Available Qscripts


The following table lists all available QScripts:

QScript Name and Readme File Description

Add Arrays its capabilities for Storage Provisioning


To add bad chunks to be dropped from a Deduplication Engine.


Add entity access map to database.


To add/remove mapped error codes - qoperation execscript -sn QS_AddOrRemoveFromMessageIdMap -si @operation = '<ADD/REMOVE>' -si @message = '19:666' -si @mappedMessage = '35:4861'

To add - qoperation execscript -sn QS_AddOrRemoveFromMessageIdMap -si @operation = 'ADD' -si @message = '19:666' -si @mappedMessage = '35:4861'

To remove - qoperation execscript -sn QS_AddOrRemoveFromMessageIdMap -si @operation = 'REMOVE' -si @message = '19:666'


Enable or disable Storage Policy Compression Override setting for selected subClient(s).


qoperation execscript -sn QS_AppSetOverrideSPcompression -si 'enable|disable' -si 'c=clientName|cg=clientGroupName' [-si 'a=appType'] [-si 'i=instanceName'] [-si 'b=backupsetName'] [-si s=subClientName]

.. if the subclient name is not specified, all the subClients in the backupset will be modified.

.. if the backupset name is not specified, all the subClients in the instance will be modified.

.. if the instance name is not specified (for idataAgents that can have multiple isntances), all the instances in the iDa will be modified.

.. if the idataAgent is not specified, all the iDataAgents in the client or clientGroup will be modified


Returns the list of available tape data paths to add for the given storage policy copy.


Return index space for the jobs run over the input number of days.


Return dedup savings for a given client, appTypeId, Job.


This QScript can be used to assign a role to the provided user or usergroup on a plan or all the plans.


Associate billable entity to a client/iDA/Instance/Backupset/SubClient. Takes CSV file holding associations as input.

This input file contains one or more lines of this format [<Billable Entity Name>,<Client Name>,<IDA Name>,<Instance Name>,<BackupSet Name>,<SubClient Name>]

Billable Entity Name and Client Name are mandatory. Others are conditionally optional.

  • This command is for associating copy to global dedup host policy.
  • Copy must be already created using GUI or Command line.
  • Run the following command from Base using qlogin

    qoperation execscript -sn associateGlobalDedupPolicyToCopy -si "c=copyname" -si "sp=storage policy name" -si "gsp=global dedup storage policy name"

    example - qoperation execscript -sn QS_associateGlobalDedupPolicyToCopy -si "copy1" -si "sp1" -si "gdp1"


    Associate VaultTracker Policies to Storage Policies


    qoperation execscript -sn AssociateStoragePolicyToVTPolicy -si 'set|update' -si 'Storage Policy name' -si 'VaultTracker Policy name'


    Example: qoperation execscript -sn AssociateStoragePolicyToVTPolicy -si 'set' -si 'TestSP' -si 'Test VTPolicy'

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn AssociateStoragePolicyToVTPolicy -si 'update' -si 'TestSP' -si 'Test VTPolicy'


    QScript to add or remove associations from schedule policy

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_AssociateTaskEntity -si schedulePolicyName -si operationType -si 'c=docserve04' -si 'a=Q_FILESYSTEM' -si 'i=defaultInstanceName' -si 'b=DefaultBackupset' -si 's=default'

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_AssociateTaskEntity -si schedulePolicyName -si add|remove -si 'cg=grp1'

    Valid parameter to operationType is add or remove


    Aux copy report.


    Returns Backend Storage Utilizaiton by Client.


    Backend Storage utilization history at the subclient level along with prediction.


    Consecutive backup failures for last N days


    Description: Sets a flag on user group, When users in this group install the laptop package, they cannot activate the laptop and they are not added as client owners.

    Usage: qoperation execscript -sn BlacklistUserGroup.sql -si userGroupName -si blackList(1/0)

  • param - Below listed arguments can be passed.
  • userGroupName - Name of the user group

    BlackList(1/0) - whether to blacklist or un-blacklist a user group

    To blacklist a user group belonging to commcell

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn BlacklistUserGroup.sql -si "userGroupName" -si 1

    To blacklist a user group belonging to organization

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn BlacklistUserGroup.sql -si "Domain\userGroupName" -si 1

    To un-blacklist a user group belonging to commcell

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn BlacklistUserGroup.sql -si "userGroupName" -si 0

    To un-blacklist a user group belonging to organization

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn BlacklistUserGroup.sql -si "Domain\userGroupName" -si 0


    Bulk insert content to subClient policy subclient



    Update the commcell display name.


    This script changes csHostName and deconfigures the clients.


    Qscript to update the device access path for a given library name and media agent


    Script to enable/disable follow mount point option from schedules and schedule policy.


    Note - if the mediatype or library name has spaces, use double quotes!

    1. List ALL compatible media types for that library

    QOperation.exe execscript -sn changeMediaType -si ListMediaTypes -si <Libarary Name>

    2. change mediatype of a specific media

    QOperation.exe execscript -sn changeMediaType -si media -si <barcode> -si <MediaType>

    3. Change mediatype of all available media in library

    QOperation.exe execscript -sn changeMediaType -si inlibrary -si <Libarary Name> -si <MediaType>

    4. Change mediatype of all available media in library whose barcode ends with suffix

    QOperation.exe execscript -sn changeMediaType -si inlibrary -si <Libarary Name> -si <MediaType> -si restrictbysuffix -si <Suffix>

    5. Change mediatype of all existing AND exported media of library

    QOperation.exe execscript -sn changeMediaType -si inlibraryandexported -si <Libarary Name> -si <MediaType>

    6. Change mediatype of all existing AND exported media of library whose barcode ends with suffix

    QOperation.exe execscript -sn changeMediaType -si inlibraryandexported -si <Libarary Name> -si <MediaType> -si restrictbysuffix -si <Suffix>

    Note:- In addition to "inlibraryandexported" an additional option "inlibraryandexportedgui" can be used.

    "inlibraryandexported" selects the media in the library and media which were last exported from the library.

    "inlibraryandexportedgui" selects the same as above but in addition also selects media that were at one point written to inside the specified library. The name GUI comes from the fact that the exported media it selects uses a similar logic as the exported media node in the GUI.


    Qscript to re-associate input Snap copy to a new Storage Pool.


    QScript to transfer schedule ownership to another user

    If OperationType parameter is provided , ownership of only operationTypes schedule will be transferred.

    To transfer ownership of all schedule Report , operation type 4004 should be provided.

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn ChangeScheduleOwner -si oldUserName -si newUserName [-si scheduleName] [-si operationType]

    To transfer ownership of all schedules from domain\userA to admin, please use below command.

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn ChangeScheduleOwner -si "domain\userA" -si admin

    To transfer ownership of specific schedule from domain\userA to admin, please use below command.

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn ChangeScheduleOwner -si "domain\userA" -si admin -si "schedulename"

    To transfer ownership of all report schedules from domain\userA to admin, please use below command.

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn ChangeScheduleOwner -si "domain\userA" -si admin -si "" -si 4004


    Mark ADMIN role for given search engine and remove ADMIN role from other if any.


    qoperation execscript -sn QS_ChangeSearchEngineAdminRole -si SearchEngineNodeName


    SearchEngineNodeName: Name of the search engine node


    List the VM list of VSA jobs used for capacity license usage.


    Clean billing entity history


    Cleanup the vm association of pseudo clients with duplicate GUIDs.


    Clears the DDB Validation failed status on DDB SubStore.


    Qscript to clear passkey that was set for the given client or given company or for CommCell.

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_ClearPasskey.sql -si 'c=clientName|p=companyName' -si AuthenticationCode

    Need to specify client or company that needs to have passkey cleared, for CommCell, give "CommCell" as company name.

    AuthenticationCode - To receive your authentication code, please contact your account representative.


    Lists the Max / Average amount of data transferred by each backup type (Full, Incremental, Differential) for all subclients in the given time range. Returns data only for completed jobs. Since the CommServe database does not contain information for jobs pruned more than a week ago, for the most accurate information, do not use older time ranges. Typical use is to find Max / Average amount of data transferred in the last month.


    List the detail usage of backup, archiver, Snap and Replication jobs used for computing totals towards capacity usage.


    qoperation execscript -sn QS_CommCellUsageReport -si param -si includeForeignJobs -si outputType
  • param - Below listed arguments can be passed.
  • '' :- To get capacity usage of commcell .

    'ByLastMonth' :- To get capacity usage of commcell not including current month.

    'ByLastWeek' :- To get capacity usage of commcell not including current week.

    'ByLastDay' :- To get capacity usage of commcell not including current day.

  • includeForeignJobs - 0/1 :- To exclude/include jobs from other commcell.
  • outputType - 2 :- Returns below listed columns
  • --

    EnterrpiseBackupSize :- Total enterprise backup capacity usage of commcell.

    CoreBackupSize :- Total core backup capacity usage of commcell.

    EnterpriseArchiveSize :- Total enterprise archive capacity usage of commcell.

    CoreArchiveSize :- Total core archive capacity usage of commcell.

    SnapshotSize :- Total snapshot usage of commcell.

    ReplicationSize :- Total replication usage of commcell.


    Associates a billable entity with a client.


    Get and set container information.


    This script converts the next GRC Export job as full for the given GRC CommCell.

    Run this script on Source CommServe by passing destination CommServe name as parameter.

    Usage: qoperation execscript -sn ConvertNextGRCExportAsFull -si <GRC CommCell Name>


    Use ConvertSelectiveToSyncCopy qscript to convert selective copy to synchronous copy.

    When the conversion is complete, the synchronous copy settings applies only to future jobs.

    Note that this qscript is not applicable for snapshot copies.

  • Convert Synchronous copy to Selective copy.
  • Converted Selective copy will have All FULLs selected by default.
  • WARNING: Improper use of the ConvertSyncToSelectiveCopy qscript might result in data loss. Before you run this script, contact your software provider.


    Create client group.


    Creates DB2 subclient under given client, db2 instance and backupset.


    Script to create Operation window rule

    qoperation execscript -sn createoperationwindowrule -si ClientName/ClientGroupName/commserve -si OperationType -si DayofWeek -si Startdate -si Enddate -si StartTime -si EndTime -si Enable -si ApplicationName -si Description

    Where (ClientName/ClientGroupName/commserve) would be 'c=testclient' for client name OR 'cg=testGroup' for client group name OR 'commserve'

    OperationType Operation types are 'all / backup / restore / admin'

    DayOfWeek Day of the week are comma separated[Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday]

    StartDate Format is MM-DD-YYYY

    EndDate Format is MM-DD-YYYY

    StartTime Format is 24 hrs HH:MM

    EndTime Format is 24 hrs HH:MM

    Enable true/false

    ApplicationName Optional parameter, Application name

    Description Optional parameter, Description of Operation Window


    Create new oracle instance or On demand instance.


    Creates new SAP MAX DB instance for given client.


    Creates new SAP Oracle instancet for given client.


    Creates new SAP Oracle subclient under the given client and instance name


    Script to create Schedule holiday

    qoperation execscript -sn createscheduleholiday -si ClientName/commserve -si Startdate -si Enddate -si Yearly

    Where (ClientName/commserve) would be 'NameOfClient' for client name OR 'commserve'

    StartDate Format is MM-DD-YYYY

    EndDate Optional parameter, format is MM-DD-YYYY

    Yearly Optional parameter, true/false


    Create a VM using input xml file




    qoperation execscript -sn CSLiveSyncRetentionOverride -si <disable/enable/status>


    Example: qoperation execscript -sn CSLiveSyncRetentionOverride -si 'disable'

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn CSLiveSyncRetentionOverride -si 'enable'

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn CSLiveSyncRetentionOverride -si 'status'


    Returns data size on media for the given time intervals per storage policy copy.


