Operation Window Online Help

The following sections provide context-sensitive help information related to this feature.

Operation Window

Use this dialog box to add, modify, or delete operation rules for system operations.


If the time zone of a client differs from the time zone of the CommServe, then the time zone of the client is honored unless the operation window rule is set at the CommServe level. If the operation window is set at the CommServe level, the time zone of the CommServe level is honored.

  • Name

    The friendly name assigned to the operation window.

  • Operations

    Displays the operations included in this rule.

  • Do not run days of week and time interval

    Displays the times and week days when the operations for this rule should not be run.


Click this button to add an operation rule from the Operation Rule Details dialog box.


Click this button to modify an operation rule from the Operation Rule Details dialog box.


Click this button to delete an operation rule.

Ignore Operation Rules at Higher Levels (not applicable at the CommServe, client group, and schedule policy levels)

Select this option to disable all operation rules set at levels above the currently selected CommCell entity.

Operation Rule Details

Use this dialog box to specify the details of an operation rule.


Type a friendly name for this operation rule.


Select from among the following operation rule choices. Not all operation rules are available at all levels (for the operation rules supported at each level, see Operation Window - Support):

  • Full Data Management (full backups)

  • Non Full Data Management (non full backups)

  • Backup Copy

  • Data Recovery

  • Data Pruning

  • Data Analytics

  • Synthetic Full

  • Auxiliary Copy


    If an operation window for auxiliary copy operations is set at the schedule policy level, the following behavior occurs:

    • If scalable resource allocation is enabled, the MediaAgent time zone is honored.

    • If scalable resource allocation is disabled, the CommServe time zone is honored.

  • Disaster Recovery Backup

  • Data Verification

  • Delete Backup and Archive Data Using the CommCell Console

  • Erase Spare Media

  • Offline Content Indexing

  • Information Management

  • Media Refreshing

Days of the Week

Select the days of the week when the operations should not run. Note that specific times must be selected from the Do not run intervals area.

Do not run intervals

Allows you to select the date and time that these operations should not run.

  • Start Date

    Select the start day, month, and year of the interval for this operation rule.

  • End Date

    Select the end day, month, and year of the interval for this operation rule.

  • From Time

    Displays the start time of this operation rule.

  • To Time

    Displays the end time of this operation rule.


Add a time interval from the Time Intervals dialog box.


Modify a time interval from the Time Intervals dialog box.


Click this button to delete a time interval from this operation rule.

Time Intervals

Use this dialog box to set the time interval (in hours and minutes) for the selected days that the operation rule should not run.

Do not run time interval

Allows you to set the interval parameters.

  • Start Time

    Specify the start time of the interval.

  • End Time

    Specify the end time of the interval. Note that the end time of the interval must be greater than the start time.


Click this button to add the specified time interval to the Operation Rule Details dialog box. This button allows you to add multiple operation rules without closing this dialog box.
