Performing Oracle Database Application Migration to an Amazon EC2 Instance

When you migrate the application, you specify both the AMI and the Amazon EC2 instance.

You can use an existing EC2 instance, or you can specify a new EC2 instance name and the Commvault software creates the instance in the Amazon cloud.

If you use an need additional storage for the data, you can add a new storage device for the new or existing instance.

Before You Begin

  • Verify that the source on-premises database is running on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL 7) system and that the Oracle version is Oracle 11gR2 or 12c. These are the only supported environments for the source database that is to be migrated.

  • Complete the Amazon EC2 configuration. For more information, see Configuration for Oracle Database Application Migration to an Amazon EC2 Instance.

  • Verify that the AMI or the destination VM being used for the migration is preconfigured with dependent Oracle libraries.

  • Have the backup administrator configure the system for Database Application Migration to an Amazon EC2 instance.

  • Make sure that you have the following information:

    • The Amazon account information.

    • The Amazon Machine Image name.

    • The Amazon key pair. For more information, go to the Amazon Web Services website, Amazon EC2 Key Pairs.

    • The VM lifecycle policy.

  • Enable client data collection for Oracle database application migration.


  1. From the navigation page, click Solutions > Databases > DB Instances > instance.

  2. On the upper-right corner of the page, click the menu icon Admin Console menu icon (3 vertical dots), and then click Migrate to cloud.

    The Migrate to cloud page appears.

  3. Specify the cloud destination information.

    1. From the Cloud type list, select Amazon.

    2. From the Provisioning Policy list, select the lifecycle policy.

    3. From the Compute node list, select or type the instance.

      If you enter a new instance name, the Commvault software creates a new VM in the Amazon cloud.

  4. Expand the Cloud compute configuration node, and then specify the AMI information.

    If you chose to use an existing EC2 instance, and do not want to modify the instance storage, then you do not need to take any action on this page.

    If you chose to use a new EC2 instance, specify the instance information:

    • From the Image list, select the Amazon Machine Image that will host the instance.

    • From the Shape list, select the type of Amazon instance to create.

      For information on Amazon EC2 instance types, go to the Amazon EC2 documentation website, Instance Types.

  5. Optional: add storage. Click Add storage.

    The Add storage dialog box appears.

    1. In the Mount points box, type a unique name for the mount point.

    2. From the Size(GB) box, type the mount point size.

    3. In the Description box ,type the name or phrase to describe the mount point.

    4. Click OK.

  6. Optional: modify the mount points. In the row for the mount point, click the edit edit button.

    The Edit storage dialog box appears.

    1. In the Mount points box, type a unique name for the mount point.

    2. From the Size(GB) box, type the mount point size.

    3. In the Description box ,type the name or phrase to describe the mount point.

    4. Click OK.

  7. Expand the Software Configuration node, and then specify the Oracle application location.

    • To clone the Oracle Home directory from the source machine, select Clone from source.

      Note: This option is not available when the migration source database is on an AIX or Solaris configuration.

    • To use the Oracle Home directory that exists on the destination, select Use installed on the target.

      Note: You can select this option when you created the compute node that has Oracle preinstalled, and you know the Oracle Home directory.

    • Optional: Specify a new install directory. In the Install directory on cloud box, type the full path to the Oracle Home directory.

      Use this option when you want to use a different Oracle Home path from the source, or when you want to specify the pre-installed AMI Oracle Home path.

  8. Configure a one-way network topology from the CommServe computer and the MediaAgent to the Cloud Client Group. For more information, see Setting up a One-Way Direct Connection (Server to Client) Using a Predefined Network Topology.

  9. Expand the Migration Options page appears.node, and then specify the migration options.

    1. In the Migration area, select whether this operation is a one-time operation, or continuous.

      • To have this be a one-time operation, select One time.

      • To have this a continuous operation that uses the Live Sync feature, select Continuous (Live Sync).

      • To restore the data from a specific copy, in the Restore from copy box, select the copy from which you want to restore the data.

    2. In the Post migration Validation Script box, type the full path and script name for the script that you use to validate the Oracle database.

  10. Click Submit.

What to Do Next

You can control or view the job. For more information, see Jobs.