    Returns average data growth rate, current free space and estimated number of days that the current free space will be used for each libraries.

  • Qscript to Add, Delete or list client data interface pair.
  • Add or Delete one data interface pair
  • Delete or list all data interface pairs for a given client
  • Delete or list all data interface pairs for all clients
  • DataProtectionJobSummary

    It returns data protection (Backup, Snap and Archive) jobs ended in the given time range.

    Active jobs that were running in the given time range are also included.

    Jobs of Virtual Server Agent are shown for each VMs.

  • Qscript to set or get the previous DDB Backup jobs available for a given DDB store / substore.
  • DDBGrowthPerCopy

    Returns data size on media for the given time intervals per storage policy copy.

  • Qscript to set or get the DDB Params or to set the configuration parameter for Max archFiles per secondary files.
  • DelDanglingDataSourceFromEntity
  • Script to remove Data Source to Entiy (client / Subclient / backupSet) association
  • qoperation execscript -sn QS_DelDanglingDataSourceFromEntity -si 'clientIdList' [-si 'subClientIdList' -si 'backupSetIdList' -si 'ignoreAssociationCheck (true/false)']
  • clientIdList - list of comma seperated clientIds
  • subClientIdList - Optional, list of comma seperated subclientIds
  • backupSetIdList - Optional, list of comma seperated backupSetIds
  • ignoreAssociationCheck - Optional, remove datasource to entity association even if datasource exists. (default value = ''false'')
  • Script to remove Data Source to Entiy (client / Subclient / backupSet) association
  • qoperation execscript -sn QS_DelDanglingDataSourceFromEntity -si 'clientIdList' [-si 'subClientIdList' -si 'backupSetIdList' -si 'ignoreAssociationCheck (true/false)']
  • clientIdList - list of comma seperated clientIds
  • subClientIdList - Optional, list of comma seperated subclientIds
  • backupSetIdList - Optional, list of comma seperated backupSetIds
  • ignoreAssociationCheck - Optional, remove datasource to entity association even if datasource exists. (default value = ''false'')
  • DeleteClientGroup qoperation execscript -sn DeleteClientGroup -si '[group_name]'

    script_name: DeleteClientGroup.

    [group_name] - name of the group to be deleted

    DeleteCloudAppsLicensingInfo qoperation execscript -sn QS_DeleteCloudAppsLicensingInfo.sql -si instanceName -si clientName

    The CommCell user running the script should have admin privileges on the instance

    This script removes the licensing info details for the provided instance

    Client name is optional but is required when you have multiple instances with same name


    Delete the dataset

    DeleteFASTDanglingRow qoperation execscript -sn QS_DeleteFASTDanglingRow -si 'NodeclientName' -si AuthenticationCode

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_DeleteFASTDanglingRow -si solr56 -si 970168066

    script_name: QS_DeleteFASTDanglingRow.

    NodeclientName - Delete dangling rows from Commserv database for which FAST cloud is already deleted.

    AuthenticationCode - Authentication Code.


    Delete media listed in the input file


    Description: Deletes network configuration for clients in the given client group.

    Usage: qoperation execscript -sn QS_DeleteMultipleClientsNetworkConfiguration.sql -si cg=clientGroupName

  • param - Below listed arguments can be passed.
  • clientgroupName - name of clientgroup

    To delete network configuration of clients based on clientgroup the client belongs to.

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetFirewallConfigOnClient.sql -si cg=clientGroupName

    DeleteOrphanDatasourcesForCloud qoperation execscript -sn QS_DeleteOrphanDatasourcesForCloud -si CloudId -si NodeClientId -si DatasourceIds

    To delete all the orphan data sources of a deleted index server, follow the example below.

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_DeleteOrphanDatasourcesForCloud -si 2 -si 5 -si ''

    To perform hard delete of the data sources from the database, follow the example below.

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_DeleteOrphanDatasourcesForCloud -si 0 -si 0 -si '1,2,3'

    script_name: QS_DeleteOrphanDatasourcesForCloud.

    CloudId - The cloudId of the index server.

    NodeClientId - The client id of the index server node.

    DatasourceIds - Comma separated datasource ids to be deleted

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_DeleteOrphanDatasourcesForCloud -si CloudId -si NodeClientId -si DatasourceIds

    To delete all the orphan data sources of a deleted index server, follow the example below.

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_DeleteOrphanDatasourcesForCloud -si 2 -si 5 -si ''

    To perform hard delete of the data sources from the database, follow the example below.

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_DeleteOrphanDatasourcesForCloud -si 0 -si 0 -si '1,2,3'

    script_name: QS_DeleteOrphanDatasourcesForCloud.

    CloudId - The cloudId of the index server.

    NodeClientId - The client id of the index server node.

    DatasourceIds - Comma separated datasource ids to be deleted


    Delete schedule policy

    DeleteSearchEngineNode qoperation execscript -sn QS_DeleteSearchEngineNode -si 'NodeclientName'

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_DeleteSearchEngineNode -si solr56

    script_name: QS_DeleteSearchEngineNode.

    NodeclientName - Delete the Search Engine Node from multi-node cloud.


    Qscript to remove stale snaps for given repset


    Delete the Two-Factor Authentication Secret and One Time PIN (if any) for the given user. Next time the user logs in, a new Secret and OTP will be generated and emailed to the user.


    If you run the command from the Windows Powershell or any Unix platform, you must enclose the username in single quotes followed by double quotes.

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_DeleteTFASecretForUser -si @user="'userName'"


    Qscript to delete virtual machine guid and instance UUID client properties.

    This script can be used to delete incorrect instance UUID assigned to the VM client, Next VM Backup job will match the client based on the host name and will assign proper guid and instance UUID values.

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_DeleteVirtualMachineGUIDs.sql -si 'clientName'

    clientName - Name of the Client


    Description: Sets a flag on user group, When users in this group install the laptop package, they cannot activate the laptop and they are not added as client owners.

    Usage: qoperation execscript -sn DenyListUserGroup.sql -si userGroupName -si blackList(1/0)

  • param - Below listed arguments can be passed.
  • userGroupName - Name of the user group

    BlackList(1/0) - whether to blacklist or un-blacklist a user group

    To blacklist a user group belonging to commcell

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn DenyListUserGroup.sql -si "userGroupName" -si 1

    To blacklist a user group belonging to organization

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn DenyListUserGroup.sql -si "Domain\userGroupName" -si 1

    To un-blacklist a user group belonging to commcell

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn DenyListUserGroup.sql -si "userGroupName" -si 0

    To un-blacklist a user group belonging to organization

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn DenyListUserGroup.sql -si "Domain\userGroupName" -si 0


    Qscript to enable / disable Diagnostic Table Change Tracking Triggers for CCS monitored tables.


    This script marks the library as not accessible for read or write or pruning.


    Mark previous cycle jobs as do not copy when most recent full job option is selected during auxcopy job.


    Qscript to Disable Quick Run Tools on the CommCell, CommServer, and Clients. Once disabled, can only re-enable manually via SQL Administrator.

    DisableSearchEngineNode qoperation execscript -sn DisableSearchEngineNode -si '[clientName]'

    script_name: DisableSearchEngineNode.

    [clientName] - client name of the Search Engine node to be disabled.


    Disk Library migration into AWS


    qoperation execscript -sn DiskLibMigration -si <LIBRARY_ALIAS_NAME> -si <DEVICE_TYPE>


    Device Types:


    AliCloud Object Storage Service

    Amazon S3

    AT&T Synaptic

    China Mobile oNest

    EMC Atmos

    Google Cloud Storage


    HGST Storage

    Microsoft Azure Storage

    OpenStack Object Storage

    Oracle Storage Cloud Service

    Oracle Storage Cloud Archive Service

    Rackspace Cloud Files

    VMWare Cloud Storage

    DD Boost Access


    Get the list of jobs which are eligible for aging in a given time frame .

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_EligibleJobsForAgingByTimeRange -si startTime -si endTime [-si outputType -si @clientName = 'Client Name' -si @storagePolicyName = 'Storage Policy Name' -si @storagePolicyCopyName = 'Storage Policy Copy Name']

    startTime - Start time (Format YYYY\MM\DD)

    endTime - End time (Format YYYY\MM\DD)

    outputType - 1 [Job ID, Client Name, App Type, Backupset Name, Subclient Name, Storage Policy Name, Storage Policy Copy Name]

    outputType - 2 [ClientName, AppType, Backupset, Subclient, JobCount]

    outputType - 3 [Output in CSV format - Job ID, Client Name, App Type, Backupset Name, Subclient Name, Storage Policy Name, Storage Policy Copy Name]

    clientName - Name of the client.

    storagePolicyName - Name of the storage policy.

    storagePolicyCopyName - Name of the storage policy copy.

  • To enanble banner text
  • qoperation execscript -dbn DM2 -c 'client Name' -sn EnableBannerText -si 'True' -si 'Banner text filePath'
  • To disable banner text
  • qoperation execscript -dbn DM2 -c 'client Name' -sn EnableBannerText -si 'False'
  • 'client Name' -- client name of the Webserver machine
  • 'Banner text filePath' -- local file located in the webserver machine
  • EnableCIForClientsInClientGroup qoperation execscript -sn EnableCIForClientsInClientGroup -si 'clientGroupName'

    script_name: EnableCIForClientsInClientGroup.

    [clientGroupName] - Enable CI option for all clients belong to the client Group name.


    Enables or Disables Pruning Status Monitor Feature on CommCell

    qoperation execscript -sn EnableDisablePruningStatusMonitor -si <ENABLE\DISABLE> -si <StartTime> -si <IntervalInHours>

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn EnableDisablePruningStatusMonitor -si 'ENABLE' -si '2018-03-28 08:00' -si '12'


    Set client for laptop backup


    qoperation execscript -sn enableLaptopBackup -si 'ON'|'OFF' -si 'clientName'

    enable/disable laptop backup for a particular client


    Enables or Disables CCM Feature on CommCell

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_EnableOrDisableCCM.sql -si <ENABLE\DISABLE> -si <Authentication_Code>

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_EnableOrDisableCCM -si 'ENABLE' -si 1282123


    Qscript to enable/disable backup activity on a sub client.

    qoperation execscript -sn EnableSCActivityControl.sql -si c=client_name -si a=Ida_argument_value -si i=instanceName -si b=backupsetName -si s=subclient_name -si activity(0/1)

    Example: enable backup activity on a file system default subclient.

    qoperation execscript -sn EnableSCActivityControl.sql -si c=client001 -si a=Q_FILESYSTEM -si i=DefaultInstanceName -si b=defaultBackupSet -si s=default -si 1

    The following is the list of the argument values that can be used when specifying the Ida_argument_value.

