Microsoft OneDrive


Use this dialog box to add (or modify) Microsoft OneDrive as a storage target.

Before You Begin

In order to get the credentials, register the app with the right permissions on OneDrive with an appropriate user or owner. Gather the following information by performing the steps described in Registering the OneDrive for Business Application.

Configurable Options



Additional Information


The name of the Cloud library.

Device Name

A unique device name generated by the system when the library is added.


Select Microsoft OneDrive from the list.


The name of the MediaAgent to which the device is attached. Select a MediaAgent from the list to add to the cloud storage device. The list contains the names of all the MediaAgents configured in the CommCell.

Access Information

Add the credentials and other details required to access the cloud storage space.

Service Host

The URL of the host providing the cloud storage service. (Commvault transfers data using HTTPS protocol to the service host.)


Multiple hosts can be added in the Service Host field using commas to separate them. For example servicehost1, servicehost2, servicehost3. (For local cloud servers with multiple IP addresses, the list of IP addresses can be added. For example,,, )


All the hosts (or IP addresses) in the list must point to the same storage. Adding a host or IP address to a different storage will result in data loss.

Application ID

The Application ID associated with the account.

Click the application display name to obtain the Application ID.

Tenant ID

The Tenant ID associated with the account.

Tenant ID is referred to as Directory ID in Registering the OneDrive for Business Application.

Authentication URL

The authntication URL for the account.


Shared Secret

The Shared Secret for the account.

This is the key value recorded while saving the description and an expiration date in Registering the OneDrive for Business Application.


Provide a specific user account name as the drive to use.

The username must be provided in the following format:

For example:

Click the Detect button to list the drives from the tenant root site.

Additional Information