Changes in the User Interface in Feature Release 11.24 LTS


Commcell Console Changes

  • A new option is added in the Cassandra restore options window to truncate the tables during restore, before the data is actually recovered. This is enabled by default and can be disabled as required.

  • Credential options are added to the cloud storage instance dialog box.

  • Renamed the authentication label "IAM AD application role assignment" to "IAM AD application"

  • We no longer use email to order a new license. On the Licensing and Registration page, we changed the instructions to order a new license from "Send e-mail to" to "To order additional license, click here".

  • Added the following note on the General tab of the File System subclient where the flag "DeleteFilesWithoutBackup" is set to true: "Note: This subclient will only delete files without any backup."

  • Added AIX_PPC, Solaris-Sparc, and Solaris_x86_64 Unix platforms to a list in Software cache configuration -> Remote Cache ->Edit -> Configure Packages for Sync -> Customize Packages.

  • Improved loading time of subclient properties for OneDrive v1 clients.

  • You can perform incremental and differential backups for the NDMP agent under an Isilon client when there is more than one backup set.

  • Removed the data storage policy option from the Edit PostgreSQL Cloud Instance dialog box.

  • When creating a DR storage policy, change the default retention value to 15 days 15 cycles.

  • Change Huawei Cloud library from Cold tier to Archive tier which is same as Alibaba Cloud.

  • For immediate and scheduled backup jobs, under the Advanced Options tab, a new "Queue if other conflicting jobs are active" option is available.

  • Bring your own key option in KMS properties.

  • Add a new checkbox in Upgrade Software dialog to support FREL client OS updates.

  • Added new messages and notes to describe QR code usage.

  • With this update, the indexing version in client property dialog will be hidden for cluster clients and it will be only shown for VSA pseudo clients.

  • With this update, the indexing version in the Client Property dialog box will be hidden for cluster clients and only shown to VSA pseudo clients.

Command Center Changes

  • A new field 'availability zone' is added for Azure restores and replication.

  • The tenant admin contact name and email fields have been changed from mandatory fields to optional fields during company creation.

  • When creating a replication group, a new Automatic option for access node list has been added on the Target page.

  • A view of failed items will be shown for Backup and Restore history jobs.

  • When a user creates credentials from a device controller or an agent entry point, the user inputs for cloud storage, such as account type, vendor type and authentication type, are hidden.

  • Added an Environment type column to the Salesforce listing page.

  • Hid the 'Snap management' tile from VM group configuration for vendors 'VMware' and 'Hyper-V' in Metallic.

  • The dialog box for failover/failback actions for VSA has been changed to a smaller size.

  • The confirmation text for failover/failback has been updated.

  • Removed the Destination field on the Restore options dialog box for in-place VMware full VM restores.

  • Polish language support has been removed from the Command Center and Web Console.

  • If a data source was created using quick scan, there is an option to convert it to full scan in the data source details page. Quick scan clients don't work with file security and ownership dashboards. If those clients are selected in the dashboard, then there is a prompt to allow converting them to full scan.

  • Added an export button to the duplicates file listing table.

  • The "Mark as default backup set" option is added in the "Add Backupset" dialog box.

  • To change a non-default backup set to a default backup set in the "File Server details" page, click the ellipsis, and then click "Mark as default backup set" option.

  • Based on the new thresholds, the tables display good, warning or critical signs.

  • For custom reports that use a Data Cube endpoint, the 'Advanced search' link has been renamed to 'Rules'. When an archive action is performed, the current rule is saved and is used to pre-populate the Rules dialog box, the next time the dialog box is used.

  • A new action called 'Retry failback' is available for continuous pairs that are of the'Failback failed' status.

  • The VCenter version information in the VSphere plugin registration page has been removed.

  • For change company operation (Manage->Servers->action Change company) in infrastructure servers that are ineligible for company migration, the following message will be displayed in the UI:

    Either the server is an access node, or a Web Server, a Web Console, or a CommServe that is installed on the server.

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