Configure DB2 High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR) Cluster Client


In a High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR) environment, the data is continually replicated from the source (primary) database to the target (standby) database by using the DB2 transaction logs. If something happens to the primary database, then the standby database is immediately ready to take over for the primary database.

Perform the following configuration procedure, backup procedure, and restore procedure to use DB2 HADR with the Commvault software.

DB2 High Availability Disaster - DB2 Automated Failover Using the IBM Tivoli System Automation (TSA) with a Virtual IP Address

Before You Begin

Make sure that you have configured all databases according to the IBM HADR specifications.


  1. Install DB2 agent on participating nodes i.e. primary and standby servers. For more information, refer to Complete Databases Guided Setup for DB2.


    Once you add the DB2 server successfully, the DB2 instance is discovered under the node/client. You should not update any instance properties at node/client level as the operations related to instance should be performed at HADR cluster client level.

  2. Configure the cluster server, and add the primary and standby database servers. For more information, refer to Creating Cluster File Server.

  3. Configure DB2 instance on newly created cluster client. For more information, refer to Adding DB2 Database Instance.

  4. Configure DB2 database from Discover DB2 Database or Add a DB2 database.

  5. Set DB2 Configuration Parameters for DB2 HADR Using IBM Tivoli System Automation (TSA) with a Virtual IP Address.

  6. If you have a CommServe firewall, then run the SetClientProp.sql qScript on the CommServe computer command line from the software_installation_path\Base folder:

    qoperation execscript -sn SetClientProp.sql -si c=virtualClientName  -si UsePhysicalnode=y


    C:\Program Files\CommVault\Simpana\Base>qoperation execscript -sn SetCLientProp.sql -si c=db2hadrVirtualClient -si UsePhysicalNode=Y
  7. Perform an Online Backup of DB2 Database.