Client - How To


Configure the Proxy for Exchange

When 32-bit Exchange agents are installed in non-standard configurations, such as off-host proxy or 32-bit on 64-bit, this property must be configured on the client hosting the Exchange Server to establish communications between the 32-bit Exchange agents and the Exchange Server in order to support Outlook Add-In and/or OWA functionality. The proper setting for this property depends on the type of installation configuration, as discussed below:

  • When Exchange 2007 agents are installed in a 32-bit on 64-bit configuration, set this value to the client name of the 32-bit instance.

  • When Exchange 2007 agents are installed in an off-host proxy configuration, set this value to the client name of the off-host proxy computer.

This field should be configured after installing the Exchange agents and the OWA Proxy Enabler; it can be configured either before or after the installation of the Outlook Add-In (if applicable), but it must be configured before using Outlook Add-In and/or OWA in the configurations mentioned above.

Required Capability: Permissions and Permitted Actions


  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the client hosting the Exchange Server whose proxy client needs to be configured, and then click Properties.

  2. From the Advanced tab of the Client Computer Properties dialog box, select the name of the proxy client from the Proxy for Exchange list.


    • For 32-bit on 64-bit configurations, select the client name of the instance containing the 32-bit Exchange agents.

    • For off-host proxy configurations, select the client name of the off-host proxy computer.

  3. Click OK to save your changes.

Viewing the Web Server URLs

When the client is configured as a Web Search Client to support content index and search capabilities from the Search Console, you can view or change the URLs used to access the Search Console and User Administration page.

You can also view the name and URL of the Web Search Server associated with the Web Search Client. Note that, the Web Search Server association cannot be changed without re-installing the Web Search Client. Also note that, the Web Search Server URL specified in the Client Properties (Search Server URLs) tab is not directly accessible by the user from any Web browsers.

When the client is an Exchange Server, you can associate a Web Server to the client for searching.

For instructions, see Configure the Search Server URLs.

Required Permissions: Permissions and Permitted Actions


  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the icon of the client computer, and then click Properties.

  2. Click Advanced and click the Web Server URLs tab.

    The end user or compliance search URLs are displayed depending on the component installed on the client.

  3. If you have multiple Web Servers installed in the CommCell group, in the Web Server box, select the Web Server to be used for the client search operations.

  4. Click OK to save your changes.

Suspend Use of a Client Computer Temporarily

Required Capability: Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To suspend use of a client computer temporarily:

  1. Create a Spare Media Group that does not contain any media, and name it No_Media. Note that a scratch pool with no media associations does not harm any existing configurations, nor does it misuse media.

  2. Create a Storage Policy (standard), name it No_Backups, and point it to the No_Media scratch pool.

  3. Disable Operations for the client that you are temporarily disabling.

  4. Verify that the Queuing Jobs for Disabled Activities option is disabled. This will reduce the number of queued jobs in the Job Controller.

  5. Re-point all the client's subclients to the No_Backups storage policy. When a user changes the storage policy association of a subclient, retention cycles are set to zero (0), therefore, only the retention days must be exceeded for data to be aged. In this case, the data in the storage policy to which the client's subclients were originally pointing to will age accordingly. Note that if the client computer's activity is re-enabled, you can point the subclients back to their original storage policy.

  6. To resume client activity: Enable Operations for the client, and point the subclients back to their original storage policy.


  • This feature does not require a user to uninstall client software; therefore, no licenses are released during this process.

  • Any scheduled jobs associated with the suspended client will cause job failures when initiated. This is normal behavior. Once client activity is re-enabled, these scheduled jobs will no longer cause job failures.

Specify CDR Log File Location on Source and Destination Computers

Before You Begin

  • On Windows, this procedure can be performed on both the source and destination computers. On UNIX, this procedure only applies to a source computer.

Required Permission: Permissions and Permitted Actions

To specify a location for the CDR log files:

  1. In the CommCell Browser, right-click the Client on either a source or destination computer, and select Properties.

  2. In the Advanced tab of the Client Computer Properties screen, type or browse to path for CDR Log File Location.

  3. Click OK to save your changes.

Delete a Pseudo-Client

Before You Begin

  • For NAS clients, the client must first be deconfigured before you can delete it. For more information, see Deconfiguring Agents.

Required Permission: Permissions and Permitted Actions

To delete a pseudo-client:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the pseudo-client, click All Tasks, and then click Delete.

    Note: For a NAS client, the Deconfigure command is shown instead of the Delete command if the client is not deconfigured. For information, see Deconfiguring Agents. (There is no base client software for a NAS Client.)

  2. Click OK to the confirmation message.

  3. Type the supplied phrase in the Enter Confirmation Text dialog box and click OK.

    The pseudo-client icon should be removed from the view.

Associate or Disassociate Users, User Groups, and Roles with a CommCell Entity

Required Permission: See Permissions and Permitted Actions

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click the entity and then select Properties.

    These are examples of entities: CommServe, client computer group, client computer, agent, MediaAgent, Library, Storage Policy, backup set, and subclient.

  2. Click the Security tab.

  3. Click the Associations tab and then click Add.

    The Add Users And Groups dialog box is displayed.

  4. Select the users, user groups, and roles to associate to the entity.

  5. Click OK to save the association.

  6. Click OK.

Associate or Disassociate a Client with a Client Group

To associate clients to or disassociate clients from a client computer group, see Associating or Disassociating Clients.

View the Software Version

To view the Software Version:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click the CommServe, Client, Agent, MediaAgent, or Enabler for which you wish to view the version, and then click Properties.

  2. Click the Version tab.

    The component version and post release service pack, additional updates and missing updates are displayed.

View the Software Install Folder

To view the Software Install folder:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommServe, Client, Agent or MediaAgent for which you wish to view the version, and then click Properties.

  2. Click the Version tab.

    The Software Install Directory displays the software installation folder on the local computer.

Store Software Locally Before Installation

To store software packages and updates locally before installation:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the Client or MediaAgent, and then click Properties.

  2. Click the Version tab.

  3. To store the software locally before installation, in the Store Software Locally box specify a local folder.

    This serves as a temporary cache area. By default, this location is set to the Commvault install directory.


    • The updates are stored in the Commvault directory.

      For example: C:\Program Files\Cmvt\Commvault

    • The software packages are stored one directory up from the Commvault directory.

      For example: C:\Program Files\Cmvt\

  4. Click OK to save the information.