Backup Troubleshooting


Completed with one or more errors

Backup jobs for the mailbox agent appear as "Completed w/ one or more errors" in the Job History, in the following cases:

  • the mailbox logon fails

  • the IPM Subtree cannot be found

  • a folder in a mailbox cannot be opened

  • folder content cannot be backed up

General backup failures


Backups fail without a specific error message.

Resolution 1

The mailbox might not have a SMTP address assigned to it. Make sure that each mailbox has a valid SMTP address.

Resolution 2

Log files might be full and might not accept new messages. Configure the Windows Event Log Settings to set the log to overwrite existing events.

  1. On the Window taskbar, click Start.

  2. In the Search box, type Event Viewer.

  3. In the list of results, double-click Event Viewer.

  4. Click Properties.

  5. Select Overwrite events as needed (oldest events first).

  6. Click OK.

Filtering data that consistently fails


Some mailboxes or folders appear in the Items That Failed list when you run the Job History Report. This indicates that the mailboxes or folders are locked by the operating system or by another application and cannot be opened during the data protection operation.


Filter the mailboxes or folders that consistently appear in the Items That Failed list in the Job History Report and exclude those mailboxes or folders from future backup operations to avoid backup failure.

Backup process remains in a pending state


The backup processes might remain in pending state because of incorrect permissions set at the service account level.

Resolution 1

Applies to: Exchange 2010 or 2013 for Public Folder agents, and Exchange 2010 or later for Mailbox agents.

If you create a service account manually, it could result in incorrect permission settings. However, you can run the following script on the client machine where the agent is located to create a service account automatically.

Before you begin:

  • Make sure that you have full administrator privileges.

  • Make sure that the user profile is a member of the Organizational Management Group in Active Directory.

  • Start Windows PowerShell and navigate to the C:\Program Files\software_installation_path\Base.

  • Run the script.

    PS C:\Program Files\software_installation_path\Base> .\Service_Account.ps1 -u <user_name> [-d <database_name>] -c <client_name> -s <server_name>


    -u is the User Name

    -d is the Database Name

    -c is the Client Name

    -s is the Server Name

  • Type the password for the New User when you are prompted.

    When a service account is created, a message appears.

    The user has been added to the Organization Management Group. The Organization Management Group has been granted the Full Control permission. The user has been added to the Local Administrator Group. The user has been granted a Full Control permission to access all the databases. The user has been granted a Full Access permission to access the user mailbox. Congratulations! A service account with a username "XXXX" has been configured successfully!
  • Verify that the new service account was created.

    1. Start the Windows PowerShell.

    2. Type the following command:

      C:\Program Files\software_installation_path\Base> .\Verify_ServiceAccount.exe

    3. At the Enter the path prompt, type:

    4. At the Enter the username prompt, type the user name of the service account.

      For example, proxy2010admin.

    5. At the Enter the computer prompt, type the name of the computer where the agent is located.

      For example, proxy2010.

    6. At the Enter the server prompt, type the name of the Exchange server.

      For example, exvm2010.

    7. Optional: At the Enter the group, type the name of the group.

      The verification report appears on the screen. When the service account it created successfully, the report includes information similar to the following sample.

      Verify a service account with a use rname "proxy2010admin" for Exchange Server 2010.



      Organization Management Group member


      Full Control permission is granted to the group


      Local Administrator Group member


      Receive-As permission for all the databases


      Full Access permission for the user mailbox










      Service Account is configured: YES

      64 bit Outlook is installed: YES

      The latest version of the installed 64 bit outlook is : 14.0

      32 bit Outlook is installed: NO

Resolution 2

Make sure that the service account has full access rights to all mailboxes on the server as described in Assigning Full Access to Service Accounts.

Multiple jobs are failing with profile errors


Multiple jobs will fail with profile errors when there is one profile for more than one job.


