Using the Setup Wizard for the Active Directory Application

When you log on to the Command Center for the first time, a setup wizard guides you through the core setup required by the applications available in the Command Center. After you complete the core setup, complete the setup wizard specific to the Active Directory application.

To complete the setup wizard for the Servers application, you will need the following server information:

  • The host name

  • The credentials that you use to access the Active Directory server

  • The packages that you want to install, for example MediaAgent

  • A server plan

About This Task

At any point during the setup wizard, click Finish setup later to leave the wizard. If you leave the setup wizard before it is complete, it will appear the next time you log on.


  1. After you complete the core setup, in the Active Directory tile, click Complete setup.

  2. Optional: You can skip this step if you created a server plan already. On the Add server backup plan page, type a name for the plan, then provide information about storage, retention, and backup schedules. For more information, see Creating a Server Plan.

  3. Click Save.

  4. The Add an Active Directory page appears.

  5. Provide the following information:

    • Host name: Enter a fully qualified hostname or IP address for the client computer. You can enter more than one host name at a time.

    • Username and Password: Enter the user credentials to provide administrative access to the client computer.

      The administrator must have the following permissions for performing a backup and restore operation:

      • Be a member of the Domain Administrator Group.

      • Be able to access the Active Directory deleted object container or the tombstone.

      • At the minimum have Read, Change and Create Child Objects permissions in the Active Directory domain.


        You can still use an account that is not in the domain admin group to perform backups. The account must have Read, Change and Create Child Objects permissions in the Active Directory domain. However, DNS Zones are not backed up using that account.

    • Select a Plan: Select an existing server plan.

  6. Click Save.