    File System (Generic) Q_FILESYSTEM

    AIX File System Agent Q_AIX_FS

    FreeBSD File System Agent Q_FREEBSD_FS

    HP-UX File System Agent Q_HPUX_FS

    IRIX File System Agent Q_SGI_FS

    Linux File System Agent Q_LINUX_FS

    Macintosh File System Agent Q_MAC_FS


    Solaris File System Agent Q_SOLARIS_FS

    Windows File System Agent (Windows XP 32-bit) Q_WINXP32_FS

    Windows File System Agent (Windows XP 64-bit) Q_WINXP64_FS

    Windows File System Agent (Windows Server 2003 32-bit) Q_WINNET32_FS

    Windows File System Agent (Windows Server 2003 64-bit) Q_WINNET64_FS

    Windows File System Agent (Windows Vista 32-bit) Q_WINDOWS_FS

    Windows File System Agent (Windows Vista 64-bit) Q_WINDOWS_FS

    Windows File System Agent (Windows Server 2008 32-bit) Q_WINDOWS_FS

    Windows File System Agent (Windows Server 2008 64-bit) Q_WINDOWS_FS

    Windows File System Agent (Windows Server 2012 32-bit) Q_WINDOWS_FS

    Windows File System Agent (Windows Server 2012 64-bit) Q_WINDOWS_FS

    Active Directory Agent Q_ACTIVEDIR

    DB2 Agent (Windows) Q_DB2

    DB2 Agent (UNIX) Q_UNIX_DB2

    DB2 MultiNode Agent (UNIX) Q_DB2_DPF

    Documentum Agent Q_DOCUMENTUM

    Image Level Agent (Windows) Q_IMAGELEVEL_WIN

    Image Level Agent (UNIX) Q_IMAGELEVEL_UNIX

    Informix Agent Q_INFORMIX

    IBM Domino Agent (Notes Database for Windows) Q_LOTUS_DOMINO_DB

    IBM Domino Agent (Notes Database for UNIX) Q_LOTUS6_DB

    IBM Domino Agent (Notes Document for Windows) Q_LOTUS_DOMINO_DOC

    IBM Domino Agent (Notes Document for UNIX) Q_LOTUS_UNIX_DOC

    Microsoft Exchange Database Agent Q_MSEXCH_DB

    Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Agent Q_MSEXCH_MB

    Microsoft Exchange Public Folder Agent Q_MSEX_PUB

    Microsoft SQL Server Agent Q_MSSQL

    MySQL Agent (Both Windows and UNIX) Q_MYSQL

    Oracle Database Agent Q_ORACLE

    Oracle RAC Agent Q_ORACLE_RAC

    PostGreSQL Agent Q_POSTGRESS

    SAP Agent (Oracle) Q_SAP_ORADB


    SharePoint Server Q_SHAREPOINT_SERVER

    Sybase Agent Q_SYBASE

    Virtual Server Agent Q_VIRTUAL_SERVER

    Content Store Q_CONTENT_STORE

    Domino Mailbox Archiver Q_LOTUS_DOC_MIG

    Exchange Public Folder Archiver Q_MSEXPF_MIG

    File Archiver for Windows Q_WINFS_MIG

    File Archiver for Unix Q_UNIXFS_MIG

    ContinuousDataReplicator Q_FILE_REPLICATION

    External Data Connector Q_EXTERNAL_DATA_CONNECTOR

  • script_name : EnableSCActivityControl
  • EnableSearchEngineNode qoperation execscript -sn QS_EnableSearchEngineNode -si 'clientName'

    script_name: QS_EnableSearchEngineNode.

    [clientName] - client name of the Search Engine node to be enabled.


    Use this script to enable system state on all default subclients across the CommServe.

    This script can take client name and backup set name as inputs. (Both are optional.)

    If both inputs are given, the default subclient under system state backup is enabled on the given client and backupset and disabled on all its peer subclients. If only the client name is given, the same is done on all active backupsets under the client. When 'allclients' is used, the system state is enabled on all default subclients across the CommServe.


    Enables two factor authentication with option to include groups


    qoperation execscript -sn QS_EnableTFAWithGroupInclusion -si enableTFA
  • parameter - Below listed arguments can be passed.
  • enableTFA - two factor authentication setting, which can be 0 - disable two factor authentication, 1 - enable two factor authentication, 2 - enable two factor authentication with user group inclusion

    If no input parameter is provided, will default to enable two factor authentication with user group inclusion


    This script enables (or disables) filtering of certain preselected event message strings.

    The script takes a single parameter: 0 or 1.

    A parameter value of 0 disables the default set of preselected event messages to filter, a value of 1 enables it.

    Events that the user manually selected to be ignored are not affected by this script. This script only enables/disables a certain default set.

    Filtered event messages do get inserted into the database and thus do not appear in the event viewer and are also not visible when viewing events for jobs.

    All filtered event messages are instead redirected to a log file.


    Executes a SQL View


    Retain all jobs in a cycle with selected Full job for Extended Retention.


    This script give the details of jobs on all the ddbstores associated with mountpaths identified by a mountpathid or libraryalias name or library-device combination

    It takes 3 parameters in the order :QS_LINE- MountPathId, LibraryName , DeviceName

    when MountPathId is nonzero , then jobs are listed from stores associated with this mountpath. No other parameter values are considered

    Eg Usage : qoperation execscript -sn QS_FindJobsOnStore [-si 20] [-si ''] [-si '']

    when @MountPathId = 0 , LibraryName <> NULL , Devicename param is NULL , Jobs from stores associated with the MouthPath under this library are listed

    Eg Usage : qoperation execscript -sn QS_FindJobsOnStore [-si 0] [-si 'Lib1']

    when @MountPathId = 0 , LibraryName <> NULL , Devicename <> NULL , Jobs from stores associated with the MouthPath under this library-device combination are listed

    Eg Usage : qoperation execscript -sn QS_FindJobsOnStore [-si 0] [-si 'Lib1'] [-si 'Device_10']


    When an user is recreated (Fox example in active directory you can delete and create user with same login name) then GUID of user changes.

    For such recreated users, case manager may not show the cases where the user is assigned directly as a reviewer.

    Run this script to fix the issue as per usage instructions below.

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_FixCaseListOfRecreatedUser.sql -si 'OldUserGuid' -si 'NewUserGuid'
  • script_name: QS_FixCaseListOfRecreatedUser
  • OldUserGuid - GUID of user before user is deleted and recreated
  • NewUserGuid - GUID of user after user is recreated
  • FixDuplicateADUserEntry qoperation execscript -sn FixDuplicateADUserEntry
  • script_name: FixDuplicateADUserEntry.
  • Fix duplicate entries in users table for AD users, if any.
  • Example: qoperation execscript -sn FixDuplicateADUserEntry
  • FrontendCapacityUsage

    License Capacity Usage history along with prediciton for last N weeks/months/years

  • Qscript to Generate billing report
  • getAlertSNMPnotification

    Return alert name , alert type and whether SNMP is configured.


    Get All locked clients, client owners login and email.



    Get the list of running jobs (backup, admin, restore) on the clients


    Qscript to Get User Groups and associated AD groups.


    Gives the list of SmptAddress, BarCode, JobId, Client, Backupset, Subclient, BackupSize, StartDateTime and EndDateTime

    It takes 3 parameters in the order :QS_LINE- i_smtpAddress, i_startDate , i_endDate

    @i_startDate and @i_endDate should be in MM/DD/YYYY Format.

    Ex Usage: '02/20/2015'

    List of SMTP Addresses should be provide with ; seperator.

    Ex Usage: 'perfex2010mb7002@testex.commvault.com;perfex2010mb8002@testex.commvault.com'

    When @i_smtpAddress <> NULL, @i_startDate <> NULL and @i_endDate <> NULL, list all the Barcodes used by the SMTP users in between that range.

    Eg Usage : qoperation execscript -sn QS_GetBarCodesForSMTPAddresses -si 'perfex2010mb7002@testex.commvault.com' -si '02/12/2012' -si '02/20/2015'

    When @i_smtpAddress <> NULL, @i_startDate <> NULL and @i_endDate = NULL, list all the Barcodes used by the SMTP users from start date to end.

    Eg Usage : qoperation execscript -sn QS_GetBarCodesForSMTPAddresses -si 'perfex2010mb7002@testex.commvault.com' -si '02/12/2012' -si ''

    When @i_smtpAddress <> NULL, @i_startDate = NULL and @i_endDate <> NULL, list all the Barcodes used by the SMTP users from beginning to specified end date.

    Eg Usage : qoperation execscript -sn QS_GetBarCodesForSMTPAddresses -si 'perfex2010mb7002@testex.commvault.com' -si '' -si '02/20/2015'

    When @i_smtpAddress <> NULL, @i_startDate = NULL and @i_endDate = NULL, list all the Barcodes used by the SMTP users from start to end.

    Eg Usage : qoperation execscript -sn QS_GetBarCodesForSMTPAddresses -si 'perfex2010mb7002@testex.commvault.com' -si '' -si ''


    Qscript to Get Clients Information Name Ip OS Name and Active status.


    Get the description of a client given client name.


    Gets the list of clients associated with a client group or the list of client groups a client is member of.


    Qscript to Get Clients Information Name Ip OS Name and Active status.


    Get the display name and host name(or Ip address) of the Active nodes of clients in a Commserve.


    Qscript to get all the clients which are owned by a given user (username or email or UPN along with companyName to be provided as parameters)

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_GetClientsOwnedByUser.sql -si 'u=userName|e=email|p=upn' -si companyName


    qoperation execscript -sn QS_ClearPasskey.sql -si 'u=testUser' -si commcell qoperation execscript -sn QS_ClearPasskey.sql -si 'e=test@abc.com' -si Company1 qoperation execscript -sn QS_ClearPasskey.sql -si 'p=test@abc.com' -si Company2

    Get a list of de-configured clients that have not been backed up longer than given days.

  • QScript to get client and subclient deduplication setting
  • qoperation execscript -sn GetDedupProp -si clientName (__AllClients__ for all clients)

    This script can be used to get Clients, subclients and database name which has 'Do Not Backup' status.


    List File System quota usage of users.


    Get the count of jobs that are flagged in GUI needing Administrator's attention.

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_GetFlaggedJobCount

    Get the global filter setting of the subclient (OFF | ON | USE CELL LEVEL POLICY)


    Allow user to list retention days for specific GUI audit operations and users.


    Get the list of SAP HANA Archive Log backups and associated information.


    Gets the file marker number , Hardware Encryption Keys for the given Media BarCode.


    Gets the indexing path for the given dbname


    Script to retrieve job configuration of a client.


    Gets the description of the job for both running job and completed jobs


    Get the list of Backup Jobs(active and completed) of this entity with application size and total backup size.


    Get the list of Backup Jobs(Completed) of this entity with application size and total backup size.


    Get the list of Backup Jobs(active and completed) of this entity.

    Users need any of the following capabilities on the entity to see the job: Job Management, Data Protection / Management Operations, In Place Recover, Out of Place Recover, Browse, Report Management, or View


    Gets the list of MediaAgent roles assigned to a client


    returns a list of media agents and the associated subclients of each media agent.


    Returns a list of media that has valid jobs for the given backup piece and on the given storage policy.


    Fetches the list of tape media with their retention information


    Qscript to Globally Get application usernames/password for MS SQL iDA's.


    Get the list of backup jobs that have no attempts and are pending with Network Error pending reason before the specified number of hours.


    Return all one touch full backup jobs jobs for given client, app type, backup set and subclient. backupset and subclient are optional arguments.


    Return all backup jobs for given client, app type, backup set and subclient. backupset and subclient are optional arguments.


    Get the Operation window rules defined on the Commcell/ Client group/ Client


    List all operation window rules defined at commcell/clientgroup/client level.


    Qscript to Globally get passwords and optionally usernames for Oracle iDa's


    Return qscript execution histories by name, type, status, and a time range.


    Return qscript information by name.


    Get the schedule policy name, description and schedule details for a subclient.


    Returns list of SQL clients and SQL instances associated with those clients. Information includes JR folder, TimeZone info, Name and IDs.


    Return list of SQL jobs and its details. Start and End Time should be client's local Time


    Get the list of databases under an SQL subclient.


    Returns list of SQL sub-clients and its SQL related properties like contents, discovery enabled, client and instance IDs, subclient type, backup enabled property.


