
As restoring your backup data is very crucial, it is recommended that you perform a restore operation immediately after your first full backup to understand the process. The following section explain the steps for restoring a database.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <Client> | MySQL.

    Right-click the <Instance>, point to All Tasks, and then click Browse and Restore.


  2. Click the Advanced Options tab.

    Select the MediaAgent that was used during the storage policy creation from the Use MediaAgent drop-down list. This MediaAgent should be the one you installed along with your agent.

    Click View Content.


  3. In the right pane of the window, select one or more databases that you wish to restore.

    Click Recover All Selected.

    The MySql Restore dialog box appears.


  4. Select the Recover check box.

    Click Browse to select the staging location.

    Click OK.

  5. You can monitor the progress of the restore job in the Job Controller.


  6. Once the restore job has completed, right-click the agent or <Instance>, point to View and click Restore History.


  7. Click OK.


  8. You can view the following details about the job by right-clicking the job:

    • View Restore Items - You can view them as Successful, Failed, Skipped or All.

    • View Job Details

    • View Events of the restore job.

    • View and send Log files of the restore job

    • Resubmit the restore job


  9. Once the files are restored, verify that the restored files and folders are available in the restore destination provided in step 4.

    mysql> show databases;
     | Database |
     | mysql |
     | performance_schema |
     | test |
