Set Up an Application and Tenant for Azure Resource Manager

An application is a specific cloud service associated with your Azure account, and the tenant is a client or organization that manages an instance of the cloud service. The application and tenant are associated with your subscription through Azure Active Directory, which provides identity and access management for the Azure cloud.

To create an Azure SQL pseudo-client in Command Center, you need to set up an application and tenant for the Azure Resource Manager.

To complete the setup of the Azure virtualization client in Command Center, you will need the following Azure information:

  • Application name

  • Application ID

  • Subscription ID

  • Tenant ID (Directory ID)

  • Application key

Before You Begin

You must have the following information for your Azure account:

  • The Subscription ID for the Azure account

  • The user credentials that have Service Administrator capabilities, for logging in to your Azure account


  1. Log on to the public Azure portal with service administrator credentials.

  2. On the App Registration tab, do the following:

    1. Click Register.

      After you register the app, it is listed on the App Registration tab.

    2. Record the Application (client) ID.

      This is your application ID, and you'll need it later.

  3. In the left area of the page, click Certificates & secrets.

  4. Under the Client secrets tab, click New client secret.

    The Add a client secret dialog box appears.

  5. Enter a description for the new client secret, and then set the expiration for this secret key.

    When the secret expires, you must generate a new secret key and update that value in the Commvault software.

  6. Click Add.

  7. After the secret key is created, record the secret string's Value.

    This value will be the Application Key.


    Shortly after this value is created, it is hidden. Record the value immediately so that you can use it when you configure the Commvault software.

  8. Go to the resource group settings of the managed instance for the client that you want to configure, on the Access Control (IAM) tab, add the SQL Managed Instance Contributor role to the application.

  9. To obtain the Tenant ID from the public Azure cloud, select Azure Active Directory > Properties > Directory ID.

    The Directory ID is also the Tenant ID.
