Data Loss Prevention Troubleshooting


Mac Laptop Users Unable to Automatically Unlock Files


The Enable automatic unlock option in the Periodic Document Encryption settings is selected, but Mac laptop users are prompted for a passkey when opening a locked file.


The File System Filter Driver package, which is required for automatic locking and unlocking, might be missing on the Mac laptop client.


  1. Populate your CommServe software cache with the latest service pack. Ensure you select Latest in the download options. See Downloading Software Using the CommCell Console.

  2. Choose one of the following methods to install the required updates on DLP-enabled laptops:

    • From the CommCell Console, perform a remote install of the laptop packages to the clients that are experiencing this issue. Do not change any configurations in the install wizard when performing this operation. See Installing Commvault Remotely Using the CommCell Console.

    • Uninstall and reinstall the Commvault software on the laptop clients that are experiencing this issue.

Contents of an NTFS Junction Point are not Locked During DLP Scans


The contents of NTFS junction points are not locked during DLP scans. For example, if the following path is an NTFS junction point:


And the following path is added to the Lock Following Contents field:


Then the contents of junction-point will not be locked during DLP scans.


When an NTFS junction point is a subdirectory of a folder listed in the Lock Following Contents field in the Periodic Document Encryption settings, the NTFS junction point is not locked during DLP scans.


To lock the contents of an NTFS junction point during DLP scans, add the full path to the NTFS junction point to the Lock Following Contents field in the Periodic Document Encryption settings.

For example, if you want to lock the contents of the following NTFS junction point:


Then add the full path to junction-point to the Lock Following Contents Field in the Periodic Document Encryption settings. See Configuring Periodic Document Encryption.