Adding a Server Group for File Storage Optimization

Applies to: Windows, UNIX, and NAS file servers

You can analyze file server data by adding a server group. When the data collection job runs for the server group, a quick scan is performed on backed-up data.

For information about what is included in quick scans, see Types of Scans Performed on Backed Up Data. If you need a full scan, add individual servers and select the full scan option.

Before You Begin

If you created an inventory before Feature Release 19, run a data collection job for the inventory, and then add a schedule to the inventory. When the assets are refreshed, server groups are automatically included in the inventory. Inventories created in Feature Release 19 and more recent versions automatically include server groups and schedules.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Activate.

    The Activate page appears.

  2. Under Apps, click File Storage optimization.

    The File storage optimization page appears.

  3. On the Server groups tab, in the right area of the page, click Add server group.

    The Add server group dialog box appears.

  4. From the Plans list, select a data classification plan.

    The data classification plan identifies the index server to use.

  5. From the Inventory list, select an inventory.

    The inventory contains the file servers that you can analyze.

  6. Click Next.

    The Add server group page appears.

  7. On the Select server group tab, select the check box for the group that you want to add.


    To refine the list, perform a keyword search.

  8. Click Next.

  9. On the Configuration tab, from the Country name list, select the country where the server is located.

  10. Click Finish.


A data collection job automatically starts.

What to Do Next

After the data collection job is complete, use the overview dashboards to start analyzing data.

Adding a Client and a Data Source