Enable the following additional setting to create job-specific profiles:

  1. From the CommCell Console, expand Client Computers.

  2. Right-click the client, and then click Properties.

    The Client Computers Properties dialog box appears.

  3. Click Advanced.

    The Advanced Client Properties dialog box appears.

  4. Click the Additional Settings tab.

  5. Click Add.

    The Add Additional Settings dialog box appears.

  6. In the Name box, type CreateProcessSpecificProfile.

  7. From the Category list, select MSExchangeMBAgent.

  8. In the Value box, type 1 to enable or 0 to disable the setting.

  9. Click OK.

  10. From the CommCell Console, expand Client Computers > client > agent > defaultBackupSet.

  11. Right-click the subclient, and then click Backup.

  12. Select Full as backup type and Immediate to run the job immediately.

  13. Click OK.

    You can track the progress of the job from the Job Controller or Event Viewer window.

Automatic profile creation is failing


Automatic profile creation process is failing as the service account name is not unique and have similar starting series.


It is recommended to make the service account name unique for the process of auto discovery. It should not have similar starting series as any other account. Follow the steps given below to verify this manually:

  1. Use Manual Profile Creation to create a new profile.

  2. Enter the service account name and click Check Name.

  3. If many names are displayed, it is recommended to change the service account name.

Unable to log on to Microsoft Information Store or profile creation is failing


For Exchange Server 2010 you will not be able to log on to Microsoft Information Store and profile creation may also fail, if there is a mismatch in the Exchange Server name and the Exchange Server name specified in the agent properties that has the Client Access Role installed.


For Exchange Server 2010 verify that the Exchange Server name specified in agent properties has the Client Access Role installed. In case the Exchange Server does not have the Client Access Role specified, point to another server with the client access role installed on it.

  1. From the CommCell Console, expand Client Computers.

  2. Right-click the appropriate client, and then click Properties.

    The Client Computers Properties dialog box appears.

  3. Click Advanced.

    The Advanced Client Properties dialog box appears.

  4. Click the Additional Settings tab.

  5. Click Add.

    The Add Additional Settings dialog box appears.

  6. In the Name box, type sCASServerName.

  7. In the Value box, type a CAS server name (for example, Ex2010CASR2).

    The CAS server is used to create the profile.

  8. Click OK.

Client Access Server (CAS) name is deleted when profile logon fails


If a profile logon fails during the backup and archiving process, the Client Access Server (CAS) name changes. This occurs regardless of whether it is the default CAS name, or the CAS name defined in the sCASServerName additional setting (Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010) or in the sHTTPProxyServer registry key (Exchange 2013 for Public Folder agents, and Exchange 2013 or later for Mailbox agents).


Enable the nDontDeleteExchangeAutoDiscoverKeys additional setting to keep the CAS name intact.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers.

  2. Right-click the client, and then click Properties.

    The Client Computer Properties dialog box appears.

  3. Click Advanced.

    The Advanced Client Properties dialog box appears.

  4. Click the Additional Settings tab.

  5. Click Add.

    The Add Additional Settings dialog box appears.

  6. In the Name box, type nDontDeleteExchangeAutoDiscoverKeys.

  7. In the Value box, type 1.

  8. Click OK.

Process stops responding while enabling or disabling MAPI


Process stops responding while enabling or disabling MAPI because the Exchange client is unable to connect with the Global catalog.

Resolution 1

Create a new profile using Enable Referral Option by following one of the options mentioned below:

Open the command prompt.

Type C:\>gcreconnect.

Usage: GCReconnect [-?] -m mailbox -s server [-e] [-x] [-n name] [-l] [-r] [-w]


-m mailbox Specifies the mailbox to log on to.

-s server Specifies the Exchange server where the mailbox resides.

-e Enable referral and reconnect. If referral and reconnect are not enabled, MAPI will connect directly to the Exchange server for name lookup.

-x Enable additional referral and reconnect settings for Exchange 2007 Implies-e.

-n name Specifies a name to resolve with ResolveName. If not specified, QueryIdentity will be used instead.

