Enabling CommCell Migration and Global Repository Cell (GRC) on a CommServe Computer


CommCell Migration and Global Repository Cell (GRC) features are disabled for V11 installs of Commvault.

You can submit a request in the Web Console to enable CommCell migration and GRC on your CommServe. When the request is approved by the administrator, you will be able to use the CommCell migration and Global Repository Cell (GRC) feature.

Before You Begin

  • You must have a user account on the Cloud Services Web site. For instructions, see Getting Access to the Cloud Services Web Site.

  • Obtain separate authentication codes for the source and the destination CommCells. The authentication code is required to enable the feature.


  1. In your Web browser, go to https://cloud.commvault.com/webconsole/applications/.

  2. Log into Cloud Services.

  3. Under My Applications, click Forms.

  4. Click the Request Commcell Migration form.

  5. Enter the following values:

    • In the Customer Name box, enter the name of the customer.

    • In the Contact Name box, enter the name of the contact.

    • In the CommCell Registration and CommCell ID boxes, enter the CommCell registration code and CommCell ID respectively.

      Note: To get the registration code and CommCell ID information, on the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Home tab, click Licensing and Registration. View the information on the Registration tab.

    • In the Reason box, enter the reason.

    • In the Number of Clients box, enter the number of clients you want to migrate.

    • Optional: In the Also Notify box, enter one or more e-mail addresses for the users who will receive email notification when you submit the request.
      Separate multiple e-mail addresses with a semi-colon (;).

  6. Click OK.

    A message confirms that the request is submitted and is waiting for approval.

  7. When the administrator approves the request, you will receive an email with the authentication code details.

  8. Use the qlogin command to log onto the CommServe computer.

  9. Run the following command on both the source and the destination CommCells separately to enable the CommCell migration feature and the Global Repository Cell feature:

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_EnableOrDisableCCM.sql -si ENABLE -si <AuthCode>

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