Auto Discover User Accounts


You can auto discover user accounts only from a user-defined subclient.

The high-level steps to auto discover user accounts are as follows:

  1. Enable the auto discovery of user accounts at the instance level. For steps to enable auto discovery, see Enabling Auto Discovery of User Accounts.

  2. Based on the method that you selected while enabling the auto discovery of user accounts at the instance level, you can auto discover the user accounts from a user-defined subclient in the following two ways:


To create multiple Google drive subclients based on regular expressions, run CloudApps[A-Z]SubclientCreation workflow. This workflow creates 26 subclients in alphabetical order. To download CloudApps[A-Z]SubclientCreation workflow, go to the Commvault Store website, Workflows.

What to Do Next

Run a backup operation on this subclient to back up the user accounts that match the given pattern.

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