Migrating Data to Microsoft Azure Using Azure Data Box


You can migrate large volumes of data to Microsoft Azure using the Azure Data Box.

This can be done by seeding an initial baseline directly in the device, and subsequently, once the data from the device is migrated to Microsoft Azure cloud storage, backups or auxiliary copy operations can be run directly to the cloud storage.

Before You Begin

  • Connect the data box to the appropriate network.

  • Once the data box is powered-on in the network, a CIFS share for Blob storage will be exported based on the Azure storage account associated with the Azure Data Box import job.

    For example, if the Azure Data Box was ordered under the storage account MyAccount, there will be a CIFS share called MyAccount_Blob.


  1. Create a folder under the root of the blob.

  2. Configure the data box as a disk library using the folder created under the root of the blob in the previous step. (The disk library creation will fail with an authentication error if it is pointed to the root of the blob.)

    For more information on configuring a disk library, see Disk Libraries - Getting Started.


    • Make sure that the mount path associated with this disk library points to a folder in the CIFS share for Blob storage.

    • Make sure to enable deduplication before migrating the data, if you plan to store deduplicated data in the cloud. (Although you can perform a cloud-to-cloud deduplicated copy after the migration, the copy operation may incur additional cost if the MediaAgent performing the deduplication is located on premise. For more information about reducing cloud egress costs, see How to Reduce Cloud Data Egress Costs Using Commvault Cloud Storage.)

  3. For the initial seeding, depending on your data, run either a full backup, or an auxiliary copy operation.

  4. Once the jobs associated with the initial seeding is complete, shutdown the data box using the recommended shut down process for Azure Data Box.

  5. Ship the Azure Data Box to Microsoft so that the data can be uploaded to the Azure Cloud Storage Account.

  6. Convert the Disk library to a Cloud library.

    For more information about converting a disk library to a cloud storage library, see Converting Disk Library to Cloud Library.

  7. Run one or more restore jobs to test your setup.

    For more information about performing a restore, see Restore Backup Data.

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