Viewing the Properties of a Monitoring Policy Template

The properties defined in a template determine the structure and the type of log that you want to monitor. You can view the properties of a template to check if the template meets your log requirements, and to determine whether you need to create a new template.

The following are some of the template properties:

  • Type and format of the log data (marked by a column in the log file)

  • Delimiting characters separating the columns in the log file

  • Number of lines in the log header

  • Type of log file to be monitored


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Policies.

  2. Right-click Monitoring Policies and click Manage Templates.

  3. In the Manage Templates dialog box, select the template that you want to see and then click View.

    The View Template dialog box is displayed, which you can use to check the properties of the selected template.