    Gets the list of clients and backupsets associated with a subclientpolicy or the list of subclient policies associated with a client


    Get subclientName, id, iDA type and description of subclients in a client


    Script to get the time offset between client and commserver


    operation execscript -sn GetTimeDifferenceWithCS -si 'ClientName' [-si 'CS time'] [-si 'ClientName']

    Script to get the time offset between client and commserver


    operation execscript -sn GetTimeDifferenceWithCS -si 'ClientName' [-si 'CS time'] [-si 'ClientName']


    Returns Tables having highest number of records.


    This script is used to get work-flow associated to all active alerts.

    USAGE : qoperation execscript -sn QS_GetWorkflowForAlerts.sql

    EXAMPLE : qoperation execscript -sn QS_GetWorkflowForAlerts.sql


    Associate Nodes to Monitoring Policies


    qoperation execscript -sn HyperScaleMonitoringPolicyAssociation -si <MODE> -si <NODE LIST> -si <COLLECTION INTERVAL>




    set - Overwrites the associated nodes for the log monitoring policies

    append - Appends to the associated nodes for the log monitoring policies


    Monitoring Policies Affected:


    System Statistics - System Created Policy

    DiskIO Statistics - System Created Policy

    Network Statistics - System Created Policy


    Collection Interval:


    Default: 15 (minutes)


    Utility to import media present in a comma delimited file into a VaultTracker media repository.

    Usage: qoperation execscript -sn importBulkMedia -si 'fully qualified path of comma delimited file'

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn importBulkMedia -si D:\media\dataFile.csv

    Sample File:

    Media label,Group,Barcode,Date written,Date read,Offsite Location,Media Expiry Date,Media Type

    S81600,ANCFILER,S81600,19-Mar-08,Never,PSI,Never,ULTRIUM V4

    S81602,ANCFILER,S81602,20-Mar-08,Never,PSI,Never,ULTRIUM V4


    Increase default number of readers for subclients belonging to File System Agents to 4 and Virtual Server Agent to 20

    USAGE: qoperation execscript -sn IncreaseNumberOfDataReaders.sql


    Retain jobs on the copy based on manual retention set on source copy.

    To retain all the jobs which have been manually retained on source copy.

    qoperation execscript -sn InheritPinnedRetentionFromSourceCopy -si StoragePolicyName -si CopyName

    This script give the details of jobs copied by AuxCopy Job or AuxCopy Jobs ran between time range and/or policy and/or copy

    It takes 5 parameters in the order :QS_LINE- i_AuxCopyJob, i_fromTime , i_toTime , i_policyName, i_copyName

    when i_AuxCopyJob is nonzero , then jobs copied by AuxCopy job are listed. No other parameter values are considered

    Eg Usage : qoperation execscript -sn QS_JobsCopiedByAuxCopyJob [-si 20] [-si ''] [-si ''] [-si ''] [-si '']

    when @i_AuxCopyJob = 0, i_fromTime <> NULL, i_toTime <> NULL all other params are NULL, The jobs copied by all auxcopy jobs ran between FromTime and ToTime.

    Eg Usage : qoperation execscript -sn QS_JobsCopiedByAuxCopyJob [-si 0] [-si @i_fromTime='2013/02/12'] [-si @i_toTime='2013/02/20']

    when @i_AuxCopyJob = 0, i_fromTime <> NULL, i_toTime <> NULL, i_policyName <> NULL, all other params are NULL , The jobs copied by all auxcopy jobs ran between fromTime and ToTime on policy.

    Eg Usage : qoperation execscript -sn QS_JobsCopiedByAuxCopyJob [-si 0] [-si @i_fromTime='2013/02/12'] [-si @i_toTime='2013/02/20'] [-si @i_policyName='policyName']

    when @i_AuxCopyJob = 0, i_fromTime <> NULL, i_toTime <> NULL, i_policyName <> NULL, i_copyName <> NULL, The jobs copied by all auxcopy jobs ran between fromTime and ToTime on policy and copy.

    Eg Usage : qoperation execscript -sn QS_JobsCopiedByAuxCopyJob [-si 0] [-si @i_fromTime='2013/02/12'] [-si @i_toTime='2013/02/20'] [-si @i_policyName='policyName'] [-si @i_copyName='copyName']

    The Time format in the above queries will vary for Windows and Unix. Windows format : '2018-11-05' Unix format : "2018/10/23"

    Eg Usage : (Windows) qoperation execscript -sn QS_JobsCopiedByAuxCopyJob -si 0 -si @i_fromTime='2018-11-05' -si @i_toTime='2018-11-14'

    Eg Usage : (Unix) qoperation execscript -sn QS_JobsCopiedByAuxCopyJob -si 0 -si "2018/10/23" -si "2018/11/08"


    Return list of jobs for a Storage policy copy with input params fromTime, toTime, isAged, backupType, orderBy, policyName, copyName, retention.


    Jobs in the given storage policy copy


    Largest client data on media


    Largest clients for last N days


    Least deduped data protection jobs for last N days


    List all event message IDs which are currently diverted to log


    To get List of Storage Policies Dependent on a Global Secondary Copy Policy or a Global Deduplication Policy


    View list of jobs that are manually retained on a given Storage Policy Copy.

    To get the list of all jobs which have been manually retained.

    qoperation execscript -sn ListManuallyRetainedJobs

    To get the list of all jobs which have been manually retained in a storage policy.

    qoperation execscript -sn ListManuallyRetainedJobs -si StoragePolicyName

    To get the list of all jobs which have been manually retained in a storage policy copy.

    qoperation execscript -sn ListManuallyRetainedJobs -si StoragePolicyName -si CopyName

    View list of jobs for given media barcode


    Lists required media for an auxiliary copy job.

    Accepts as input running auxiliary copy job Id.


    List the subclients that have 'Exclude From SLA' property set or not.

    Use this qscript to create a file with list of subclients.

    The output file can be used as input to QS_SetSLAExclusionForSubclients after removing column headers and other information at the top and the bottom of the file. All the lines that do not include client information must be deleted from the text file.

    The file should contain below details so as to use it as input to QS_SetSLAExclusionForSubclients.

    Format: AppId ClientName AppTypeName InstanceName BackupsetName SubclientName ClientExcluded SubclientExcluded

    Example: 2 WinClient Windows File System DefaultInstanceName defaultBackupSet default 0 0


    - The script can be used to create default dashboard and searches.

    - The default dashboard and search can be deleted.

    - When the script is ran again,every missing item will be created.


    - The script can be used to create default monitoring policy.

    - Following conditions are checked while creating default monitoring policy.

    - 1) If the default monitoring policy is already created,then do nothing.

    - 2) The default monitoring policy will be created with disabled state.

    - 3) If the analytic engine is configured already,then analytical engine will be associated to the default monitoring policy.

    - 4) Default monitoring policy cannot be enabled unless analytical engine is configured.


    - The script can be used to create default dashboard and searches for F5 logs.

    - The default dashboard and search can be deleted.

    - When the script is ran again,every missing item will be created.


    - The script can be used to create default monitoring policy for F5 logs.

    - Following conditions are checked while creating default monitoring policy.

    - 1) If the default monitoring policy is already created,then do nothing.

    - 2) The default monitoring policy will be created with disabled state.

    - 3) If the analytic engine is configured already,then analytical engine will be associated to the default monitoring policy.

    - 4) Default monitoring policy cannot be enabled unless analytical engine is configured.


    Long running data protection jobs for last N days


    Useful script to fetch or update property named S3_SECURITY_KEY on specified user's edge drive sub client.

    This will be needed for amazon S3 clients of edge drive functionality


    The ManageContentGrouping script is used to edit the content grouping monikers which are helpful while specifying the content of subclient. Monikers may be added/edited/removed. The contents of moniker may be added/deleted/overwritten.

    After you create a content grouping moniker, it is available under Content Library when you click Browse in the subclient properties Content tab.


    This script list all the storage policy copies on which Managed DiskSpace configuration is enabled or disabled based on given option.

    This script can be used to enable or disable Managed DiskSpace configuration on all or given storage policy copies.


    Maps the old ids with the new ids for TapeImport.

    It maps storage policy, copy, backupset and subclient.


    QS_MarkJobsBadAndRetain script for marking job corrupted chunks found on storage policy copy bad and pin it for specified period of time.


    MarkJobsOnCopy script for marking job on storage policy copy for the auxiliary copy job.

    Marking operations are allowcopy, recopy, donotcopy, markJobsBad, pickForVerification DoNotRetainJob, and donotPickForVerification job for auxiliary copy job.

    This script is not applicable for those storage policies which have Jobs from multiple commcells.


    MarkJobsOnDDB script for marking job on Deduplication Engine.

    Marking operations are pickForVerification and donotPickForVerification job.


    MarkJobsToAuxCopyWithPriority script for marking job on storage policy copy for the auxiliary copy job.

    Marking operations are set, reset

    This script is not applicable for those storage policies which have Jobs from multiple commcells.


    Pick latest synthetic-full jobs for content indexing for each subclient and mark older synthetic-full jobs complete.


    qoperation execscript -sn QS_MarkOldSynthfullsForCISuccess -si 'Storage Policy Name' -subclientIds 'Comma separated list of appIds | ALL'


    subclientIds input must be either Comma separated list OR ALL.

    Note: Only NOT PICKED jobs will be marked as picked. Output returns what jobs are affected and number of rows updated in Database.



    To mark the jobs marked bad by Data Verification as good on a copy. Please run a Data Verification on the jobs after marking them as good.


    To recalculate Estimated Media Size.


    Script to create Virtual Server instance.


    Script to set Install Update Schedules for Matador.


    This script adds a row to the GXGlobalParam table in the CommServe Database. The row will have name = Matador and value = 1.


    This script generates an alert notification rule with jobfailed condition for AuxCopy alert for Master Group

    This script generates an alert notification rule with jobfailed condition for DataVerification alert for Master Group.

    This script generates an alert notification rule with jobfailed condition for DataProtection alert for Master Group.

    This script generates an alert notification rule with jobfailed condition for DisasterRecovery alert for Master Group.

    This script generates an alert notification rule with insufficient storage condition for Library management alert for Master Group.

    This script generates an alert notification rule with maintenance Required condition for LibraryManagement alert for Master Group.


    To set the Media Manager Config parameter to set the Free space updates interval to 10 minutes.


    To set the Download updates schedule to be 2 hours from the time of install and the same day of the week of the install to reduce the concurrent load on the ftp server which hosts the updates.


    For Matador, populate the EZ GUI preferences for every user on the CS - includes AD users, and users already having some other prefs set.


    Script to Set the Email Address and Server for configuring alerts with the input email id and email server.


    To get dependent media for a barCode list


    Qscript to merge virtual client and galaxy client.


    Migrate mount path(s) from spare disk library to data disk library.


    Convert a regular magnetic library to static shared library.

    Script takes library name as input.


    Sets a particular configuration parameter.


    View sealed and active SIDBs across the CommCell.

    Input "1" to view only sealed store and "0" to view all stores.

