Replication Target Options for VMware

When you configure a replication target for VMware, provide VMware-specific values for the destination site.


  • Test failover is supported only for replication to VMware destinations.

  • To configure an isolated network for test failover operations, download a gateway template and copy it to a location where it can be accessed from Command Center.

General Options

  • Select type: Select VMware.

  • Replication target: Enter a descriptive name for the replication (for example, DR site 1).

  • Destination hypervisor: Select a hypervisor to manage the replicated VMs.

  • Access Node: Select a proxy to perform the replication.

  • VM display name: Select Prefix or Suffix, and then enter a string that will be appended to source VMs to create the display name for each destination VM.

  • Destination host: Enter the name or IP address for an ESX server, or click Browse to select an ESX host or cluster for the hypervisor.

  • Datastore: Select a datastore for virtual machine data. By default, virtual machine disks (VMDKs) for the replicated VM are added to the same datastore where the source VM disks resided; but you can specify a different datastore.

  • Resource pool: Select a destination resource pool for all replicated VMs.

  • Destination network: Select a network that is available for the destination.

    If you select Not Connected or do not select a destination network, virtual machines are restored with network interfaces in disconnected state.

Additional Options

  • Users and user groups: Select items from the list and click OK to associate users or user groups with the replication target.

  • Test failover options: To enable the replication target to be used for test failover operations, select this option and provide the following information:

    • Expiration time: Select Hours or Days and specify the amount of time that live mounted VMs can run before they expire.

      To keep VMs available beyond the expiry time, select the Migrate VMs option.

    • Configure isolated network: To use an isolated network with VMs mounted for a test failover operation, select this option and then click Browse to select the gateway template.

      If you do not select this option and identify a gateway template, the VMs in the test failover operation will not have a network connection.

    • Migrate VMs: To enable live mounted VMs to be mounted to the destination datastore for extended availability, select this option.

Creating a Replication Target
