Advanced Backup Options for VMware

To specify advanced settings for backups, click Advanced in the Backup Options for Subclient dialog box when performing a backup.

The following table shows options that are available from the Advanced Backup Options dialog box.


Tabs and Settings


Set the job priority

  1. From the Startup tab, select Default Priority.

  2. Select Change Priority to change the priority for a job, between 0 (highest priority) and 999 (lowest priority).

  3. Select Start up in Suspended State to start the job in the Job Controller in a suspended state.

The Job Manager uses the startup priority setting when allocating required resources. Setting the startup priority enables jobs that are very important and must complete to start before jobs that are less time sensitive.

See Job Priority and Priority Precedence for more information.

Configure job retry and total run time

  1. From the Job Retry tab, select the Enable Total Running Time check box and specify the maximum elapsed time in hours and minutes.

  2. Select the Number Of Retries check box and specify the number of retries in the Number Of Retries box. Based on this number, the Job Manager attempts to restart the job.

  3. Select the Kill Running Jobs When Total Running Time Expires check box. The job will be killed when the job is still in running status even after reaching the maximum elapsed time.

The Job Retry options configure the retry behavior for a backup job. You can specify the maximum elapsed time before a job can be restarted or killed and the maximum number of restart attempts.

See Job Management for more information.

Start new backup media

From the Media tab, select the Start New Media check box.

The Start New Media option enables backup or archive operations to write to new media.

This media management feature provides a degree of control over the storage location where data resides physically.

See the Creating an Exportable Media Set section of Export Media for more information.

Another form of the Start New Media option is available from the library properties. See the Start New Media section of Library Properties for more information.

Mark media as full

From the Media tab, select the Mark Media Full on Success check box.

The Mark Media Full on Success option marks the backup media as full, two minutes after the successful completion of the backup or archive operation. This feature prevents any other data being written to the same media.

See Export Media and the Creating an Exportable Media Set section for more information.

Allow other jobs to use the same media set

From the Media tab, select the Allow Other Schedules To Use Media Set check box.

The Allow Other Schedules to use Media Set option enables jobs that are part of the schedule or schedule policy, and using the same storage policy, to start new media. This option also prevents other jobs from writing to the same set of media.

See the Creating an Exportable Media Set section of Export Media for more information.

Change the data path

From the Data Path tab, select one of the following combinations:

  • Use MediaAgent and Use Library

  • Use Drive Pool and Use Drive

Data protection operations use a specific data path (library, MediaAgent, drive pool, and drive) to perform backup operations as configured in the CommCell. By default, the system automatically identifies the data path for backup operations.

The following are some of the important situations where you might need to change the data path:

  • When the preferred MediaAgent, library, or drive pool is not available during the backup

  • When you need to use a different MediaAgent, library, or drive pool for load balancing purposes

  • When you need to direct the backup to a particular location for compliance purposes

    See Change Data Path for more information.

Specify Vault Tracker options for offsite storage

From the Vault Tracking tab, select the required options.

The Vault Tracker feature enables you to manage media that are removed from a library and stored in offsite locations:

  • Identifies media that must be sent offsite for storage or brought back from offsite locations.

  • Automatically moves the media in sequence in the library and provides a pick-up list for the operators.

  • Identifies and tracks the media during transit.

  • Records and tracks the movement of media that are not used by all MediaAgents or Foreign Media.

    Before using this feature, see Vault Tracker for a comprehensive overview.

Configure alerts and notifications

  1. In the Alert tab, click Add Alert to start the Add Alert Wizard.

  2. From the Add Alert Wizard window, select Threshold and Notification Criteria and then click Next.

  3. Select Notification Types and then click Next.

  4. Select Users and User Groups and then click Next.

  5. Click Finish.

The Alert option sets criteria for generating notifications and alerts for job statuses such as failure, success, or other conditions triggered by the backup job. Adding alerts helps the user or the user group get notifications automatically about the status of the backup job.

See Alerts and Notifications for more information.
