The tasks that appear on this page are specific to the HP-UX File System Agent. For instructions about common Browse and Restore operations, see Browse and Restore Data: Advanced. For information about the Browse and Restore feature, see Browse and Restore: Overview.
Browse and Restore Using Filters and Wildcards
Filters allow you to specify parameters to include specific files and folders when browsing data. You can specify filters for filename, modified date, file size, stubbed files, failed files and folder size for the files you need to browse.
Wildcard expressions can be used with filters to match specific file name patterns. This function provides the ability to restore files and/or folders/directories that have a common naming convention. For example, msde2.txt and msj4j.txt.
Note that a combination of wildcards in a single expression (e.g., access?.h*) can also be used. If the expression is specified by itself, without a path (*.txt), the system searches for and returns all data within the backup set that satisfies the expression. By preceding the expression with a path, the scope of the restored data can be narrowed. For example, specifying sys:\data\*.txt, would restore only those files and directories within the sys:\data directory with extensions of .txt.
When restoring directories, if a wildcard pattern that matches the name of a directory was specified, the system restores the directory, but none of the directory's contents. For example, if the wildcard restore string is tem?, the system restores any and all data named with a four-character string starting with the letters t, e, and m. If a directory name satisfies the wild card condition (e.g., sys:\temp) then only the directory would be restored; however, none of the files or any subdirectories contained therein are restored.
See Supported Wildcard Characters for a list of wildcards supported.
Use the procedure below to browse using the available filters:
In the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers > client > Agent.
Right-click a backup_set, then click All Tasks > Browse and Restore.
From the Restore Options dialog box, click the Filter tab.
Select Add from Filter Criteria and choose a desired filter.
If more than one filter is used in the browse request, the objects qualifying all the filters will be displayed in the browse results.
Click View Content.
Supported File System Filters
The following filters can be used to include files and folders when browsing data:
Filter |
Description |
File Name |
You can filter files by name patterns. For example, each asterisk (*) represents zero, one or many characters:
Modified Date |
You can filter files based on modification date. Options include:
File Size |
This can be used to filter files based on a size range in KB, MB or GB. Comparison options provided are:
Stubbed Objects |
Use this to filter stubbed files that were backed up. |
Contains |
This filters file content against the words you enter. The results differ with different combinations of backup and content indexing jobs that ran on the client, as follows:
Supported Wildcard Characters
Wildcards |
Description |
Examples |
* |
Any number of characters. This wildcard is used in the following scenarios:
? |
Any one character.
[] |
Set or range of characters. |
[!] |
The negation of a set or range of characters. You can use the wildcard in the following scenario: filter all files in a directory except the files for which the name starts with any character from the specified set or range of characters. |
/root/[!AEIOU]*.doc filters all .doc files in the /root directory that start with a letter other than A, E, I, O, or U. |
** |
Matches any directory level. |
*** |
Matches any directory level, including the parent directory |
When you use wildcards to specify the subclient content, the content path appears in Italics.
If you want all the files with the file extension ".doc" to be filtered from any level, then specify the content as "*.doc". If any subclient content does not start with a forward slash (/), then "/**/" will be prefixed to the content to match at any level. For example: "*.doc" will become "/**/*.doc".
If you wants to treat the asterisk (*), question mark (?), and square brackets ([ ]) as literal, and not as wildcards, then add a forward slash (\) before the wildcard. For example: /Report\[2011-2012\]/*.doc will filter all the .doc files under /Report[2011-2012]
More than one type of wildcard can be used when specifying subclient content. For example: /Dcvol?/oracle[1-47]/**/*.log).