-l Loop over MAPILogonEx. Will log on and off repeatedly until key is pressed.

-r Loop over ResolveName. Will log on once and do name lookup repeatedly until key is pressed. Requires -n, not valid with -l.

-w Wait for keyboard input before and after creating and configuring profile.

-? Displays this usage information.

Resolution 2

Delete the existing profile and follow the steps given below:

  1. From the CommCell Console, expand Client Computers.

  2. Right-click the appropriate client, and then click Properties.

    The Client Computers Properties dialog box appears.

  3. Click Advanced.

    The Advanced Client Properties dialog box appears.

  4. Click the Additional Settings tab.

  5. Click Add.

    The Add Additional Settings dialog box appears.

  6. In the Name box, type enableReferral.

  7. In the Value field, enter 1 to display the list of attachments in the message body.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Restart the services on the client computer.

Microsoft MAPI version error


While you install Microsoft Outlook, you might encounter a MAPI version error. This is because two MAPI versions cannot coexist.


The MAPI version error might occur if you have a 32-bit Microsoft Outlook version and you are trying to install a 64-bit Microsoft Outlook version. This is because the 64-bit MAPI and 32-bit MAPI cannot coexist on the same computer. We recommended that you uninstall one of the versions of Microsoft Outlook.

Error Message: MAPI_E_FAIL_ON_PROVIDER (8004011d)


This error appears if the Microsoft Outlook profile is in the Cache mode.

  1. On the client computer, open the Control Panel and click the Mail icon.

  2. Open the profile, click the email account and select the related account.

  3. Click Change.

  4. Clear the Use Cached Exchange Mode check box if it is selected.

Error Message: extask.cpp:HrInitialize(1342) Initializing MAPI Subsystem


This error appears when a backup process stops responding because of the MAPI CDO conflict.

Resolution 1
  1. On the client computer navigate to the following files:




  2. Right-click the above mentioned files, click Properties and click the Details tab.

  3. Click the Version tab and verify that all of the files point to Microsoft Outlook.

Resolution 2

On the Proxy Computer:

  1. Uninstall old mapicdo.

  2. Restart the computer.

  3. Install Outlook.

  4. Navigate to the system32 or the syswow64 folder.

  5. Run FixMapi.

  6. Restart the computer.


    Running FixMapi will solve the above mentioned error on the proxy computer.

On the Exchange Server:

  1. Uninstall old mapicdo.

  2. Restart the computer.

  3. Verify the presence of mapi32.dll and msmapi32.dll and rename them.

  4. Install Microsoft Outlook.



This error appears when there is no connectivity with Client Access Role server for Exchange 2010 and for Mailbox Role Server for Exchange 2007.


Make sure that Exchange 2010 is connected to the Client Access Role Server. In the case of Exchange 2007, make sure it is connected to the Mailbox Role Server.

Error Message: Cannot open folder for Mailbox “username” Error:MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND (0x8004010f)


This error appears when the backup processes remains in a pending state and the extended right on your service account is not set to Receive As on all databases on the Exchange Server.

Resolution 1
  1. Open the profile in Microsoft Outlook. It should open successfully.

  2. Use the MFCMapi utility to open the service account profile.

  3. Click Session > Logon and click Display Stores.

  4. Select the service account profile.

  5. Click the MDB menu and click Open Other Users Mailbox.

  6. Click the mailbox and select the default flags to open it.

  7. Navigate to the tree level for Top of Information Store, and then browse the mailbox folders.

Resolution 2

If there are no permission errors, then the service account should have the extended right set to Receive-As on all the databases on the Exchange server.

Make sure that the service account has full access rights to all mailboxes on the server.

Resolution 3

For Exchange 2010 and 2007, verify that the Cache mode is disabled on the Service Account. For more details, on Microsoft permission settings, see Allow Mailbox Access.

