Viewing Jobs Associated with a Storage Policy Copy


You can view the backup jobs that need to be copied to a secondary copy. When viewing the jobs associated with a storage policy copy, by default, the following jobs are displayed:

  • Jobs that are already copied (available on the secondary copy)

  • Jobs that need to be copied (selected and in the to be copied state)

  • Jobs that are partially copied (partially available on the secondary copy)

For information on viewing more jobs associated with a storage policy copy see, Storage Policy Copy - Job Management.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Policies > Storage Policies.

  2. Right-click the appropriate storage policy copy, and then click View>Jobs.

  3. By default, the jobs that were started in the past 24 hours are displayed. To show all the jobs that are associated with a copy, in the Job Filter for Storage Policy dialog box, clear the Specify Time Range check box.

  4. In the Job Filter for Storage Policy dialog box, click Advanced for additional filter options.

    For a detailed description, see Jobs in Storage Policy Advanced Filter Options.

  5. In the Jobs in Storage Policy Advanced Filter Options dialog box, click OK.

  6. To display the jobs that are associated with a storage policy copy, in the Job Filter for Storage Policy dialog box, click OK.

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