Performing a Silent Installation for Oracle


A silent install is an automated install requiring no user input. Prior to running a silent install, a customized package with all the install choices is created. The package is then deployed on the Oracle Agent host. A silent install is also used for quick deployment to multiple clients.

Files Used During a Non-Root Installation

  • When installing as a non-root user, the home directory of the user, <oracle_home>/opt, is used.

  • When installing as a non-root user, the home directory of the user, <user_home>/log, is used. You should have write access to the log file directory.

  • When installing as a non-root user, the home directory of the user, <user_home>/CommVaultRegistry, is used. You can specify any other directory with write permission at the time of installation for creating the registry.

Before You Begin

  1. Create a Custom Package for UNIX, Linux, and Macintosh Computers.

  2. Ask the root administrator to mount the DVD.

  3. Log on to the client computer as a non-root user.


What To Do Next

  1. Discover an Oracle Instance Using the Commvault Command Line Interface

  2. Configure Instances for Oracle Using the Commvault Command Line Interface

  3. Configure a Subclient for Oracle Using the Commvault Command Line Interface