Creating a Laptop Plan

You must create a laptop plan to start protecting your end users' devices.

Before You Begin

Create a storage pool. For information on storage pools, see Storage Pool.


  1. From the navigation pane, expand Configuration, and then click Plans.

    The Plans page appears.

  2. Click Create plan, and then click Laptop.

    The Laptop Plan Options page appears.

  3. Fill in the following plan information:

    1. In the Plan name box, type the name of the plan.

    2. Select the check box for the features that the plan covers:

      • Laptop

      • DLP (data loss prevention)

      • Edge Drive

      • Archiving

    3. If you selected Edge Drive, under Edge Drive Settings, enter the MediaAgent and index directory to use with Edge Drive.

    4. If you selected Archiving, under Archiving rules, in the Start cleaning up disk when it is less than n% Free box, enter a low watermark value for the volume and in the Stop cleaning up disk when it is up to n% Free box, enter a high watermark volume for the volume.

      For information about available rules for archiving your data, see Configure Rules for Archiving.

    5. To limit the amount of space on your Edge Drive by using this plan, under Edge Drive Settings, set the quota:

      1. Select the Enable quota check box.

      2. In the GB box, type the maximum number of gigabytes that you can store in the Edge Drive.

  4. Click Next.

    The Backup Content page appears.

  5. Define the content to backup:

    1. On the Windows, Mac, or Unix tab, beside Content to backup, click Add.


      If you selected Archiving, you can only add Windows content.

    2. In the Add Content dialog box, browse for content to back up, or click Add custom content to type a path or pattern, for example, *.docx.

    3. Click Save.

    4. Repeat these steps until content is added for each operating system that you want the plan to support.

  6. Optional: You can exclude content from being backed up.

  7. To limit the amount of data that can be backed up by using this plan, set the quota:

    1. Select the Enable quota check box.

    2. In the GB box, type the maximum number of gigabytes that can be backed.

  8. Click Next.

    The Storage and schedule page appears.

  9. Select the storage and RPO options:

    1. From the Primary storage list, select the storage pool.

    2. To have the data stored on a backup copy, select the Enable secondary storage list, and then from the Secondary storage list, select the pool.

    3. Under RPO, in the Backup frequency box, type how often the software backs up the data.

  10. Click Next.

    The Retention page appears.

  11. Determine how long the data is stored.

    1. To change the default minimum time that the software retains the data, select the Minimum retention based on file modification time check box, and then in the Retain objects for box, type the number of days.

    2. To change the default retention for deleted items, under Deleted item retention, in the Retain objects for box, type the number of years.

    3. To change the default retention for file versions,Under File versions, make one of the following selections:

      • To retain the versions for a specific number of days, in the Retain objects for box, type the number of days.

      • To retain a specific number of versions, in the Retain box, type the number of versions.

  12. Click Next.

    The Options page appears.

  13. To throttle the transfer speed of data, under Network resources, beside Throttle send, clear the infinite check boxes, and in the Kbps boxes, enter the maximum kilobits per second.

  14. Optional: Under Alerts, disable the default alerts.

  15. To make this plan act as a template when you create more plans, see Creating a Base Plan.

  16. Click Finish.

What to Do Next

Associate users and user groups to the plan. The plan is used to protect the users' devices. For instructions, see Associating Users with Plans.

To invite users to install the Laptop package, see Inviting Users and User Groups to Install the End-User Laptop Package.
