Auto Recovery in the License Summary Report


The Auto Recovery view of the License Summary report displays usage details for the Auto Recovery license, which is required for the Commvault Auto Recovery package.

If you configure storage retention as more than 14 days for a replication group, then license usage will be counted for both the Auto Recovery license and other data protection license types that appear in the License Summary report.

Upgrading to Commvault 11.21 and Later Releases

If you use replication for virtual machines, within 60 days after you upgrade the CommServe server to 11.21 or a later release, you must manually update from the Live Sync license to the Auto Recovery license. After 60 days, live sync replication jobs will no longer run. If you upgrade to 11.21 or a later release, the replication source VMs will appear in both the Live Sync page and the Auto Recovery page in the License Summary report. The source VMs are not counted twice, but the information about the source VMs appears in both locations.

To request the Auto Recovery license, on the Maintenance Advantage portal, go to Product Registration & License Management.

For instructions about adding a license in the Command Center, see Adding a License in the Command Center.

Included Components

The Auto Recovery license covers each unique source VM that is replicated using the Commvault Auto Recovery Package.

Where to Access the Report

To view this report, in the License Summary Report, in the Virtualization Licenses table under License, click Auto Recovery.

Auto Recovery Current Usage Details Table

This table displays each unique source VM that is replicated using the Auto Recovery package.



Source VM ID

The ID that is assigned to the source VM.

Source VM Name

The source VM that is replicated.

Company ID

The ID that is assigned to the organization that owns the source VM.


The organization that owns the source VM.


The plan that is associated with the source VM.

Current VM Usage Excluded From Capacity Because of Auto Recovery License

This table displays the size of data protection jobs that run for license types other than the capacity license on the source VMs. If there are no other license types purchased, this table appears blank.



Client ID

The ID of the client computer.


The client computer.

Job ID

The ID for the job.

Job Type

The type of job that ran, such as Backup.


The workload assigned to each subclient.

Workload ID

The ID of the workload.

License ID

The ID of the license.


The type of license.

Agent ID

The ID of the agent type.


The type of agent.

Instance ID

The ID of the instance.


The instance.

Backup Set ID

The ID of the backup set.

Backup Set

The backup set that is associated with the subclient.

Subclient ID

The ID of the subclient.


The subclient that was backed up.

Storage Policy ID

The ID of the storage policy.

Storage Policy

The storage policy that is associated with the subclient.


The amount of data that was backed up.

Company ID

The ID of the organization.


The organization that owns the client computer.


The plan that is associated with the subclient and the storage policy.