Update Media Barcodes - Configuration


Update Barcodes in Bulk

Required Permission: User Security Permissions and Permitted Actions by Feature


To update the barcodes on libraries with mixed media, such as LTO5 and LTO6, use the UpdateBarcodeRange Qscript. For more information on this Qscript, see the readme for UpdateBarcodeRange.

To update the barcodes of all the media in a library:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click library in which you wish to rename barcodes and then click Update Barcodes.

  2. Click Yes in the confirmation prompt to continue.

  3. From the Update Barcodes dialog box, select whether you wish to add or remove a suffix or prefix from the Please select Operation list.

  4. Enter the text that should be added or removed in Enter text.

  5. Click OK.

    The barcodes of the media are updated.

To update the barcodes of more than one media in a library:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • From the CommCell Browser, expand to Storage Resources | Libraries | <library> | Media In Library.

    • From the CommCell Browser, expand to Storage Resources | Libraries | <library> | Media By Groups | Assigned Media.

  2. Right-click media for which you wish to update the barcode, and then click Update Barcode.

  3. From the Update Barcodes dialog box, select whether you wish to add or remove a suffix or prefix from the Please select Operation list.

  4. Enter the text that should be added or removed in Enter text.

  5. Click OK.

    The barcodes of the media are updated.

Update Barcode Associated with Specific Media

Required Permission: User Security Permissions and Permitted Actions by Feature

To update the barcode for a specific media:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • From the CommCell Browser, expand to Storage Resources | Libraries | <library> | Media In Library.

    • From the CommCell Browser, expand to Storage Resources | Libraries | <library> | Media By Groups | Assigned Media.

  2. Right-click media for which you wish to update the barcode, and then click Update Barcode.

  3. From the Update Barcode dialog box, specify the new barcode.

  4. Click OK.

The barcode for the selected media is updated.

Manually Updating Media Barcodes after a Firmware Upgrade

Required Permission: User Security Permissions and Permitted Actions by Feature

To manually update the media barcodes after a firmware upgrade:

  1. Note down the prefix or suffix that was changed in the media when the firmware was upgraded.

  2. Delete all the spare media in the library with the new barcode format.

    See Delete a Media for step-by-step instructions.

  3. Update the barcodes in the library to add or remove the prefix or suffix that was changed in the media when the firmware was upgraded.

    See Update Barcodes in Bulk for step-by-step instructions.

  4. After successfully updating the barcodes, perform a full scan of the library.

    See Perform a Full Scan Operation for step-by-step instructions.

The barcodes in the library will be updated.