Error Message: Could not open the Exchange Private Message Store with Profile ExchAdm (E_FAIL (0x80004005))


This error appears when the extended right on your service account is not set to Receive As for all databases on the Exchange Server.

  1. Open the profile in Outlook, it should open successfully.

  2. Use MFCMapi utility to open the service account profile.

  3. Click Session > Logon and click Display Stores.

  4. Select the service account profile.

  5. Click the MDB menu and click Open Other Users Mailbox.

  6. Click the mailbox and select the default flags to open it.

  7. Navigate to the tree level for Top of Information Store, browse mailbox folders.

  8. If there are no permission errors through this process, the service account should have the extended right set to Receive-As on all databases on the Exchange server.

Backup Troubleshooting - Error Message: Error Code [28:153]: The Mailbox profile used by this product is invalid. Please try using MDBVU, Outlook or any other Exchange client to check if the profile works correctly


This error appears when the extended right on your service account is not set to Receive As for all databases on the Exchange Server.

  1. Open the profile in Microsoft Outlook, it should open successfully.

  2. Use the MFCMapi utility to open the service account profile.

  3. Click Session > Logon and click Display Stores.

  4. Select the service account profile.

  5. Click the MDB menu and click OpenOther Users Mailbox.

  6. Click the mailbox and select the default flags to open it.

  7. Navigate to the tree level for Top of Information Store, and then browse the mailbox folders.

  8. If there are no permission errors through this process, the service account should have the extended right set to Receive-As on all databases on the Exchange server.

Error Message: Failed to log on to server


Archive jobs fail because incorrect permissions are set for the service account.


Make sure that the service account has full access rights to all mailboxes on the server.

New mailboxes are not being displayed during discovery

In some cases the auto-discovery operations might take a long time to discover the newly added mailboxes. A filtering option is provided to increase performance for auto-discovery operations. The information is cached on the client computer and can be reused across multiple processes to balance load on the server. This information is refreshed every 30 minutes by default. However, you can use nMBDBRefreshInterval additional settings to modify the refresh interval time. For more details, see Enhancing Mailbox Discovery Using LDAP Filters.

Error Message: 64 3248 09/20 16:55:06 35120 Exchange Auto Discover for CAS Server for failed with error [Object reference not set to an instance of an object.]


Backup jobs might fail with the above mentioned error message because of an error in getting the Exchange server settings.


You will get this error message when the mailbox name for the domain user account created with the exchange server administrator permissions is incorrect. Ensure that the mailbox name is configured with User principal name (User Logon name) or Samaccountname details.

Backup job fails in the stubbing phase


A possible cause for backup jobs to fail during the stubbing phase may be a time overlap between the archiving rules and the source pruning rules.

For example: If the archiving rule is set to collect messages after 20 days and source pruning is set to prune messages older than 10 days based on their receive time, you will encounter this issue.


Kill the backup operation. To avoid such a scenario, ensure that the archiving rule for message collection based on received time and source pruning based on message received time are set for different time frames.

Error Code: [14:266]: Setting job to pending due to excessive data drop detected ([n] items) for this subclient (subclient ID [xxxxx])This is [n] percent of the total number of items in the job

For OnePass for Exchange Mailbox (Classic), this error might occur if more than 30 percent of the total number of items that are backed up are dropped from the backup cycle.

Refer to Knowledge Base article WFS0006: Error Code: [14:266]: Setting job to pending due to excessive data drop detected ([n] items) for this subclient (subclient ID [xxxxx]). This is [n] percent of the total number of items in the job.

Could not open the exchange private message store with profile (MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND (0x8004010f))

The Exchange mailbox backup fails during the profile creation phase.

Article ID: EXMB0002

Backup jobs of very large data sets fail

Backup jobs of very large data set fail.

Article ID: EXOP0001

After a migration from Exchange 2007, backups fail intermittently

Backups in an Exchange 2010 or later environment fail intermittently after a migration from an Exchange 2007 environment

Article ID: EXMB0003

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