Managing Schedules


After Service Pack 11 is installed, schedules will not be displayed on new plans. For plans created prior to Service Pack 11, you can continue to update the plan schedules.

You can create or modify a schedule for periodic backups as part of a plan that is assigned to a VM group for a hypervisor.

Before You Begin

Identify the plan associated with a VM group.


  1. From the navigation pane, click Configuration > Plans.

    The Plans page appears.

  2. Click the name of the server plan that is assigned to the VM group.

    The plan details page appears.

  3. In the Schedules area, perform one of the following actions:

    • To create a new schedule, click Add schedule.

    • To modify an existing schedule, click the schedule on the plan details page.

  4. In the Schedules dialog box, provide the following information:

    • Name: Type a descriptive name for the schedule (for example, Weekly Full Backup).

    • Backup level:

      • Incremental: Selected by default. An incremental backup only backs up changes since the last full backup.

      • Full: Perform a full backup for a virtual machine that has previously been backed up. A full backup includes virtual machine configuration files and all virtual machine data disks.

      • Synthetic full: Create a synthesized backup from the most recent full backup and all subsequent incremental backups. The resulting synthetic full backup is identical to a full backup for the VM group. Unlike full and incremental, a synthetic full backup does not actually transfer data from a client computer to the backup media, and does not use any resources on the client computer.

      A full backup is always performed for the first backup of any virtual machine.

    • Frequency: Select one of the following options:

      • Daily: Select this option and specify a value for the Time settings.

      • Weekly: After selecting this option, specify a value for the Time settings and select one or more days of the week.

      • Monthly: After selecting this option, specify a value for the Time settings; then select On day and type the day of the month, or select Custom weeks/days and set the desired parameters for the interval.

      For Time settings, click AM or PM to toggle between morning and afternoon.

      For daily, weekly, or monthly schedules, you can use the Repeat area to refine the backup schedule. For example, you can create a daily backup schedule that runs every other day by typing 2 in the Every box, or a backup that runs multiple times each day by selecting Repeat Every and specifying the interval and end time.

      To specify exceptions to the schedule, click Exceptions in the Repeat area. In the Exceptions dialog box, select On day and select a day of the month, or select Custom weeks/days and select the week and day. Click Save to save the exception and return to the Add schedule dialog box.

  5. Click Save to save the schedule.
