Alerts and Notifications - Creating an Alert Rule


You can create an alert rule to monitor events in the CommCell environment.

Before You Begin

  • To see the Alert Rule button in the Alerts dialog box, users must have a security association that includes the Administrative Management permission at the CommServe level. For information on security associations, see Security Association Overview.

  • Obtain or write the query to use in the alert rule:

    Note: Only SQL databases located on the CommServe computer can be queried.


  1. From the CommCell Console ribbon, click the Home tab and then click Alert.

  2. In the Alerts dialog box, click Alert Rule.

  3. In the Alert Rules dialog box, click Add.

    The Create New Alert Rule dialog box appears.

  4. On the General Information page in the Alert Rule Name box, type a name for the alert rule.

    This is the name used when this alert rule appears in the add alert wizard.

  5. In the Severity list, select Critical, Warning, or Information.

    This is the default severity used when this alert rule appears in the add alert wizard.

  6. In the Description box, type the purpose of the rule.

  7. Click Next.

  8. On the Please Specify SQL File Location or Enter SQL Query page in the SQL Query box, do one of the following:

    • Type the SQL query.

    • Click Import from File to import a script or text file containing the query.

    If you select Query returns formatted HTML check box, then the alert notification template will only display <QUERY GENERATED HTML> token.

  9. Optional: Use the Manage Inputs button to add a user input field. See Managing Inputs.

  10. Optional: Use the Insert Variable button to add a variable to the query:

    1. Click in the SQL Query box to place the cursor where you want to insert the variable.

    2. Click Insert Variable.

      System variables, such as userName, and any inputs created using the Manage Inputs button are available in the Insert Variable dialog box.

    3. Select the variable and click OK.

      The variable is inserted prefixed with an at sign (@), for example, @userName.

  11. Click Next.

  12. On the Please Specify Output Columns page, click Refresh to populate the output column table automatically.

  13. Optional: Customize or add query output columns to change what users see when they use the alert rule to create an alert. See Customizing Output Columns.

  14. Click Next.

  15. On the How Often to Run This Query page, select the options for the schedule and click Next.

  16. On the Monitor CommCells page, do one of the following:

    • Select the CommCells to monitor.

    • Select Allow CommCell association at alert level to allow users to select the CommCells associated with the alert when the alert rule is used in the Alert Wizard.

  17. Click Next.

  18. On the Security Details page, select Add to select which users can use the custom alert rule to create an alert in the Alert Wizard.

  19. Click Finish to create the rule.

    You can now create an alert based on this rule.

Sample Alert Rules

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