    By default the script will display all stores.


    run the following command from Base using qlogin

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_modifySubclientAssociationsForCopy -si "e=enable|e=disable" -si "sp=storage policy namename" -si "c=copyname" [-si "cl=clientname"] [-si "a=AgentName"] [-si "i=instanceName"] [-si "b=backupsetName"] [-si "s=subClientName"]

    example - qoperation execscript -sn QS_modifySubclientAssociationsForCopy -si "e=enable" -si "sp=sp1" -si "c=seccopy" -si "cl=client1" -si "s=subclient1"

    the entity hierarchy must be maintained client->agent->instance->backupset->subclient

    the following in put is invalid as backupset appearing before client

    -si "e=enable" -si "sp=sp1" -si "c=seccopy" -si "b=backupset1" -si "cl=client1"


    This script can be used for associating or disassociating a subclient policy to a backupset(s)

    For association of a subclient policy to a backupset

    qoperation execscript -sn modifysubclientpolicy -si associate -si c=client_name -si b=backupsetname -si scp=subclient_policy_name

    For association of a subclient policy to all FS backupsets of a client

    qoperation execscript -sn modifysubclientpolicy -si associate -si c=client_name -si scp=subclient_policy_name

    For association of a subclient policy to all FS backupsets of all clients in a client group

    qoperation execscript -sn modifysubclientpolicy -si associate -si cg=client_group_name -si scp=subclient_policy_name

    For disassociation of a subclient policy from a backupset

    qoperation execscript -sn modifysubclientpolicy -si disassociate -si c=client_name -si b=backupsetname
  • When association is tried one/all backupset(s) of a single client, if the file system type of the client and the scp donot match, error will be thrown
  • When association is tried for all clients in a client group, assocciation will be done only for the clients whose flile system type mathces that of the scp
  • Cannot associate a subclient policy to a backupset which is deconfigured or which has user defined subclients or which has a subclient policy associated to it
  • On successful association/disassociation, the sucessfuly associated/disassociated entity names will be displayed
  • MoveMediaToStream

    MoveMediaToStream script for moving media/volume from one stream to another stream.

    This script is not applicable for snap copies.


    Move a subclient from one NAS client to another


    To move an existing Oracle standalone instance to RAC pseudo client

    qoperation execscript -sn MoveOraInstanceToRAC.sql -si [Source Client Name] -si [Destination New RAC Client Name] -si [Source Instance Name]

    WARNING - Running this qscript will wipe the source instance from its original client. Please do not run without confirming to the product documentation.


    To move an existing Oracle RAC instance from one RAC pseudo client to another RAC pseudo client

    qoperation execscript -sn MoveRACInstance.sql -si [Source RAC Client Name] -si [Destination RAC Client Name] -si [Source Instance Name] -si [MoveToDeconfClientOnly]

    WARNING - Running this qscript will wipe the source instance from its original client. Please do not run without conforming to the product documentation.


    - The script can be used to move Virtual machine properties and jobs from Source client to destination client

    - If there is a common parent backupset, It will move the VM properties from Source client to destination client

    - If there is no common parent backupset, It will move the VM properties and jobs from Source client to destination client

    - Next Virtual server job will be associated to the destination client.


    QScript to enable or disable File Replication alerts

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_NTEnableDisableApplicationMgmtAlerts -si 'enable|disable' -si 'File Replication Alerts'

    Updates custom rule for all commcell level metrics alerts


    Script to automatically detect newly added Oracle instances and create sub-clients for snap and clone


    Can be used to disable ,delete or enable an alert which is configured.

    User should have ALERT MANAGEMENT capability for doing this operation.

  • 'alertName' - name of the alert to perform the operation on
  • 'operation' - the operation to perform. Supported values are "DELETE", "ENABLE", and "DISABLE"
  • Sample usage -

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_PerformAlertOp.sql -si "File Activity Anomaly Alert" -si "DISABLE"

    Mark backup jobs of latest cycle of each subclient associated to a given Storage policy as Picked for content indexing.


    qoperation execscript -sn QS_PickLatestCycleJobsForCIForSps -si 'storage policy name'


    Storage policy name is the name of a specific storage policy

    Note: Only NOT PICKED jobs will be marked as picked. Output returns what jobs are affected and number of rows updated in Database.



    PickUnpickMediaForRefresh script is for selecting/unselecting media for a media refresh job.

    Operations are pick, unpick and unpickonly.

    unpick operation will unpick the media and also prevent the media for refresh, but unpickonly operation will only unpick the media.


    Retain all jobs which are eligible for aging in a given time frame.

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_PinAgingJobsByTimeRange -si startTime -si endTime -si retentionTime [-si @clientName = 'Client Name' -si @storagePolicyName = 'Storage Policy Name' -si @storagePolicyCopyName = 'Storage Policy Copy Name']

    startTime - Start time (Format YYYY\MM\DD)

    endTime - End time (Format YYYY\MM\DD)

    retentionTime - Manual retention time (Format YYYY\MM\DD)

    clientName - Name of the client.

    storagePolicyName - Name of the storage policy.

    storagePolicyCopyName - Name of the storage policy copy.


    Populates the default alert template for all locales.


    Script would force next backup on the subclient to full.


    Script to force next backup to full for several subclients.


    Returns number of completed backup jobs and total data size on media per client in each storage policy.


    Returns number of protected clients, total protected data size on media and average protected client data size on media per storage policy.

  • To delete content director policy that are created. Option to delete all the entries or can explicitly specify names
  • qoperation execscript -sn PruneContentDirectorPolicies -si @username='username' -si @deleteAll='deleteFlag' -si @cdrNames='cdrNames'
  • 'username' -- login name of the user who have admin permission to delete
  • 'deleteFlag' -- TRUE or FALSE Flag to specify if this script needs to delete all content director policy. TRUE to delete all the entries
  • 'cdrNames' -- If deleteFlag is set FALSE, we can provide comma(,) separated list of the names. When deleteFlag flag is TRUE, this param can be skipped
  • pruneDanglingGxSQLEntries

    Cleans up dangling entries in GxSQL Lock Detection Tables.


    Prune all dangling archive files without job info


    Prune all jobs of given client on given copy.


    This QScript can be used to assign a particular VM Allocation policy to all Orphan VMs (which have same vendor as the allocation policy) or to the VMs allocated under different policy.


    Creates DB2 Backup set under given client and db2 instance.

    Qs_SAPArchiveMigration qoperation execscript -sn Qs_SAPArchiveMigration -si <SAP Subclient> -si <Object Store Subclient Id> -si <RootGUID>
  • - This QScript can be used to migrate the SAP Archive link subclient to Object store. Both the subclients will be interchanged in database and root GUID will be updated.
  • QueryDB2Backup qoperation execscript -sn QS_QueryDB2Backup.sql -si clientname -si instancename -si backupsetname -si <DATA | LOGS | LOAD> -si fromtime -si totime -si includeversion <YES | NO>

    The CommCell user running the script should have browse/view capability on the backupset

    includeversion is an optional parameter. This is applicable only when the DATA option is used.


    Reassociate the report schedules of deleted users to a new valid user


    QScript to change workflow schedules to a different workflow


    Script to remove the duplicate subclient properties from DB

    qoperation execscript -sn RemoveDuplicateSubclientProp

    Remove event message ID from the list of event messages which are currently diverted to a log file

    qoperation execscript -sn RemoveEventMsgIDs -si MessageID

    Script to remove event message ID which are marked for diversion to a log file.

    MessageID: valid event message ID or '0' if all event message IDs needs to be removed.


    Delete / disable all the stale users who haven't logged in / not created during past X days.


    Remove the GUI User Preferences for the User corresponding to the login name specified as input.


    Qscript to rename backupset name


    Qscript provided here will rename the Subclient name to a new Subclient name.


    Qscript renames the existing Subclient Policy name to the new name provided.


    Mark NOT PICKED jobs under Storage policies as Picked for content indexing.


    qoperation execscript -sn QS_RePickJobsForCIForSps -si 'SP1 Name,SP2 Name...|ALL'


    SPNameList input must be either Comma separated list OR ALL.

    Note: If jobs for All Storage policies need to be picked for content indexing whose CI state is Not picked, SPNameList parameter should be equal to ALL.

    Note: Only NOT PICKED jobs will be marked as picked. Output returns what jobs are affected and number of rows updated in Database.



    Mark ALL OR desired jobs as Re-Picked for content indexing.


    qoperation execscript -sn QS_RePickJobsForContentIndexing [-si 'JOBID1,JOBID2...|ALL|filePath=C:\JobList.csv'] [-si REPICK|DELETE|UNPICK]


    JobIDList input must be either Comma separated list of Backup Job IDs to be marked as Picked OR ALL OR file path of a CSV file that contains list of jobs as comma seperated values with a prefix as filePath=.

    WARNING: If all jobs need to be repicked for content indexing whose CI state is success, JobIDList parameter should be equal to ALL

    Note: If any JOB ID provided is invalid it will skipped/ignored. Output returns what jobs are affected and number of rows updated in Database.

    Note: If CSV file is used as input, filePath= prefix must be specified and without spaces in suffix or prefix

    REPICK: mark specified cijob as repick

    DELETE: mark specified cijob as delete

    UNPICK: mark specified cijob as not picked


    Re-Pick Snap Jobs that has been Backup Copied.

    Please Note That Re-Picking a snap copy job for Backup Copy will also re-pick the Snap Jobs associated to the subclient which were Backup Copied

    after the Backup Copy of the Given Job.


    Clear description set on a client with the given client name.


    Reset maintenance status for given deduplication database.


    Converts Deduplication Database from transactional to non-transactional mode.


    Resets the reference copy subclient's reference time

  • To reset location of restored item's location in web cache directory when there was an issue with previously restored data
  • qoperation execscript -dbn DM2 -c 'client Name' -sn ResetRestoredItemsCacheLocation
  • 'client Name' -- Client name of the Web Server machine
  • ResetSearchEngineCloudId

    Reset search engine cloudId in Commserver database.


    qoperation execscript -sn QS_ResetSearchEngineCloudId -si OldSearchEngineName -si NewSearchEngineName


    OldSearchEngineName: Name of the previous search engine

    NewSearchEngineName: Name of the new search engine

  • Retains jobs on the media list provided as input, for a longer retention date.
  • ReviewPendingBadChunks

    To review pending bad chunks on a mountpath for store pending review.


    This script lists the drives which were used in the last twenty four hours along with the name of the Library in which it is present and total backups,restores etc. happened in the last one and twenty four hours.


    This script outputs the status of a commcell reporting various parameters like jobs completed, bytes transferred, jobs in the queue etc.

    Additional information added (as on 6th Dec 2013) : print current database size , current tempdb and log file sizes , top 10 tables ordered by total size , top 10 tables ordered by row count, Auxiliary Copy Fallen Behind , Dedupe Store Health based on Avg Q&I Time


    Report Format:


    LibraryName, DriveName, DriveUsage_hr, DriveUsage_24hr, ThroughputGB_hr, ThroughputGB_24hr


    ********************************** Drive Usage Per Hour ********************************


    * The drive usage is given by the amount of time a drive is used for either

    * writing or for reading purposes. These details can be obtained from the

    * MMDriveHistory table. The time at which a write or a read operation has

    * started is given by TimeStart column. Hence we can obtain the amount of time

    * a drive is in use by summing up the DataWriteDurationSec+DataReadDurationSec

    * grouping by the DriveId. Using the above sum we can find the percentage of

    * time the drive is in use over one hour and twenty four hours duration.



    ************************* Throughput of the Drive in GB/Hr *****************************


    * The throughput of a drive is calculated based on the amount of data has been

    * read or written to a drive in an hour. The columns DataWritten and DataRead in

    * the same table as above gives the required data. This sum DataWritten+DataRead

    * is again averaged for the last one hour and for twenty four hours.




    The output table gives the list of Media Agents which were used in the last twenty four hours displaying the count of jobs completed by that MA and bytes transferred.


    The output table gives the list of Media Agents along with the number of mounts, maximum streams transferred and number of reservations made.


    The output table gives the list of Media Agents which were used in the last twenty four hours displaying the count of jobs completed by that MA and bytes transferred.


