Performing Backups for the Active Directory Application

Back up the data on your client computer.

Before You Begin

Enable the option to restore passwords.


  1. From the navigation pane, click Solutions > Apps > Active Directory> client > backup_set > subclient.

  2. In the Actions column for the subclient, click the action button action_button, and then click Backup.

    The Backup options dialog box appears.

  3. In the Backup options dialog box, choose the backup options:

    • Full: Backs up all of the data defined under Content.

    • Incremental: (default) Backs up the portion of the data that is new or that has changed since the last backup.

    • Differential: A differential backup contains only the data that is new or has changed since the last full backup. Like incremental backups, differential backups use less media and place less of a burden on resources than full backups.

    • Synthetic full: Creates a full backup from the most recent full backup and all subsequent incremental backups. The resulting synthetic full backup is identical to a full backup. A synthetic full backup does not transfer data from a device to the storage pool and does not use resources on the device.

  4. Click OK.

  5. To view the backup history, in the Actions column, click the action button action_button, and then click Backup history.
