Export Media


You can use the following procedures to export media from a tape storage to a destination location.

Exporting Media Based on a List

You can export a list of media from a tape storage to a destination location.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Storage >Tape.

    The Tape page appears.

  2. For the tape_storage from which you want to export media, click the action button action_button in the Actions column > Export media, and then click List-based.

    The Export media: List-based dialog box appears.

  3. From the list of media that appear under Select media to export, select the media that you want to export.

  4. In the Export destination, type or select the location where you want to export the media.

  5. To track the media in transit, select Track transit, and then in the Transit location, type or select a new transit location.

  6. Click Save.

Exporting Media Based on Criteria

You can specify the criteria to export media from a tape storage target to a destination location and create a Vault Tracker policy to track the movement of media from the tape storage target to the destination location.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Storage >Tape.

    The Tape page appears.

  2. For the tape_storage from which you want to export media, click the action button action_button in the Actions column > Export media, and then click Criteria-based.

    The Export media: Criteria-based dialog box appears.

  3. In the Policy name box, type the name of the Vault Tracker policy.

  4. In the Description box, type the description of the policy.

  5. Enter the criteria for selecting the media for exporting under the Media status section:

    • Full tapes only: Select this option to export only full media.

    • Partially written tapes: Select this option to export active and appendable media.

    • Tape written to in last n days: Specify the number of days to export only the media to which data was written in the specified number of days.

    • Exclude media not copied: Select this option to exclude the media with the jobs that need to be copied.

    • Limit media count to: Specify the limit for number of media that you want to export.

    • Export destination: Type or select the location where you want to export the media.

    • Track transit: Select this option to track the media in transit.

    • Transit location: If you selected the Track transit option, in the Transit location, type or select a new transit location.

  6. You can either click Save to export media immediately or you can schedule to perform media export operation as follows:

    1. Click Add schedule.

      The Add schedule dialog box appears.

    2. Enter the following information:

      • Name: Enter a name for the schedule.

      • Frequency: Specify how often you want to run the export.

      • Time (in Client time zone): Specify the time of day you want to run the export.

      • Days of week: From the list, select the days of the week that you want to run the export.

    3. Click Save.

Vault Tracker