Configuring Job Restartability


Jobs that fail to complete successfully are automatically restarted based on the job restartability configuration set in the Control Panel. For laptop backup jobs, configure the job restartability as shown below.


  1. From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Home tab, click Control Panel.

  2. Under Data, click Job Management.

    The Job Management dialog box appears.

  3. On the Job Restarts tab, from the Job Type list, configure each of the following job types:

    Job Type


    File System and Indexing Based (Data Protection)

    • Set Enable Total Running Time to 720 or 1440 hours to set the maximum elapsed time before a job can be restarted or killed

    • Select Kill Running Job When Total Running Time Expires to kill the job after reaching the maximum elapsed time

    Install Updates

    • Set Enable Total Running Time to 72 hours to set the maximum elapsed time before a job can be restarted or killed

    • Select Kill Running Job When Total Running Time Expires to kill the job after reaching the maximum elapsed time

  4. After the job types are configured, click OK.