STK Libraries Attached to ACSLS Server - Prerequisites

Supported Software Versions

Refer to the Hardware Matrix for a comprehensive and latest list of supported components.


Select IP Controllers listed under Devices on the left side of the page, to view a comprehensive list of the supported components.

The following software versions are supported for the various components:


Software Version

ACSLS Server

8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5

Library Attach for Windows



If using for Windows 2012 or Windows 2012 R2, see Oracle support documentation for more information on any platform specific caveats.

MediaAgents - Windows (including Cluster)

Windows Server 2012 Editions

Windows Server 2012 R2 Editions

Windows Server 2016

MediaAgents - Solaris (including Cluster)

32-bit: Solaris 10 and Solaris 11

64-bit: Solaris 10 and Solaris 11

MediaAgents Linux 7.x

Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 7.x



  • Oracle's compatibility/ucb package is required for the SSI service (Solaris ACSLS client). The config_acsls script checks for this prerequisite during Solaris ACSLS client configuration.

  • If you are upgrading to Solaris 11.4, and if you still want to use the SSI package, do the following: On the ACSLS client MediaAgent, copy the usr/ucblib/ file and the file from the old Solaris installation to the newly upgraded or installed system.

  • Windows MediaAgents require Oracle’s library attach for Windows.

  • For more information on Oracle’s library attach for Windows, refer to the documentation associated with Oracle's (STK) LibAttach_configurator.

  • Solaris and Linux MediaAgents require the ACSLS Client Service to be configured after installing the MediaAgent. For more information on configuring the ACSLS Client Service, see Configure ACSLS Client Service on Solaris.

See System Requirements - MediaAgent for more information on platforms that are supported by MediaAgents.

Firewall Considerations

If the ACSLS Server and the MediaAgent computer are located on the opposite sides of firewalls, additional ports required by the ACSLS Server, might have to be opened on the firewalls. For more information about the required software and required ports, refer to STK-ACSLS documentation.

On Windows, the firewall should be configured using the Library Attach for Windows software. On Solaris install the ACSLS Client Service as described in Install ACSLS Client Service on Solaris. Follow the steps described in the Post-Install Considerations section of the above procedure to configure communication across a firewall.

MediaAgent Considerations

  • Windows MediaAgents require Oracle’s Library Attach for Windows.

    For more information on Oracle’s Library Attach for Windows, refer to the documentation associated with Oracle's (STK) LibAttach_configurator.

  • Solaris MediaAgents require the ACSLS Client Service to be configured after installing the MediaAgent.

    For more information on configuring the ACSLS Client Service, see Configure ACSLS Client Service on Solaris.


    To configure failover library controllers, install the appropriate software on multiple MediaAgents that will act as failover library controllers.

Direct-Attached Library Configuration

In a direct-attached library configuration, the Windows or Solaris MediaAgents can be configured to use the StorageTek library controlled by ACSLS server: For the Windows MediaAgent, you must install an instance of StorageTek’s Library attach for Windows program on the MediaAgent computer in which the StorageTek library will be configured. (See Supported Software Versions for information on the supported versions.)

For the Solaris MediaAgent, the ACSLS Client Service must be installed on the MediaAgent computer. (See Install ACSLS Client Service on Solaris for more information on installing this software.)

The ACSLS server is connected to the library’s media changer with a direct SCSI. Each MediaAgent communicates with the ACSLS server through the TCP-IP port. In addition, each MediaAgent must also be attached to the drives in the library using SCSI ports.


Within the StorageTek libraries, some or all drives must be assigned to the MediaAgents for exclusive use by the CommCell group. The unassigned drives will be available for other applications or another CommCell group.

The following diagrams provide an overview of the hardware configuration required for configuring the StorageTek library using the ACSLS Server:

Prerequisites - Direct-Attached Library Configuration

Prerequisites - Direct-Attached Library Configuration

DDS Configuration

In a DDS configuration, all MediaAgents can be configured provided you have at least one of the Windows or Solaris MediaAgent. (See Supported Software Versions for information on the supported versions.)

This primary MediaAgent must have the following software:

  • If the primary MediaAgent is a Windows MediaAgent, you must install an instance of StorageTek's Library attach for Windows program on the MediaAgent computer.

  • If the primary MediaAgent is a Sun Solaris MediaAgent, the ACSLS Client Service must be installed on the MediaAgent computer. (See Install ACSLS Client Service on Solaris for more information on installing this software.)

The ACSLS server is connected to the library’s media changer with a direct SCSI. In addition, the primary MediaAgent must also be attached to the ACSLS server through the TCP-IP port. Each MediaAgent in the CommCell® communicates with the drives in the library through the following:

  • MediaAgent to Bridge/ Router/ Gateway using SCSI ports.

  • Bridge/ Router/ Gateway to a SAN switch using Fibre Channel cable.

  • SAN switch is connected to all the drives in the library using Fibre Channel cables.

The following diagram provides an overview of the hardware configuration required for sharing a StorageTek library among multiple MediaAgents with DDS configuration.

Prerequisites - DDS Configuration
