Subclient Properties (Content)


Use this tab to define the contents of a new subclient or to change the contents of an existing subclient. When you back up the subclient, database objects included in the subclient content are backed up.

Selective Online Full

Specifies whether selective online full backups will be performed for this subclient.


Specifies whether data files will be backed up for this subclient, and provides you with a choice of backup modes - Online Database, Online Subset or Offline Database.

  • Backup Mode

    A choice of modes is provided to specify the manner in which data file backups for this subclient will be conducted.

    Online Database

    Specifies the backup of the online database.

    Online Subset

    Specifies the backup of a subset of database objects. Use the tree displayed in the Current Database View to add new or modify these subsets. The database must be online and in ARCHIVELOG mode when the backup is invoked.

    Offline Database

    Specifies the backup of the offline database. The database must be in the MOUNT mode when the backup is invoked.

  • Current Database View

    Displays the subsets (tablespaces and datafiles) that are available in the database associated with this subclient.


    Click to refresh the content of the database.

Backup Control File

Specifies whether the control files will be backed up.

Protect backup recovery area

Specifies whether to back up the Flash Recovery Area for Oracle 10g or higher versions.

Back up SP File

Specifies whether the Server Parameter File (SP File) will be backed up.

Archive Subclient

Archiving Tables

This box indicates all the tables that are part of the archive. Clicking on the "+" button next to the table expands the view to see the dependent tables. The Arrow buttons indicate the table hierarchy. Right-clicking on a selected table offers the following options.

Add Target Table

Click this button to start the Archiving Configuration Wizard to add one or more tables to the archive.

Add Dependent Table

Click this button after selecting a table to start the Archiving Configuration Wizard to add one or more tables associated with the selected table to the archive.

Remove Table

Click this button after selecting a table to remove it from the archive.

Logical Dump Subclient (Content) - Online Help

Use this dialog box to specify the content to include in a Logical Dump Subclient. You can include the entire Amazon RDS instance or a subset of the tables.

Full Schema

Select this option to include the entire database.


Select this option to include a subset of the tables. Under Available Schema, select the schemas to include in the backup, and then click Add All.

Available Schemas

The schemas that are not included in the backup.

Selected Schemas

The schemas that are part of the backup.


Click to include the selected schema in the backup.

Add All

Click to include all the selected schemas in the backup.


Click to exclude the selected schema in the backup.

Exclude All

Click to exclude all the selected schemas in the backup.

Parallelism for export

The number of streams that the software uses for the export utility.

Staging path for dump file

The complete path on the proxy server where the software places the dump file. The export dump files and the log files are placed in CVEXjobID folders under the path that you define.

Override instance credentials

Select the check box to override the Amazon RDS instance credentials.

Connect String

The connect string for the Amazon RDS Oracle database.