Depending on the operations that end-users need to perform in the Web Console, follow the link to the configuration page provided in the respective end-user operation from the list below:
Client Data Management To allow the backup, restore and search of client data, see CommCell Configuration for Laptop Backup. |
Mailbox Data Management To allow download and search operations of mailbox items, see Configuration - Web Console - Administrator. |
Syncing Client Folders To allow the synchronization of data between computers, see Configuring Sync Folder Options. |
Reports Some Web reports are available in the Web Console by default. However, to enable access for Metrics Reports, see Getting Started with Metrics Reports. |
Download Center To set up downloadable packages for end-users, see Download Software from Web Console - Setup Downloadable Packages. |
Compliance Search To set up the search capability for compliance officers to search across computers, storage devices and applications, see Search. |
Virtual Machine Management To provide VM management operations for virtual machine users, see VM Lifecycle Management Administrator Overview. |
Forms Provide users with access to workflows and send users actions. Workflows appear on the Forms tab and actions appear on the Actions tab. For details on running workflows in the Web Console, see Running Workflows from the Web Console. To see the workflow activities used to send actions to a user's Actions tab, see Activities - User Interaction. |