Launching AWS Instances for AWS Setup

You must launch AWS instances before deploying a Hedvig Storage Cluster for an AWS setup.


  1. From the Commvault store, download cloud_extract.bin.

  2. Extract the binary (changing permissions, as necessary).

  3. Change to the resulting managecloud directory.

    cd managecloud
  4. Copy the template to the original file.

    scp managecloud.yml.tmpl to managecloud.yml

    In this file, replace all XXX (or other placeholders) with the appropriate information.


    For an example of the template, see Sample managecloud.yml.tmpl Template File.

    Here are the main entries to edit in the managecloud.yml file:

    Under # aws config:

    • aws_region: the region, for example, us-west-2

    • aws_availability: the availability zone, for example, us-west-2b

    • aws_subnetid: the Amazon VPC (virtual private cloud) subnet into which the instances will be created

    • aws_sgid: the security group id to be used for launching instances

    • aws_vendor_key: the PEM (privacy enhanced mail) key name

    • aws_arn: the AWS IAM (identity and access management) instance profile, with read/write access to Amazon EC2 and S3


    • aws_access key, aws_secret_key: keys that enable instances to make appropriate AWS API calls

    Under # cluster config:

    • ssh_password: the ssh password

    • admin_addr: the administrator email address for alerts, etc.

    • from_addr: the "from" email address for alerts, etc.

    • mail_addr: the "to" email address for alerts, etc.

    • smtp_host: the SMTP host name

  5. Run the following command from the directory in which you untarred this distribution:

    python aws create_eni_cluster --total_nodes 3 --total_cvms 2 --clustername <cluster_name>

    This step takes about 10 minutes for a 3-node, 2-storage proxy deployment.


  • The IP address for the deployment server is displayed.

  • An Ansible configuration file (<cluster_name>.ansi) is generated.
