

  3. In the Move Media dialog box that appears, select the appropriate scratch pool.

    If it is cleaning media, select Cleaning Media pool.

  4. Click OK.

    The selected media is reassigned to the destination scratch pool.

Move Media in Bulk from One Scratch Pool to Another

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the appropriate scratch pool (that is, the source pool), and then click Move Media.

    The Move Media dialog box appears.

  2. In No. of Media to be moved box, enter the number of media to be moved.

  3. In the Destination Scratch Pool list, select the destination scratch pool.

  4. Click OK.

    The selected media is reassigned to the destination scratch pool.

Delete Media

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the appropriate media, and then click Delete Media.

  2. When a message appears that ask you to confirm the deletion, click Yes.

  3. In the Delete Contents and Move Media dialog box that appears, select the scratch pool where you want to move the media.

  4. Click OK.

    The media information is deleted from the CommServe database and the media is moved to the specified scratch pool.

Delete Contents of Media


Once contents of the media are deleted, the contents are not available for data recovery operations. In addition, the next data protection operation does NOT become a full backup automatically. After you delete the contents of the media, run a full backup immediately for all the subclients that are associated with the media.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand to Storage Resources | Libraries | <Library> | Media By Groups | Assigned Media.

    All of the assigned media appear in the right pane.

  2. In the right pane, right-click the appropriate media, and then click Delete Contents.

    The Delete Contents is available only for those media that are available in the library.

  3. When prompted, click Yes to confirm the deletion.

    The Enter Confirmation Text dialog box appears.

  4. Type erase and reuse media in the box, and then click OK.

  5. Select the name of the scratch pool where the media must be moved after the contents are deleted.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click OK in the warning message.

    The media information is deleted from the CommServe database and the media is moved to the specified scratch pool.

    The operation is recorded in the Audit Trail.

Discovering Media from the CommCell Console

You can use this procedure to:

  • Discover all media within a library

  • Discover a partial set of media within a library

  • From the CommCell Browser, expand to Storage Resources | Libraries.

  • Right-click the appropriate library, and then click Discover Media.

    If one or more new media are discovered, the Discover New Media dialog box appears.

  • Select the hardware type of the new media from the New Media Type list.

  • Select the scratch pool to which you want the media assigned from the Destination Scratch Pool list.

    The total number of undiscovered media available in the library is displayed in the No. of media in Free Media Pool field.

  • Specify the number of media to discover in the No. of media to be discovered field.

  • Click OK.

For an alternative method, see Discover Media from the Expert Storage Configuration Dialog Box.

Mark Media as Bad

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the appropriate media, and then click Mark Media Bad.

  2. When you are asked to confirm that you want to mark the media as bad, click Yes.

    The media status is changed to bad.

    Media status can be viewed on the Media ID tab of the Media Properties dialog box.

Mark Bad Media As Good

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand to Storage Resources | Libraries | <Library> | Media By Groups Retired Media.

  2. Right-click the bad media, and then click Mark Media Good.

  3. When you are asked to confirm that you want to mark the media as good, click Yes.

    The media status is changed to good and the media is moved to the Default Scratch pool.

    Media status can be viewed in the Media ID tab of the Media Properties dialog box.

Mark Media as Full

  1. Do either of the following:

    • From the CommCell Browser, from the Media in Library pool or Assigned Media pool, right-click the appropriate active media, and then click Mark Media Full.

    • In the Media Used By Job ID dialog box, right-click the appropriate media, and then click Mark Media Full.

  2. When you are asked to confirm marking the media as full, click Yes.

    The media status is changed to full.

    Media status can be viewed in the Media ID tab of the Media Properties dialog box.

Mark Media as Appendable

  1. Do either of the following:

  2. From the CommCell Browser, from the Media in Library pool or Assigned Media pool, right-click the appropriate exported media, and then click Mark Appendable

    In the Media Used By Job ID dialog box, right-click the appropriate media, and then click Mark Appendable.

  3. When you are asked if you want to mark the media as appendable, click Yes.

    The media status is changed to Appendablewith the reason User marked appendable.

    Media status can be viewed in the Media ID tab of the Media Properties dialog box.

Reuse Media Marked as Appendable

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the appropriate library, and then click Properties.

    The Library Properties dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Media tab.

  3. Click Use Appendable media within n day(s) of its last write time check box.

  4. Enter the number of days that the media can be used after it was marked as appendable.

  5. Click OK.

Note: Media marked as Appendable will be appended by the storage policy copy (and the same stream in the storage policy copy) that was previously used to write to the media. For additional information, see Mark Media Appendable.

Mark Media Reusable

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the appropriate migrated media.

    To select multiple migrated media, hold down the Ctrl key.

  2. Click Mark Media Reusable.

  3. When you are asked if you want to mark the media as reusable, click Yes.

    The media is marked reusable.

Prevent Assigned Media from Being Reused

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand to Storage Resources | Libraries | <Library> | Media By Groups | Assigned Media.

    The contents of the Assigned Media pool appear in the right pane.

  2. In the right pane, right-click the appropriate media, and then click Prevent Reuse.

    This option is available only if the media was previously NOT prevented from being reused.

    To select multiple media, hold down the Ctrl key.

  3. In the Overwrite Protect Media Group Selection dialog box that appears, select the Destination Overwrite Protect Media pool where the media is moved when it is recycled.

  4. Click OK.

Reuse Assigned Media That Was Prevented from Being Reused

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand to Storage Resources | Libraries | <Library> | Media By Groups | Assigned Media.

    The contents of the Assigned Media pool appear in the right pane.

  2. In the right pane, right-click the appropriate media, and then click Allow Reuse.

    The Allow Reuse option is available only if the media was prevented from being reused previously.

    To select multiple media, hold down the Ctrl key.

  3. In the Scratch Media Group Selection dialog box that appears, select the Destination Scratch Pool where the media is moved when it is recycled.

  4. Click OK.

Reuse Overwrite Protect Media That Was Prevented from Being Reused

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand to Storage Resources | Libraries | <Library> | Media By Groups | Overwrite Protect Media.

    The contents of the Overwrite Protect Media pool appear in the right pane.

  2. In the right pane, right-click the appropriate media, and then click Allow Reuse.

    The Allow Reuse option is available only if the media was prevented from being reused previously.

    To select multiple media, hold down the Ctrl key.

  3. In the Scratch Media Group Selection dialog box that appears, select the Destination Scratch Pool where the media is moved when it is recycled.

  4. Click OK.

Reuse Active or Appendable or Full Media in Catalog Media Group

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand to Storage Resources | Libraries | <Library> | Media By Groups | Catalog Media

    The contents of the Catalog Media appears in the right pane.

  2. Right-click the appropriate media, and then click Allow Reuse

    Allow Reuse option is available only if the media was prevented from being reused previously.

    To select more than one media, hold the Ctrl key and click the relevant media

  3. In the Scratch Media Group Selection dialog box, select the Destination Scratch Pool where the media is moved when it is recycled.