Performing an Interactive Installation for Oracle


Use this procedure to install the software using the custom installation options.

This procedure is run on the Oracle Agent host and requires input from the user executing the procedure. An alternative method requiring no user input is a silent installation. See Performing a Silent Installation for Oracle.

Files Used during a Non-Root Installation

  • When installing as a non-root user, the home directory of the user, <oracle_home>/opt, is used.

  • When installing as a non-root user, the home directory of the user, <user_home>/log, is used. You should have write access to the log file directory.

  • When installing as a non-root user, the home directory of the user, <user_home>/CommVaultRegistry, is used. You can specify any other directory with write permission at the time of installation for creating the registry.

Before You Begin

  1. Ask the root administrator to mount the DVD.

  2. Log on to the client computer as a non-root user.


  1. Create a Custom Package for UNIX, Linux, and Macintosh Computers procedure.

  2. Follow one of the following installation methods:

    Interactive Installation

    Unattended Installation

What to Do Next

Discover Oracle Instances Using the Commvault Command Line Interface