    To seal all active stores on a Commserver, use the following command:

    qoperation execscript -sn sealallactivestores

    WARNING - performing this will seal all stores and create new ones. This will cause new base lines to occur in all storage policy copies using deduplication which could lead to a lot of extra network traffic and media usage. Do not run this script without knowing the reason why you would want to seal all stores.


    Select additional jobs (incremental, differential etc) with selected full job on selective copy.


    RBackup status of Physical and Virtual Servers is returned.

    SetActivateDSDeletion qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetActivateDSDeletion -si 'DatasourceIds'

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetActivateDSDeletion -si '1,9,17'

    script_name: QS_SetActivateDSDeletion.

    DatasourceIds - Mark the comma separated activate data source ids to be deleted from analytics.

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetActivateDSDeletion -si 'DatasourceIds'

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetActivateDSDeletion -si '1,9,17'

    script_name: QS_SetActivateDSDeletion.

    DatasourceIds - Mark the comma separated activate data source ids to be deleted from analytics.


    Enable/Disable SNMP notification for all alerts.


    Qscript to set/Unset client as FBR MA.


    Set or Remove the combined priority value for Aux Copy Jobs.


    Set reuse number for cleaning media.

    Usage : QOperation execscript -sn setCleaningMediaReuseNumber -si <Barcode> -si <Count>


    Set the cleanup timeout of all jobs.

    If jobs are in Suspend Pending for more than the specified timeout time, they are marked as Suspended.

    If jobs are in Kill Pending for more than the specified timeout time, they are marked as Killed.

    Minimum value for timeout is 5 minutes.


    Qscript to get/enable/disable/add CommServer Client Side (CCS) Database operations on inputted client name.


    Set the description of a client with given client name.


    Qscript to get/enable/disable CommServer Client Side (CCS) Database operations by client group.


    Qscript to set an index server for a cloud laptop client group.


    Qscript to enable/disable Use Active Physical Node for virtual clients


    Qscript to set client property for specified client

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetClientProperty.sql -si 'clientName' -si 'propertyName' -si 'propertyValue' -si AuthenticationCode

    clientName - Name of the Client

    propertyName - specifies the property name (attrName) for which we need to change the value

    propertyValue - value to be set

    AuthenticationCode - To receive your authentication code, please contact your account representative.


    This is script is used to set timeZone of list of clients .

    USAGE : qoperation execscript -sn QS_setClientTimeZone.sql -si timeZoneName -si clientNameList -si clientGroupNameList -si exludedClientnameList

    EXAMPLE : qoperation execscript -sn QS_setClientTimeZone.sql -si 'AUS Eastern Standard Time' -si 'myClient1' -si 'myClientGoups' -si NO_CLIENT . This will change the time zone to 'AUS Eastern Standard Time' for all client in the myClientGoups and also for myClient1 .

    clientNameList : This is a comma separated list of client names for which timezone need to be altered.If nothing need to be specified here please enter 'NO_CLIENT'. You can also use 'ALL_CLIENT' for changing it for all the clients.

    clientGroupNameList : This is a comma separated list of client group names for which timezone need to be altered. If nothing need to be specified here please enter 'NO_CLIENTGROUP'. You can also use 'ALL_CLIENT_GROUP' for changing it for all the client group.

    exludedClientnameList : This is a comma separated list of client names which need to be excluded from the list og given client groups .If nothing need to be specified here please enter 'NO_CLIENT'

    timeZoneName : Standard timezone name which need to be associated to the given clients . The list of all supported timezones are given below.

    ----List of supported timeZoneNames ----

    Afghanistan Standard Time

    Alaskan Standard Time

    Arab Standard Time

    Arabian Standard Time

    Arabic Standard Time

    Argentina Standard Time

    Atlantic Standard Time

    AUS Central Standard Time

    AUS Eastern Standard Time

    Azerbaijan Standard Time

    Azores Standard Time

    Canada Central Standard Time

    Cape Verde Standard Time

    Caucasus Standard Time

    Cen. Australia Standard Time

    Central America Standard Time

    Central Asia Standard Time

    Central Brazilian Standard Time

    Central Europe Standard Time

    Central European Standard Time

    Central Pacific Standard Time

    Central Standard Time

    Central Standard Time (Mexico)

    China Standard Time

    Dateline Standard Time

    E. Africa Standard Time

    E. Australia Standard Time

    E. Europe Standard Time

    E. South America Standard Time

    Eastern Standard Time

    Egypt Standard Time

    Ekaterinburg Standard Time

    Fiji Standard Time

    FLE Standard Time

    Georgian Standard Time

    GMT Standard Time

    Greenland Standard Time

    Greenwich Standard Time

    GTB Standard Time

    Hawaiian Standard Time

    India Standard Time

    Iran Standard Time

    Jordan Standard Time

    Korea Standard Time

    Mid-Atlantic Standard Time

    Middle East Standard Time

    Montevideo Standard Time

    Morocco Standard Time

    Mountain Standard Time

    Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)

    Myanmar Standard Time

    N. Central Asia Standard Time

    Namibia Standard Time

    Nepal Standard Time

    New Zealand Standard Time

    Newfoundland Standard Time

    North Asia East Standard Time

    North Asia Standard Time

    Pacific SA Standard Time

    Pacific Standard Time

    Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)

    Pakistan Standard Time

    Romance Standard Time

    Russian Standard Time

    Russia Time Zone 10

    Russia Time Zone 11

    Russia Time Zone 3

    SA Eastern Standard Time

    SA Pacific Standard Time

    SA Western Standard Time

    Samoa Standard Time

    SE Asia Standard Time

    South Africa Standard Time

    Sri Lanka Standard Time

    Taipei Standard Time

    Tasmania Standard Time

    Tokyo Standard Time

    Tonga Standard Time

    US Eastern Standard Time

    US Mountain Standard Time

    Venezuela Standard Time

    Vladivostok Standard Time

    W. Australia Standard Time

    W. Central Africa Standard Time

    W. Europe Standard Time

    West Asia Standard Time

    West Pacific Standard Time

    Yakutsk Standard Time

    Singapore Standard Time

    Israel Standard Time

    Bahia Standard Time

    Bangladesh Standard Time

    Kaliningrad Standard Time

    Kamchatka Standard Time

    Libya Standard Time

    Line Islands Standard Time

    Magadan Standard Time

    Mauritius Standard Time

    Paraguay Standard Time

    Syria Standard Time

    Turkey Standard Time

    Ulaanbaatar Standard Time






    Enable or disables the following activities at the commcell level.

  • All Job Activity
  • Data Management Activity
  • Data Recovery Activity
  • Auxiliary Copy Activity
  • Data Aging Activity
  • Scheduler Activity
  • Online Content Index Activity
  • Offline Content Index Activity
  • SetCommServerCCSProp

    Qscript to get/enable/disable CommServer Client Side (CCS) Database support operations on the CommServer.


    To Set company specific properties

    Description: Sets the company specific properties

    Usage: qoperation execscript -sn SetCompanySetting.sql -si providerName -si propertyName -si propertyValue

  • param - Below listed arguments can be passed.
  • providerName - Name Of the provider

    propertyName - Name of the property

    propertyValue- Value of the property


    Sets a particular configuration parameter.


    Qscript to set content indexing property

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetContentIndexingProperty.sql -si 'propertyName' -si 'propertyValue' [-si AuthenticationCode]

    propertyName - specifies the Content Indexing property name for which we need to change the value. The following are examples of property names:

    CINumDocumentMaxLimit - to set the content index document count limit

    MaxCINodesLimitForCloud - to increase the number of search engine nodes

    RELAX_CHECK_FOR_SP_TO_CI_CLOUD - to associate a search engine to more than one storage policy

    propertyValue - value to be set

    AuthenticationCode - To set CINumDocumentMaxLimit above 60 million or to set MaxCINodesLimitForCloud above 8, contact your account representative to receive an authentication code.


    Description: Update CommServer host name for clients with no packages installed.

    Usage: qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetCSHostNameForPseudoClients.sql -si oldCSName

  • param - Below listed arguments can be passed.
  • oldCSName - old CommServer host name before name change

    Update CommServer host name for clients with no packages installed.

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetCSHostNameForPseudoClients.sql -si oldCSName


    Set data path property for a given datapath, a storage policy - copy , a library-media agent or all the data paths


    Sets the Subclient property in DB number of DataReaders for a given subclient


    Set DDB Mark and sweep window. Input DDB EngineId, interval in hours.

    qoperation execscript -sn SetDDBMarkAndSweepInterval -si <SET\UNSET> -si DDBEngineId -si <IntervalInHours>

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn SetDDBMarkAndSweepInterval -si 'SET' -si '15' -si '24'

    Parameter - IntervalInHours - 24 is for once is 24 hours


    Rename a deconfigured client.

  • Qscript to set or get the Single Instancing Property of Subclients for the Clients
  • SetDefaultSCContent

    Set or clear "use global filter" setting per User input (w/aging).


    Set pruning MediaAgent for cloud library.


    Before executing the Qscript, please stop the Commvault services on the DDB MediaAgents associated to the cloud library.

    Post Qscript execution, start the services on DDB MediaAgent.


    Description: Enable or Disable DisableTFAEmail setting for a company

    Usage: qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetDisableTFAEmailPropertyForCompany.sql -si companyName -si 1/0

  • param - Below listed arguments can be passed.
  • companyName - Name of the company

    To enable DisableTFAEmail setting for a company whose name is myCompany

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetDisableTFAEmailPropertyForCompany.sql -si 'myCompany' -si 1

    To disable DisableTFAEmail setting for company whose name is myCompany

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetDisableTFAEmailPropertyForCompany.sql -si 'myCompany' -si 0


    Script set drive properties.


  • TapeLibraryName : Name of the Tape library.
  • DriveAliasName : Name of the drive.
  • opType : Operation type.
  • setEncryptedEntityProp

    Sets encrypted properties in MMEntityProp.


    This script is used to enable or disable push install of Enterprise Apps packages


    Script to set properties of ExchangeDB IDA

    qoperation execscript -sn SetExchangeDBIDAProp -si @clientName='Client Name' -si @userName='User Name' -p2 @password='Password' -si @backupType='Incremental' -si @useVss='true' -si @backupFromReplica='true' -si @backupOnActiveNode='true' -si @serverName='Server Name' -si @copyBackup='true'

    Where ClientName would be client name.

    UserName User name to be set for IDA

    Password Password to be set for IDA.

    BackupType Incremental / Differential

    UseVss true / false

    BackupFromReplica true / false

    BackupOnActiveNode true / false

    ServerName Name of exchange server

    CopyBackup true / false


    Description: Set 'Firewall Config' based on client or clientgroupName

    Usage: qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetFirewallConfigOnClient.sql -si c=clientName

    Usage: qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetFirewallConfigOnClient.sql -si cg=clientgroupName

  • param - Below listed arguments can be passed.
  • clientName - name of client

    clientgroupName - name of clientgroup

    To set 'Firewall Config' based on client or clientgroupName

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetFirewallConfigOnClient.sql -si c=clientName

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetFirewallConfigOnClient.sql -si cg=clientgroupName


    Sets new flush block size for given recording format name.

