Monitoring Policy Templates

A monitoring policy template defines the structure of a log. During the creation of a monitoring policy, you define the type of log you want to monitor by selecting a template.

The template properties, which include parsing criteria, are used by monitoring policies to track specific chunks of log information. For example, the following are some properties that you can specify:

  • Data type and format of the columns in the log file

  • Delimiting characters that separate each column

Predefined Templates

The following table lists the templates that are available when you create monitoring policies:

Monitoring Policy Type

Available Templates

Text Log Files

The following templates are available to parse text log files:

  • Commvault alert SNMP trap template

    Applies to SNMP trap alerts sent by the CommServe to other computers. For information about setting up the alert notifications, see Setting Up SNMP Trap Alert Notifications.

    When you use this template, you can monitor the SNMP trap information using the log monitoring application.

  • Commvault DataCube Log

    Applies to Commvault DataCube logs generated by Commvault software.

  • Commvault DM2UpdateHandler Log

    Applies to Commvault DM2UpdateHandler logs generated by Commvault software.Commvault Logs

    Applies to all of the log files generated by Commvault software.

  • Commvault Logs

    Applies to all of the log files generated by Commvault software.

  • F5 Template and F5 IIS Template

    Applies to log files generated by F5 software. When you create a monitoring policy with the F5 templates, you must provide the path to the folder containing the log files.

  • HyperV

    Applies to Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machine performance metrics. The performance metrics for each virtual machine hosted on the Hyper-V server are monitored.


    The Virtual Server Agent (VSA) for Microsoft Hyper-V must be installed on the client you are monitoring. For information on the VSA for Microsoft Hyper-V, see Virtual Machine Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V. For information on the Hyper-V monitoring report, see Hyper-V Performance Monitoring Overview.

  • Recall Logs

    Applies to all of the file recall log files generated by Commvault software. For more information, see Recall Log Monitoring Overview.

  • Simple Text Template

    Applies to text-based logs from any program. When you create a monitoring policy with the Simple Text template, you must provide the path to the folder containing the log files.

  • Windows Event

    Applies to Microsoft Windows events that are saved as .evtx files. When you create a monitoring policy with the Windows Event template, you must provide the path to the folder containing the .evtx files.


The following templates are available to track specific events in the CommServe database:

  • Audit Trail

  • Alert

  • Event Viewer

Windows Events

Tracks Microsoft Windows events across the clients selected when the monitoring policy is created.


The UNIX sys log template tracks UNIX system logs.

On Demand

Tracks any log file that is uploaded using the Log Monitoring application on the Web Console.

To check if a predefined template meets your log requirements, see the following procedures:

Creating New Templates

If the predefined text-based templates do not meet your log requirements, you can create and manage your own template. For more information, see Creating a Monitoring Policy Template.

To monitor the MiFID logs, you can create an MiFID monitoring policy template. For instructions, see Creating an MiFID Monitoring Policy Template.
