Alerts and Notifications - FAQ


Can disabled users and user groups receive alerts?

No. Disabled users and user groups cannot create or receive scheduled reports or alerts.

What is the threshold and notification criteria?

The threshold and notification criteria determines when and at which frequency an alert is generated. An alert is sent when the conditions within the entity have met the selected criteria for the alert. For example, if the Job Skipped criterion is selected for a Data Protection alert, an alert is sent if a data protection operation is skipped. For information on the threshold and notification criteria, see Threshold and Notification Criteria Selection.

I do not see the predefined alerts after I upgraded the CommServe. How do I enable them?

Predefined alerts are available as part of new CommServe installations. These alerts are not available for CommServes upgraded from older software versions.

Can I add notification recipients to predefined alerts?

Yes. By default, predefined alerts send notifications either to the administrator or to the master user group. You can edit a predefined alert and associate more users or user groups from the User(s) and User Group(s) Selection step in the Alert Wizard.

Can I set up alerts for Oracle rman restore jobs?

No. Instance-level alerts for Oracle RMAN_UTIL restore jobs are not supported.

Do I need to restart CommCell services after configuring the SMTP mail server for email alerts?

Yes, restart the Server Event Manager (EvMgrS) service in the CommServe computer if during the SMTP mail server configuration you:

  • changed the default SMTP port number (default port is 25)

  • enabled or disabled the use of SSL

For information on viewing and controlling services, see Services.

FAQ - I do not receive job alerts for newly discovered VM clients

The Commvault software refreshes a smart client group for every one hour. If a VSA group discovers a new client, the client will not be added automatically to the client group. To receive alerts, you must select all clients.