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetFlushBlockSize -si <SET\VIEW> -si <Recording format name> -si <New flush block size>

    RecordingFormat: Recording format name, FlushBlockSize: New flush block size

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetFlushBlockSize -si SET -si 'SDLT' -si 128

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetFlushBlockSize -si VIEW -si 'SDLT'


    Set the global filter setting of the subclient to OFF | ON | USE COMMCELL LEVEL POLICY


    To set the Global System State for subClients


    qoperation execscript -sn SetGlobalFilterStateForClient -si 'ON'|'OFF'|'USE CELL LEVEL POLICY' -si 'clientName'|'AllClientsInCommcell'

    To set Cell Level Policy on for all clients:

    qoperation execscript -sn SetGlobalFilterStateForClient -si 'USE CELL LEVEL POLICY' -si 'AllClientsInCommcell'

    To set Cell Level Policy only for for client myClient:

    qoperation execscript -sn SetGlobalFilterStateForClient -si 'USE CELL LEVEL POLICY' -si 'myClient'

    To turn off global filters for myClient:

    qoperation execscript -sn SetGlobalFilterStateForClient -si 'OFF' -si 'myClient'

    To turn on global filters (not cell level( for myClient:

    qoperation execscript -sn SetGlobalFilterStateForClient -si 'ON' -si 'myClient'

    Allow user to add or modify a global parameter.

    Run the following command from Base using qlogin

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetGlobalParam -si "ParameterName" -si "ParameterValue" [-si "KeepHistory=0"]

    example - qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetGlobalParam -si "CommservSurveyPrivateCollectionFreqHours" -si "24"


    Allow user to add, modify and delete retention days for specific GUI audit operations and users.


    Qscript to Add new holiday and change the description of any old holiday


    Qscript to enable IndexingV2 for a client/client group.


    Qscript to set content indexing property

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetIndexSearchEngineAssoc.sql -si 'ExchangeVirtualCloud' -si 'SearchEngineList' [-si 'ADD/REMOVE']

    ExchangeVirtualCloud - specifies Exchange virtual cloud names ( 'Mailbox Index'/'Journal Index')

    SearchEngines - specifies list of comma seperated search engine names. (eg. 'SE1,SE2,SE3' )

  • ADD/REMOVE [OPTIONAL]- ADD - to add search engine to existing exchange virtual cloud, REMOVE - to delete search engine from existing virtual cloud, default is ADD
  • SetInvalidGUID

    Qscript to make a GUID as invalid.

    Installing CommServe with existing DataBase and using a new license file(new CommCellId) may cause same GUID exist with different CommCellId.

    This causes issues with CommCellMigration, we should not use such GUID in mappings. We should treat such GUID as invalid.


    Qscript to Globally set job configuration


    Sets the description of a job


    Set or Remove the data base key and value from the gxglobalparam table.


    To set the Library properties


    Qscript to enable\disable Limit Simultaneous Running Jobs on a client and set values for limits.


    This script sets dedicated number of streams for log backups on given StoragePolicy.


    Set maximum number of backup copy jobs that can run on a given storage policy in parallel.


    To set the Media Agent attributes

  • Qscript to update Description of media Using Barcodes and Description from a CSV file
  • SetMediaLocation

    Set export location for media.


    Script to set password for given user of mount path.

    qoperation execscript -sn SetMountpathPassword -si 'username' -p2 'plainpassword'

    Set mount path allocation policy.


    Set mount path allocation policy.


    Qscript to Globally update application usernames/password for MS SQL iDA's on instance level.

    Either a specific client or all clients must be specified.

    The username option is not required. If specified, the username in addition to the password is modified. If it is omitted, only the password is modified.

    Note: changes would be made on Instance level properties only. This script will update only existing credentials - it will do nothing if credentials were not set previously.


    Script to set properties of NAS IDA

    qoperation execscript -sn SetNasIDAProp -si @clientName='Client Name' -si @userName='User Name' -p2 @password='Password'

    Where ClientName would be client name.

    UserName User name to be set for IDA

    Password Password to be set for IDA.


    Updates the client net hostname in the CommServe database. Use the clientName parameter to identify the client you want to update.

    Note: Do not use this qscript if you need to update the client hostname in the client registry.


    Updates the client net hostname in the CommServe database. Use the clientID parameter to identify the client you want to update.

    Note: Do not use this qscript if you need to update the client hostname in the client registry.


    Set the next job id counter


    To Set One Touch ISO specific info company properties

    Description: Sets the One Touch ISO specific info company properties

    Usage: qoperation execscript -sn SetOneTouchISOInfo.sql -si companyName -si propertyValueFilePath [-si propertyType]

  • param - Below listed arguments can be passed.
  • companyName - Name of the company

    propertyValueFilePath - Path of file containing the value to be inserted

    propertyType - Type of the property


    Description: Enable On premise storage for a company. This setting once enabled cannot be reverted.

    Usage: qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetOnPremiseStorageForCompany.sql -si companyName

  • param - Below listed arguments can be passed.
  • companyName - Name of the company

    To enable onPremiseStorage on company whose name is myCompany

    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetOnPremiseStorageForCompany.sql -si myCompany


    Qscript to Globally set passwords and optionally usernames for Oracle iDa's


    1) Requires Client name, Credential, password and login as an input. Refer to step 2, 3, 4 and 5

    2) The script can be used on a specified Client or all clients which must be specified as an input. To change the password for the specific instance, you must use the GUI to do so.

    3) Please provide the credentials type as DB, Catalog, Impersonate User (Windows platforms only) or RAC as an input. Parameter 2 (Credentials type) can be in the following format: t=Catalog, t=DB, t=RAC, or t=Impersonate. In the case of RAC, all databases under the Oracle RAC instance will be given the same password/(username).

    4) The passwords can be passed as plain text using -p1|-p2|-p3 or encrypted using -si. If you are using -p1|-p2|-p3 argument then the qcommand will essentially encrypt the password before passing it to qscript. No check is/can be performed to validate it.

    5) If the username option is specified, the username in addition to the password is modified. If it is omitted, only password(s) are modified.


    1) To change the password for a specific client, where the password is in plain text:

    qoperation execscript -sn SetOracleCredentials.sql -si c=client1 -si t=RAC -p2 passwd -si cvadmin

    2) To change the password for a all client, where the password is in plain text:

    qoperation execscript -sn SetOracleCredentials.sql -si allclients -si t=DB -p2 passwd -si cvadmin

    3) To change the password for a specific client, where the password is encrypted:

    qoperation execscript -sn SetOracleCredentials.sql -si c=client1 -si t=Catalog -si <encrypted pwd> -si cvadmin

    6) t=Impersonate(for only windows clients) option


    1) For specific client

    qoperation execscript -sn SetOracleCredentials.sql -si c=client1 -si t=Impersonate -p2 passwd -si domainname\username

    2) To change for all the clients

    qoperation execscript -sn SetOracleCredentials.sql -si allclients -si t=Impersonate -p2 passwd -si domainname\username

    Update the property for a given instance.


    Qscript provided here is used to enable/disable restartability of Oracle Restore.


    To set the attributes for List of MediaAgents

    Each MediaAgent name should be in a new line


    Enable/Disable queueJobsIfOtherJobsRunning.


    Qscript used to associate readme package repository for all download center packages


    Set auto register client info.


    Qscript to set content indexing property

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetReplicationSearchEngine.sql -si 'OriginalSearchEngine' -si 'ReplicatedSearchEngine' -si AuthenticationCode

    OriginalSearchEngine - specifies the original search engine name

    ReplicatedSearchEngine - specifies the replicated search engine name

    AuthenticationCode - Authentication Code.


    Sets the retention value in days for all FS subclients under that client group.


    Usage: qoperation execscript -sn SetScanOptions.sql -si client_group_name -si scan_options

    Description: Sets the scan option specified for all the backupsets of Windows FS iDA within the given client group

    Specify the list of scan options to be set, each separated with ;

  • Example: To set the scan options as Use classic file scan and Preserve File Access Time to a client group called ScanGroup, specify them as
  • qoperation execscript -sn setscanoptions.sql -si "ScanGroup" -si "Use Classic File Scan ; Preserve File Access Time"

    You can specify only these combinations

  • Use Data Classification;
  • Use Classic File Scan;
  • Use Classic File Scan; Check archive bit during backups;
  • Use Classic File Scan; Preserve File Access Time;
  • Use Classic File Scan; Preserve File Access Time; Check archive bit during backups;
  • Use Change Journal;
  • (Use Data Classification corresponds to Optimal Scan)
  • (Use Classic File Scan corresponds to Recursive Scan)
  • SetScanOptionsForSCP

    Qscript to set the scan options for the subclients associated to a given subclient policy

    This script can be used to set scan options for subclients associated to windows subclient policy

    This script will set the scan options for 10.0 or larger subclients only

    The scan options must be specified in the same way as displayed in GUI. Any wrong combination of them is treated as error

    The scan options specified will overwrite the previous scan option values for those subclients.


    Qscript to override Automatic Client Group Refresh operatons on a static refreshed client group from every 24 hours to every 2 hours on the inputted Automatic Client Group Name.


    Add or remove subclient association from a schedule policy.


    Mark all jobs in a SILO as aged.


    Use this QScript to modify the 'Exclude From SLA' property for the clients and subclients from an input file.

    QScript QS_ListSLAExclusionForSubclients can be used to get the list of subclients in a file. Remove column headers and other information at the top and the bottom of the file. All the lines that do not include client information must be deleted from the text file.

    The file should contain below details so as to use it as input to QS_SetSLAExclusionForSubclients.

    Format: AppId ClientName AppTypeName InstanceName BackupsetName SubclientName ClientExcluded SubclientExcluded

    Example: 2 WinClient Windows File System DefaultInstanceName defaultBackupSet default 0 0


    Script set drive properties.


  • TapeLibraryName : Name of the Tape library.
  • SpareMediaGroupName : Name of the spare media group.
  • opType : Operation type.
  • LowWaterMarkValue : Value which needs to be set for low watermark.
  • HighWaterMarkValue : Value which needs to be set for low watermark, if this value is given as 0 then the high water mark level will be set to infinite.
  • OldSpareMediaGroupName : Name of the current spare media group.
  • NewSpareMediaGroupName : Name of the new spare media group.
  • SetSPDBSubclientContent

    The script will create user-defined SharePoint DataBase subclient with Site Collections specified in the text file


    Change data/log storage policy of a subclient


    Change data/log storage policy of a subclient


    Qscript is used to set the contents, filters and exceptions of file system subclients and subclient policies.

    Usage: For FSSubclient

    qoperation execscript -sn SetSubclientFilter.sql -si [p=contents | f=filters | e=exceptions] -si [delimiter] -si [o=y | o=n] -si c=clientname -si a=IDA name -si b=backupsetname -si s=subclientname

    Usage: For SCPolicy

    qoperation execscript -sn SetSubclientFilter.sql -si [p=contents | f=filters | e=exceptions] -si [delimiter] -si [o=y | o=n] -si scp=subclient policy name -si S=Subclientname

    Use the SetSubclientPolicyforClient script to set the subclient policy for a client.


    1. If the script is set with no backupset name, the subclient policy is set for the default backupset in the File System idataagent of the client.

    2. If the qscript is set with a backupset name, the subclient policy is set for the correct backupset.

    3. If invalid arguments are used, appropriate error messages are displayed.

    4. If the sscript is run for the backupset which is already associated to a subclient policy, the appropriate error message is displayed.

    5. If the OS type on the client is different from the OS type used by the subclient policy, the appropriate error message is displayed.


    Qscript to Set Pre/Post Process Batch files and modify user account info user name and password. password is accpted in encrypted format. there is no validation for encrypted password.

    prefix used:

    PreScan= To give PreScan batch file

    PostScan= to give PostScan batch file

    PreBackup= To give preBackup batch file

    PostBackup= To give postBackup batch file

    subclientId scriptsPaths are mandatory feilds

    isLocalAccout,UserName and Password are optional feild

    if isLocalAccount is Yes or not given. LocalAccount is assumed if infor is not there in db

    if isLocalAccount is NO, UserName and Password is required.


