Subclient Properties (Encryption)


Use this dialog box to select the data encryption options for the selected subclient content for operations run from the CommCell Console.


When selected, no encryption will take place during a data protection operations.

Media Only (MediaAgent Side)

When selected, for data protection operations, data is transmitted without encryption and then encrypted prior to storage. During data recovery operations, data is decrypted by the client.

Network and Media (Agent Side)

When selected, for data protection operations, data is encrypted before transmission and is stored encrypted on the media. During data recovery operations, data is decrypted by the client.

Network Only (Agent Encrypts, MediaAgent Decrypts)

When selected, for data protection operations, data is encrypted for transmission and then decrypted prior to storage on the media. During data recovery operations, data is encrypted by the MediaAgent and then decrypted in the client.

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