Editing SNMP Configurations

Changes that you make to the SNMP configuration are applied to all nodes in the storage cluster.


  1. In the Hedvig WebUI, select Configuration > SNMP.

    .Editing SNMP Configurations (1)

  2. In the SNMP Configuration dialog, complete the information, using the descriptions and values described in the following table.

  3. form field


    SNMP Enabled

    Enable or disable SNMP.


    Select SNMPv2c or SNMPv3.


    Enter the SNMP user name, which must be no more than 30 characters.

    Authentication Password

    Enter an authentication password, which must be from 8 to 30 characters.

    Privacy Password

    Enter an AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) password, which must be from 8 to 30 characters. This can be the can be the same password as the Authentication Password, or it can be different.

    Manager Address

    Enter the address of the SNMP manager. You must change this from the default.

    Manager Port

    Leave the default port of 162, or enter a different one, which must be a valid port number.

    Community Name

    Leave the default name of public, or enter a customized community name.

    Engine ID

    Leave the default identifier of HedvigSnmpAgent, or enter a customized engine identifier.


    Engine ID is required for SNMPv3.

  4. To send a test SNMP trap, select Send SNMP Trap.

  5. To save your completed changes, select Save Changes.