    Set given subclient property value under given client, db2 instance, backupset and subclient.


    Qscript to add /delete /enable / disable Proactive DBMaintainance SQL Job .


    Qscript to add / delete /enable / disable Proactive DBMaintainance SQL Agent Job which performs daily Update Table Statistics on all User Databases at 3AM Local Time.


    Qscript to add / delete /enable / disable Proactive SQL Server performance Agent job to kill root blocker SPID.


    Qscript to add / delete /enable / disable Proactive SQL Server Long Running SPID Monitor SQL Agent Job which performs periodical monitoring for long running sessions.


    Qscript to add / delete /enable / disable Proactive SQL Server performance parameters such as Number of Temp Tables, Page Latch, Blockings SQL Agent Job which performs periodical monitoring.


    Set or clear "use global filter" setting per User input (w/aging).


    Qscript to enable or disable the use of VM Instance UUIDs to identify virtual machines for a virtual server instance or all virtual server instances in a CommCell hierarchy.


    Enable/Disable the "Use VSS" option for all windows XP, 2003, Vista, and 2008 iDataAgents.


    Qscript to set client group for VSA subclient

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetVMClientGroup.sql -si 'clientName' -si 'instanceName' -si 'backupsetName' -si 'subclientName' -si 'clientGroupName'

    clientName - Client Name

    instanceName - Name of virtual server instance for e.g. VMWare or Hyper-v

    backupsetName - Backupset name

    subclientName - Subclient name

    clientGroupName - Name of the client group to be set in subclient


    Qscript to set the virtual machine OS information in CommServe DB

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetVMOSInfo.sql -si 'clientName' -si 'simOSId'

    clientName - Name of the Client

    simOSId - sim operating system Id


    Set subclient policy for client.


    Set password for specified VCenter.


    Description: Use this script to modify Web Server port which is typically 81 on Windows, 5000 on linux.

    Usage: qoperation execscript -sn SetWebServerHttpPort.sql -si webServerClientName -si Port

    Usage Example: qoperation execscript -sn SetWebServerHttpPort.sql -si TestWebServerClient -si 80

  • Parameter Details:
  • webServerClientName -> Name of the Web Server's client.. Note that this is not display name and rather the name of the client.
  • Port -> This is the port number on which IIS Consoles site is running on Windows Web Server.
  • This would be desired port number on which web server would listen for web service requests.

    Use this argument to update value to desired port number.:NO_CLASS_LIB


    Save (or delete) CosmosDB or Blob Storage account used by Download/Exports framework shared by all web servers in the commcell.

    Description: Save (or delete) CosmosDB or Blob Storage account to be used by Download/Export framework shared by all web servers in the commcell.

  • Parameter Details - Below are the arguments that can be passed.
  • organizationName -> Name of Company to apply storage config. Specify as CommCell to apply config to MSP and/or all companies.

    Use this parameter in conjuction with allowGlobalInheritance as appropriate.

    AccountType -> BlobStorage or CosmosDb

    OpType -> Use ENABLED or DISABLED to create or save setting in enabled or disabled state.

    Use REMOVE or DELETE to remove the setting.

    Use ENABLE or DISABLE to update status of setting.

    allowGlobalInheritance -> This parameter matters only when organization name is set to CommCell

    Setting this value to 1 -> Inherits CommCell level configuration to be applied to all companies and also all MSP users.

    Setting this value to 0 -> Config will be applied only to MSP users.

    AccountName -> Name of Blob Storage OR CosmosDb account. This is optional when opType is any of following: DELETE, REMOVE, ENABLE, DISABLE

    AccountKey -> Account Key needed to connect to Blob Storage OR CosmosDb. This is optional when opType is any of following: DELETE, REMOVE, ENABLE, DISABLE


    Command to display total time required to copy for all the storage policy copies with "Aux-Copy fallen behind alert on time required to copy" set


    Slowest clients for last N days

  • Qscript to set or unset Override Retention flag on storage policy copies.
  • StorageUsageBySubclients

    It returns protected application size and storage usage per subclient for data protected in the given time range.


    1. The entire jobs started before the time range are counted. Jobs completed after the time range are not counted.

    2. Data physically deleted from media are not counted. So short retention jobs may not be counted.

    3. For VMs, results are grouped by VMs, not by the proxy clients.

    4. Deduped storage usage is calculated using the average dedup ratio of each dedup copy. So dedup savings are counted evenly.


    Recovered backup strikes.


    This script takes as parameter 1. enable (1 or 0) and a DDBMA Name(say test-ma) .

    The script will then Enable/ Disable the mount paths attached to the SIDBStores of the test-ma .

    By attached mounts paths we mean the mount paths onto which the backups from the store's deduped storage policy get stored.

    If input param enable = 1 , then mount paths are enabled. if enable = 0, mount paths are disabled.


    Example: qoperation execscript -sn QS_TrimLoginAndEmailOfUsers

  • Trim leading and trailing spaces of login and email of users.
  • UnAgeJobsOnMedia

    Un-Age the aged jobs on given media barcode

    UnPickAllMediaForRefresh qoperation execscript -sn UnPickAllMediaForRefresh.sql -si MediaOperation

    MediaOperations are unpick and unpickonly.

    unpick operation will unpick all the media and also prevent the media for refresh, but unpickonly operation will only unpick the all media.


    Mark PICKED , PARTIAL jobs under Storage policies as Not Picked for content indexing.


    qoperation execscript -sn QS_UnPickJobsForCIForSps -si 'SP1 Name,SP2 Name...|ALL'


    SPNameList input must be either Comma separated list OR ALL.

    Note: If jobs for All Storage policies need to be not picked for content indexing whose CI state is picked / partial, SPNameList parameter should be equal to ALL.

    Note: Only PICKED AND PARTIAL jobs will be marked as Not Picked. Output returns what jobs are affected and number of rows updated in Database.


  • This command is to modify ports where Message queue service is listening at.
  • For the change to take effect, corresponding change in registry setting must also be done.
  • Run the following command from Base using qlogin

    qoperation execscript -sn UpdateActiveMqPort -si @clientName -si @tcpPort -si @AMQPPort -si @MQTTPort -si @StompPort -si @WSPort -si @webconsolePort

    example - qoperation execscript -sn UpdateActiveMqPort -si client -si 8052 -si 8053 -si 8054 -si 8055 -si 8056 -si 8057


    Update date time when 'SharePoint Server' or 'SharePoint Archiver' agent is allowed to be upgraded to 10.0


    Script to update the barcodes in a specified range (change prefixes and/or suffixes or both), or to update only a single barcode.


  • opType : Type of operation we need to perform using the script [Change barcode, Change prefix, Change suffix, Change prefix by barcode range, Change suffix by barcode range, Change barcode by range].
  • libraryName : Name of the library on which script needs to run, if we give the library name as 'all_libraries' then the script would change the entries in all the libraries.
  • oldPrefix : The current prefix on the barcode which needs to be changed.
  • newPrefix : The new prefix which should replace the old prefix.
  • oldSuffix : The current suffix on the barcode which needs to be changed.
  • oldSuffix : The new suffix which should replace the old suffix.
  • barcodeStart : Starting range of the barcode.
  • barcodeEnd : Ending range of the barcode.
  • existingSuffix : Current suffix which is present in the barcode.
  • existingPrefix : Current prefix which is present in the barcode.
  • UpdateCacheDirectoryMove
  • Use this script to update already restored/exported item's location in cache directory. Typically required when doing hardware refresh or an explicit move of cache directory is done using documented steps.
  • qoperation execscript -dbn DM2 -c 'client Name' -sn UpdateCacheDirectoryMove -si 'Old Cache Location' -si 'New Cache Location'
  • 'client Name' -- Client name of the web server machine
  • 'Old Cache Location' -- Path of previous cache directory. Example: C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\WebCache
  • 'New Cache Location' -- Path of new cache directory. Example: E:\WebCache
  • UpdateCIProxyClient

    Qscript to set client property for specified client

    qoperation execscript -sn QS_UpdateCIProxyClient.sql -si 'ciClientName' -si 'proxyClientName'

    clientName - Name of the Client for which need to set the proxy

    proxyClientName - proxy client name


    Replace CDR pair destinationGUIDs for all pairs with a particular destination client and original GUID


    Update Release for the given client.


    qoperation execscript -sn QS_UpdateClientRelease -si clientName -si releaseNum -si authCode
  • clientName - client name.
  • releaseNum - new release to be updated.
  • authCode - authcode for validation.
  • UpdateCommcellHostName

    Update the host name for an external CommCell if the host name or registered IP address is not accessible.


    Update 'DAG Associated AD User Name' and 'DAG Associated AD User Password' for particular client

    qoperation execscript -sn updateDAGADCredential -si 'clientName' -si 'userName' -p2 'password'

    Update 'AD Domain Name' for a MS Exchange DAG Client

    qoperation execscript -sn updateDAGNameServer -si 'clientName' -si 'domainName'
  • This command is to modify instance name where Mongo DB service is connecting.
  • Run the following command from Base folder after doing qlogin

    qoperation execscript -sn UpdateMongoConnectionString -si clientName

    example - qoperation execscript -sn UpdateMongoConnectionString -si client


    This QScript can be used to update, insert, delete service entries from Mongo service catalogue.


    Script to change the next event in a schedule policy

    UpdateOEM qoperation execscript -sn QS_UpdateOEM -si newOEMId

    Update OEM properties by input OEMId.

  • To update/insert setting value
  • qoperation execscript -dbn DM2 -c 'client Name' -sn UpdateSettingValue -si 'setting name' -si 'setting value'
  • 'client Name' -- client name of the Webserver machine
  • 'setting name' -- Name of setting which needs to be inserted or updated
  • 'setting value' -- value which needs to be inserted or updated
  • UpdateToNewTemplate

    updates the default alerts to new alert template


    Change user name and password for UNC path used by Disaster Recovery Backup.


    Update "cloud Capabilities" property for a user or a user group

    In case of MSP , input should be provider\groupName.That is because all MSP will have 'Tenant Admin' and 'Tenant Users'. In order to find correct user groups , provider also should be specified.


    Return Full/Incremental backup sizes of VM based on time range. Default is 30 days.


    Use the QS_VSASubclientContent script to move/delete/list/add vm/vms for specified subclient.


    1. The script could accept one vm (by @i_vmName) or list of vms placed inside text file (path to file in @i_vmListFileName).

    2. @i_OperationName one of {'Move'|'Delete'|'List'|'Add'}.

    3. if the script used to move vm/vms (@i_OperationName='Move') you have to specify @i_NewSubclientName also.

    4. Use optional parameters @i_BackupSetName/@i_NewBackupSetName if @i_SubclientName/@i_NewSubclientName are not unique for provided client and instance.

    5. if @i_OperationName='Add' then file specified by @i_vmListFileName must have comma separated VM name, VM GUID, VM ESX Server on each line of file like:



    6. if @i_OperationName='Move' or 'Delete' then file specified by @i_vmListFileName must have just VM name on each line of file like:



    7. if @i_OperationName='Add' and file is not specified by @i_vmListFileName then you have to specify VM name via @i_vmName, VM GUID via @i_vmGUID amd VM ESX Server via @i_vmESXServer.

    8. If invalid arguments or combination of arguments are used, appropriate error messages are displayed.


    Associate Storage Policy or Copy for Vault Tracker Policy.


    Script to enable or disable a web feature



    Weekly summary of clients from a given date

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