Configuring an Oracle Single Instance for an Oracle Clusterware Environment


The Commvault software supports backups and restore of an Oracle single instance database that is part of an Oracle Clusterware configuration.

An Oracle Clusterware environment allows several machines to form clusters that logically run on one server. Users and applications can use one connection to the cluster to access the Oracle database in the cluster regardless of which node it is running on.

Before You Begin

Create an Oracle RAC client.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers >Oracle RAC Client.

  2. Right-click the instance, and click Properties.

    The Modify Instance Properties dialog box is displayed.

  3. On the Details tab, click Add.

    The Add Instance Properties dialog box is displayed.

  4. In the Instance Physical Client list, select the client that you created for the Oracle Clusterware configuration.

  5. In the Instance (ORACLE SID) box, type the Instance name.

    Note: For an Oracle Clusterware configuration, use the same Oracle SID for all nodes.

  6. Click Change User Account.

    1. In the User Account box, type the user account name.

    2. In the Enter Password box, type the password for the user account.

    3. In the Confirm Password box, type re-type the password for the user account.

    4. Click OK.

  7. In the Oracle Home box, type the full Oracle install path.

  8. In the Connect String box, type the Connect String. You must use "/" as the Connect String.

  9. In the TNS_ADMIN Folder box, type the TNS_ADMIN folder name.

  10. Click OK to close the Add Instance Properties dialog box.

  11. Click the Storage Device tab, in the Storage Policy used for user command backup of data box, select a storage policy.

  12. Click the Log Backup tab, in the Storage Policy used for all Archive Log backups box, select a storage policy name.

  13. Click OK.

What to Do Next

  • Oracle Clusterware is designed to manage Oracle RAC databases, not single instances. If you restore the database to a different node from the one that it runs on, you must run the following commands from the command line.

    # srvctl modify database -d <database> -node <new node> # srvctl start database -d MariaDB

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