Enabling Point-in-Time Failovers

You can retain point-in-time recovery snapshots for replication operations on the destination site. For each incremental backup operation and replication operation, the replication operation creates a recovery point snapshot. The destination site retains the number of snapshots that you specify.


  • Retaining a large number of recovery points increases the amount of storage that is required on the destination site.

  • Writing changes to recovery point snapshots is slower than writing directly to a destination VM. If you enable point-in-time failovers using recovery points, then replication takes a longer amount of time.

You can use this feature when you replicate virtual machines for the VMware hypervisor, using streaming backups.

When point-in-time recovery snapshots are available on the destination site, you can perform a failover operation to a specific recovery point. If you perform a point-in-time failover operation, you can revert to a stable VM state if the source VM becomes corrupt and the latest backup cannot create a valid VM on the destination site.

Before You Begin

For VMware destination sites: To perform failover, test boot, and failback operations for VMware destination sites, VMware tools must be installed on the source VMs before replicating the VMs.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Configuration > Replication.

    The Replication page appears with the Groups tab selected.

  2. In the Group name column, click a replication group.

    The page for the group appears.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. On the Replication options page, expand the Advanced options section.

  5. In the Number of recovery points box, enter the number of snapshots to maintain.

    You can specify up to 10 recovery points.

  6. From the navigation pane, go to Monitoring > Replication monitor.

    The Replication monitor page appears.

  7. In the Actions column for a replication pair, click the action action_button button, point to Failover, and then click Point in time.

    The Point in time failover dialog box appears.

  8. Select a recovery point, and then click Submit.
