Storage Policies Summary
This summary gives and overview information about the number of storage policy configured on the CommServe and displays the total amount of data to be copied across all storage policies.
How to Generate the Summary
From the CommCell Browser node, expand Policies.
Select Storage Policies.
From the Storage Policies window displayed in right-pane, click Summary.
Storage Policies Summary will be displayed as below.
What This Summary Contains
The Storage Policies summary displays the following information:
Total number of storage policies configured on this CommServe
Total number of Disaster Recovery policies available
Total number of regular policies available
Data To Be Copied:
Displays the following information in table for all the storage policies configured on the CommServe:
Storage Policy Name - Name of the storage policy
Storage Policy Copy Name - Displays names of all the copies available for the storage policy
Total Data Copied - Displays the total amount of application data that has been copied to storage policy.
Total Data To be Copied - Displays the total amount of application data that must be copied during the Auxiliary copy operation.
Amount Of Critical Data - Displays the total amount of data that was not copied since 90 days
Amount Of Major Data - Displays the total amount of data that was not copied from backup jobs that ran between the last 30 – 90 days.
Amount Of Minor Data - Displays the total amount of data that was not copied from backup jobs that ran between the last 7 – 30 days.
Total To Be Copied Jobs - Displays the total number of jobs that are not copied on this copy. This includes sum of critical, major, minor jobs and the to be copied jobs that ran in last 7 days
Total Critical Jobs - Displays total number of jobs that are not copied since 90 days
Total Major Jobs - Displays total number of backup jobs that are not copied and ran between last 30 – 90 days
Total Minor Jobs - Displays total number of backup jobs that are not copied and ran between last 7 – 30 days
Storage Policy Summary
The Storage Policy Summary provides information about the jobs. The summary displays information such as the number of storage policy copies and streams, running jobs and available jobs, total amount of data backed up using the selected storage policy and the number of associated clients.
Before you can generate and view a Storage Policy Summary, a backup job associated with the selected storage policy must run. Otherwise, no data appears for the summary.
You can use the Storage Policy Summary to:
Monitor the space consumed by backups of different agents and amount of total backed up data
Determine the amount of data backed up and storage space by each storage policy copy
Identify the estimated data to be pruned to create more space
Estimate the amount of data is and is not copied in specific time range.
How to Generate the Summary
To generate a Storage Policy Summary:
In the CommCell Browser, expand Policies | Storage Policies.
Click a <Storage Policy>name.
A <Storage Policy> window will be displayed in the right-pane.
Click Summary at the bottom of the window to display the storage policy summary.
What This Summary Contains
This summary presents data in tables and charts. Sections include the following:
General - Display an overview of information about the jobs, clients and subclients and size of backed up data
Distribution by Data Written - The amount of data written by each agent is displayed in the graph
Also provides the following information in the table:
Agent Type - Displays the type of agents associated to this storage policy
Application Data Size - Displays the size of the data on client computer that is backed up to this storage policy
Data Written - Displays the amount of data that has been written to this storage policy after compress and deduplication if enabled
Last Backup Time - Displays the time of last backup job
Number of Clients - Displays the number of clients associated to this storage policy
Number of Jobs - Displays the number of jobs that ran to this storage policy for each agent
Data Written Distribution By Copies - The amount of data distributed among the copies for select storage policy is displayed in a graph
Also provides the following information in the table:
Storage Policy Copy - Displays the name of the storage policy copy
Application Data Size - Displays the size of the data on client computer that is backed up to the copy
Data Written - Displays the amount of data written to the copy after compression and deduplication if enabled
Last Backup Time - Displays the time of last backup job
Number of Jobs - Displays the number of jobs that ran to this storage policy copy
Storage Policy/Copy Space Recovery Prediction - The estimated size of data that can be pruned for the last 7 days is displayed in a graph
Also provides the following information in the table:
As Of - Displays the date
Estimated Data to Prune - Displays the amount of data that will be pruned
Number of Jobs - Displays the total number of jobs that will be pruned
Storage Policy/Copy Space Recovery Prediction Jobs - Provides an information about the recovery prediction jobs such as the Job ID, status of the job, client name, agent type, instance name, backup set name, subclient name, storage policy and copy name, size of the application data and the amount of data written
Data To Be Copied - Displays the following information in the table:
Total Data Copied - Displays the total amount of application data that has been copied to this storage policy
Total Data to be Copied - Displays the total amount of application data that must be copied during the Auxiliary Copy operation. This amount is calculated by summing up all the application size of all the jobs ran to the storage policy copy
Amount of Critical Data - Displays the total amount of data that was not copied since 90 days
Amount of Major Data - Displays the total amount of data that was not copied from backup jobs that ran between the last 30 - 90 days
Amount of Minor Data - Displays the total amount of data that was not copied from backup jobs that ran between the last 7 - 30 days
Total To Be Copied Jobs - Displays the total number of jobs that are to be copied on this copy. This includes sum of critical, major, minor jobs and the to be copied jobs that ran in last 7 days
Total Critical Jobs - Displays total number of jobs that are not copied since 90 days.
You can click the number of jobs under this column to view the list of jobs. These jobs will be displayed with critical
icon in the Jobs for Storage Policy window.
Total Major Jobs - Displays total number of backup jobs that are not copied and ran between last 30 - 90 days.
You can click the number of jobs under this column to view the list of jobs. These jobs will be displayed with major
icon in the Jobs for Storage Policy window.
Total Minor Jobs - Displays total number of backup jobs that are not copied and ran between last 7 - 30 days.
You can click the number of jobs under this column to view the list of jobs. These jobs will be displayed with minor
icon in the Jobs for Storage Policy window.
Below screen displays the example of data to be copied section with list of number of minor jobs that are to be copied.