Export ID Handling

To prevent Export ID overflow,Export IDs are assigned using the following guidelines:

  • For virtual disks with SCSI serial numbers that are less than or equal to 65000:

    • The Export ID is set to the SCSI serial number.

    • File handles are 24 bytes in size, and the Export ID field in the file handles is set to the SCSI serial number of the corresponding NFS virtual disk.

  • For virtual disks with SCSI serial numbers that are greater than 65000:

    • The Export ID is assigned randomly from a pool of numbers (65001 to 65256).

    • File handles are 32 bytes in size, and the Export ID field in the file handles is set to 0.

    • To uniquely identify the export from the file handle, the SCSI serial number of the corresponding NFS virtual disk is written into the opaque field of the file handle, which is comprised of the inode of the corresponding file and the Export ID.
