ContentStore Mail Server (SMTP) Dashboard Counters


On the Counters tab, you can monitor the server resource usage using remote procedure call (RPC) performance counters.



Start time

The time that the ContentStore Mail ServerContentStore Mail Server (SMTP) was started.

Session count

The number of SMTP connections per session that are connected to the server.

Available space on drive

The amount of space that is available on the drive where the messages are stored.

Rejected SMTP sessions

Connections from SMTP servers that were not accepted by the ContentStore Mail ServerContentStore Mail Server. If an IP address is a legitimate SMTP address in your environment, you might need to add it in the Accept connection from area of the Settings tab.

Message Size (MB) per hour

The amount of traffic on the SMTP server measured by the total size of messages received on the server within the last hour.

Messages per hour

The amount of traffic on the SMTP server measured by the total number of messages received on the server within the last 24 hours.

Message Size (MB) per day

The amount of traffic on the SMTP server measured by the total size of messages received on the server within the last hour.

Messages per day

The amount of traffic on the SMTP server measured by the total number of messages received on the server within the 24 hours.

% Processor Time

The average processor usage over all processors.

# Bytes in all Heaps

The memory that is currently allocated on the garbage heaps. This value is in megabytes.

If you need to create a report to help troubleshoot usage issues, you can click Capture for each counter to create a snapshot of the individual counter. Alternatively, you can click Capture All in the upper right corner of the counter display to take a snapshot of all counters at once. You can then save the image to your local computer based on the save procedure for your browser.